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2 votes

Unable to open file on Mac

Why not start at the top and show us how far you have gotten following the FAQ from the vendor of that software?
bmike's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect what program is stealing focus on my Mac?

For those coming here looking for a solution to use with python3: Based on @medmund's answer, comments under it as well as Requirements ...
gburning's user avatar
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2 votes

How to switch to the 1st 2nd or 3rd app with specific name? (all 3 have the same name)

Your approach cannot work because all running instances of the application have the same name. The following solution is inspired by this answer and uses process identifiers (not to be confused with ...
Martin R's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I find these files and remove them?

Found this solution which works perfectly as I wished: Problem After uninstalling an app the app may still show under: System Settings -> General -> Login Items -> Allow in the Background ...
propoba's user avatar
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