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91 votes

How to create a text file in a folder

The simplest version does not require a file or folder to be selected, and adds a keyboard shortcut of your choice. Part 1: Create a new Quick Action (was Service) In Automator, create a new Quick ...
Andy Swift's user avatar
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90 votes

What is the purpose of Docker.raw file on Mac OS Catalina?

Docker for Mac stores Linux containers and images in a single, large file named Docker.raw. To reduce its size, after having pruned the unused docker objects ( )...
pippobaudos's user avatar
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42 votes

What is this unknown executable on my boot volume? Is it Malicious?

This is SilverInstaller, adware to download more adware and ‘potentially unwanted programs’. This was likely distributed through fake Flash popups, which someone on the system clicked on, downloaded, ...
grg's user avatar
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39 votes

How can one save a file as plain text in TextEdit?

With TextEdit in focus, select Format → Make Plain Text option in the Menu bar or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + T to change the file encoding to plain text. This will also set the ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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27 votes

How to determine which process is creating a file?

fs_usage is your tool for this. The file system usage tool is ideal since it taps in to the real time file system events and dumps activity to a file or the screen. Since you know the exact path of ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
26 votes

Which file types are "ineligible" for iCloud drive?

This is not an answer but here is a partial list of kind of file names that are considered ineligible for iCloud drive. Warning: this list is purely based on trial and error on macOS 10.12.16. As of ...
Loax's user avatar
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25 votes

Charlie Stigler and other random items running in the background?

What you have discovered is one of the disaster areas for the new System Settings. Obviously copied from the iOS Settings without enough care and attention. On macOS this list of background apps is ...
Gilby's user avatar
  • 12.1k
21 votes

Keep desktop icons as they are shortly after logging in

This is because it loads the previews of the files, which replace the default file icons. To disable icon previews on the desktop, click on the desktop, press ⌘J and uncheck ‘Show icon previews’.
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
16 votes

Delete metadata

Meta information and attributes is complex thing and I am not qualified to cover it extensively. Nevertheless. Distinction should be made between: meta information in files (usually displayed in GUI ...
Aivar Paalberg's user avatar
14 votes

How stop my IDE from showing hidden files on Sierra?

It's up to individual apps to decide whether to show hidden files and to provide options to change it. The ‘AppleShowAllFiles’ key is written to ‘’, so it only applies in Finder. ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
14 votes

Why is Mac OSX temp. directory in weird path

The reason for having these folders instead of a more simple /tmp that you might know from other systems is to prevent a number of security issues. Mainly some programs create files/folders/pipes in /...
jksoegaard's user avatar
  • 79.6k
14 votes

How to remove a file which name seems to be "." on an SMB share?

As this is in a SMB mounted drive, the troublesome file needs to be removed in the source system (the server sharing the drive). The file is for sure named strangely for the SMB protocol to render it ...
nohillside's user avatar
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13 votes

What will occur if the .DocumentRevisions-V100 folder is deleted?

Just because one cannot see something's purpose or value doesn't mean there isn't one! If you delete the /.DocumentRevisions-V100 directory it will break the Document Revisions feature in OS X until ...
user3439894's user avatar
  • 59.8k
13 votes

What is the purpose of Docker.raw file on Mac OS Catalina?

The answer to your question is in the Docker documentation: Disk utilization in Docker for Mac Docker Desktop stores Linux containers and images in a single, large “disk image” file in the Mac ...
Ortomala Lokni's user avatar
12 votes

What is the /bin/[ '[' file in OS X?

This command is for comparing values, checking file types etc. Here's a man page: NAME test, [ -- condition evaluation utility SYNOPSIS test expression [ expression ] It's usually used like ...
Mateusz Szlosek's user avatar
11 votes

Delete metadata

You can look at ExifCleaner ... despite the name, it also cleans non-EXIF metadata, e.g., from PDF files. Description from documenation: Desktop app to clean metadata from images, videos, PDFs, and ...
nisc's user avatar
  • 241
11 votes

How can I tell mac that program X can open file type Y?

You could edit Firefox's and add <string>pdf</string> e.g in the first CFBundleTypeExtensions array, but that would get ripped-off at the next Firefox ...
Kaiido's user avatar
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10 votes

How to create a text file in a folder

New File Applescript with Toolbar Icon Found this open source gem. Can either use the .App or add the Applescript manually. Will add a New File widget to the Finder toolbar.
lodeOfCode's user avatar
10 votes

How can I create a symbolic link in Terminal?

ln -s /some/dir/ ~/Desktop/dir You can also create a symlink for directory using the same command ln -s "$(pwd)" ~/Desktop/dir To create symlink to current directory you are in.
Gerald's user avatar
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10 votes

How to change the default application for WEBLOC files?

Please note: This solution no longer works in macOS 13 Ventura (or already before?). Please see the other answers for solutions that work (and downvote this answer). I have found a solution: Make ...
mach's user avatar
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9 votes

Open a file with spaces in the name in Terminal

Either escape the space with a backslash or use quotes. open Test\ Subject.jpg open "Test Subject.jpg" You can also use autocomplete with tab. Type open Test then ⇥ to autocomplete. Take note of ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
9 votes

How to remove a file which name seems to be "." on an SMB share?

I'm crashing this party. The essential bit of information here seems to be that the following command fails with a permissions error, even though there is no obvious reason why it should: rm -rf mytmp ...
Linc Davis's user avatar
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8 votes

Which file types are "ineligible" for iCloud drive?

Files over 50 GB are ineligible. From official iCloud Drive FAQ: You can store any type of file in iCloud Drive, as long as it's 50GB or less in size (…).
François's user avatar
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8 votes

Extended attributes reappear when reconnecting external drive

The cause of the problem—or, rather, the cause of the symptoms of the problem—is indeed explained by learning the content of the extended attribute It reveals that the Finder has ...
Doc G.'s user avatar
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8 votes

Fine-tuning "Open safe files after downloading"

The preferences file is located at ~/Library/Preferences/ If the file doesn't exist, then create it and include the following: <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple ...
adamxweb's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I open a text file in Preview from the Terminal?

NB - If there are any further questions about this answer please comment. UPDATE There's nothing wrong with the other answers, this one leverages a system command to convert the text file to a ...
Tommie C.'s user avatar
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7 votes

How to batch rename files via Terminal using the file's date as filename?

for f in *.*; do echo mv "$f" "$(stat -f '%Sm' -t '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S' "$f").${f##*.}" done Or as a one-liner: for f in *.*; do echo mv "$f" "$(stat -f '%Sm' -t '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S' "$f").${f##*.}...
user3439894's user avatar
  • 59.8k
7 votes

Rename file names in directory to creation timestamp with second precision

If all the files are in the same directory, then in Terminal, changed directory, e.g. cd /path/to/directory and then use the following compound command: for f in *.*; do echo mv -n "$f" "${f%.*}-$(...
user3439894's user avatar
  • 59.8k
7 votes

What is the purpose of Docker.raw file on Mac OS Catalina?

The easiest way to reduce Docker.raw file size is by setting the preferences, as Docker official page states: Select the Docker icon and then select Preferences > Resources > Advanced. Source:...
jmojico's user avatar
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