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How to restore the iPhone without downloading the latest version of iOS?

What you want is to erase all content and settings which returns the device to the setup assist and with the current firmware and software. Some people call this a factory reset. You are correct that ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 239k
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iMessage: How do I search for keywords in an individual message thread?

Better late than never - Here's how you search for specific terms in iMessages natively - macOS and iOS Well, this solution is about 7 years late, but better late than never, right? You can now search ...
Ryan Mark's user avatar
1 vote

Recover iPhone clipboard after Mac replaced it

I'm going to say "you can't". The clipboard is temporary: there is no log or record of what was there. In the future, you’ll need to paste immediately into notes or another fast to respond ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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