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ipad external keyboard switching between layouts stopped working after update to 18.1

After a few (not sure how many) Forced Restarts, the following option in Settings appeared: Settings > General > Keyboard > Hardware Keyboard There, one can change the settings for the ...
eddy ardonne's user avatar
1 vote

How do I view my notification history on iOS?

Once you clear a notification from the notification center, you can no longer see it there. And there is no way to see cleared notifications on your iPhone either. In this case, what you can do is to ...
Praneel's user avatar
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Can I delete a file from being shown in the 'recents' area of the Files iOS app?

You can't exactly remove files from recents. But there is a workaround that can help if you have some folders which you can rename. Just rename the folder to end with .noindex (e.g., MyPrivateFolder....
ajinzrathod's user avatar

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