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144 votes

How do I control Macbook volume when a DP display is connected?

MonitorControl Control your external monitor brightness & volume on your Mac. It does not require installing a driver. Proxy Audio Device MacOS app that creates a virtual output device with ...
Surmon's user avatar
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71 votes

sudo killall coreaudiod made it so I don't have any sound at all

This command will do it: sudo launchctl stop && sudo launchctl start Details Martin Strouhal's answer doesn't work for OS X/macOS ≥ 10.12....
ijoseph's user avatar
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60 votes

How do I control Macbook volume when a DP display is connected?

It's because Apple computers don't support CEC (Consumer Electronics Control). Basically, macOS doesn't allow you to control end devices attached via HDMI or DisplayPort. Changing the volume would ...
Allan's user avatar
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39 votes

How to enable sound on MacBook when connected to second monitor via HDMI?

macOS is outputting sound over HDMI and has decided that volume should only be changed on the device receiving the sound. If you want the audio to come out of the monitor, adjust its volume directly (...
beiju's user avatar
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33 votes

How do I control Macbook volume when a DP display is connected?

I did the 14 day trial of SoundControl which did work, but I wasn't really willing to pay $15 for something that I feel should be available out of the box for all MacOS machines. After some more ...
Aaronias's user avatar
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31 votes

Mac OSX microphone input volume level auto-adjusts - can it be disabled?

There's a workaround for macOS that works for all applications: You can create an “Aggregate Device”, which works with a single mic. The Aggregate Device doesn't have its own volume setting, so your ...
Ryan Cragg's user avatar
13 votes

Delay when using the volume buttons

In your sound preferences go on the 'Sound Effects' tab and turn off 'Play feedback when volume is changed'. This solved the delay for me. Seems it was taking a second to read the sound effect from ...
herostwist's user avatar
13 votes

LG Ultrafine 5K volume too loud

This is fixed in the latest firmware from LG. Unfortunately you have to install it via their Screen Manager software, available here, but it seems to resolve the issue for the most part.
Ben Packard's user avatar
13 votes

Stop Macbook from making sound when plugged in to charge

Edit: you may find answers here Turning Power Chime Off Open Terminal, and run the following command: defaults write ChimeOnNoHardware -bool true;killall PowerChime If that didn't ...
aklh's user avatar
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12 votes

How to enable sound on MacBook when connected to second monitor via HDMI?

Try to open System Preferences -> Open Sound -> Click Output -> Switch devices to headphones or speaker.
Elaine 's user avatar
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12 votes

How do I control Macbook volume when a DP display is connected?

I found two commercial apps which support this: SoundSource (just enable the "Super Volume Keys" feature in the preferences) SoundControl Both apps have a free trial. I've tried SoundSource and it ...
Scott Dudley's user avatar
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11 votes

iPhone makes shutter sound when taking photos despite being on mute

It is possible the refurbished unit originated from Japan or Korea, where the setting of the mute switch is deliberately ignored by the Camera app. See this article at engadget.
IconDaemon's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there a way for me to view my work or my whole iMac screen in grayscale?

Yes you can! Follow these steps: Go to Apple > System Preferences > Accessibility In the left hand pane make sure Display is selected On the right hand side you’ll see a number of checkboxes and ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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11 votes

Volume icon in menu bar disappear randomly in Big Sur

I know why this happens. Upon clicking the volume icon in the menu bar, if you misclick/misdrag anywhere but the allowable volume change slider it will interpret this as trying to rearrange the menu ...
user2905146's user avatar
11 votes

How to change the sound output device with keyboard

I couldn't find a way to do this using the status menu, but another quick way by keyboard is: Open Sound Preferences (Opt+Volume 🔊 -- any of mute/volume up/down will work) Use tab + arrow keys to ...
David Cook's user avatar
10 votes

Audio balance changes randomly in MacBook Pro Retina 15-inch' mid-2012

There is an open source MacOS app that attempts to work around this acknowledged bug. The app watches for balance changes and centres immediately. Disclaimer: I made the application.
jamsinclair's user avatar
9 votes

LG Ultrafine 5K volume too loud

You can make fine adjustments to your volume level by holding OptionShift while you press F11 F12 (Volume Up/Down). this way, it won't make those big jumps. As for the cause of the volume issue - it ...
Allan's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I silence the screenshot camera sound?

To my knowledge, there technically is not a way to specifically and only disable the camera shutter sound for screenshots, but there are still solutions to stop it from making the sound: One thing ...
kal-al's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I reset the audio system when audio can't be heard anymore

Killing the coreaudiod process might work (it did for me). One way to restart it is to launch Activity Monitor, then View->All Processes, scrolling down to coreaudiod then clicking the big X button to ...
ubershmekel's user avatar
8 votes

How to change the sound output device with keyboard

YMMV, but because I can’t rely on having a fixed list of sound sources when I plug & unplug screen & DAC from my macbook switchaudio-osx exists I use Apptivate for my keyboard shortcuts My ...
Chris F Carroll's user avatar
7 votes

Can I set the volume on my iPhone lower than the slider goes?

I’m on iOS 12.1.2, iPhone X Can’t find Volume Limit in the Settings. I have 3 Bluetooth sound bars, different models, and all three are way too loud on lowest volume (1). Going lower brings it to (0)...
Anatolie's user avatar
7 votes

Wineskin: where does it download and install wine-mono and gecko?

I've kept digging and I've located them in ~/.cache/wine/, which contains wine-mono-4.7.1.msi and wine_gecko-2.47-x86.msi, both created when I created the first wrapper.
tompave's user avatar
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6 votes

Multi-output audio device disables volume control

When using the Built-in Output as part of a Mult-Output Device, you can set the volume of the Built-in Output with AppleScript: osascript -e 'set volume 2' This doesn't seem to affect the volume of ...
bonh's user avatar
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6 votes

Do you know a simple sound booster app for Mac?

Just discovered eqMac2, an open source equalizer program. It does not have the ability to go beyond 100% but you can get a reasonably similar effect by augmenting the volume of several bands. Very ...
fmjrey's user avatar
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6 votes

sudo killall coreaudiod made it so I don't have any sound at all

sudo killall coreaudiod should work to kill your audio drivers. It should reload itself within a fraction of a second. (verified on my mbp running 10.14 but used this on a couple of previous versions)
Arthur D's user avatar
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6 votes

Volume on Mac increases automatically when earphones plugged in

I too had the same issue on my Early 2015 MacBook Air when paired with Samsung Earphones with volume controls. Unplugging the earphones and plugging it again resolved the issue for some time. Try ...
Amal Augustine Jose's user avatar
6 votes

How to change volume of "say" in AppleScript?

Since you are piping the output of the pbpaste command directly to say command, then e.g. [[volm 0.35]] would need to be a part of what's on the clipboard as e.g. [[volm 0.35]] must precede the ...
user3439894's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are my Touch Bar volume controls grayed out (disabled)?

I experienced the same problem. The fix: Open System Preferences > Sound Select the Output tab Select MacBook Pro Speakers (or another working output) under Select a device for sound output. The ...
user3006381's user avatar
6 votes

Volume icon in menu bar disappear randomly in Big Sur

I also have the same problem; I need to go to System Preferences -> Sound -> Show volume in menu bar every the other day!
Morteza Sepehri Niya's user avatar
5 votes

Multi-output audio device disables volume control

This is a paid, but very robust solution to this problem: I'm using it in combination with SoundFlower which allows me to record program sounds.
David Lopez's user avatar

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