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30 votes

Can I view Shared Albums in the iCloud Photos web interface?

You can’t as of December 2018:
alex gray's user avatar
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28 votes

Command Line - Enable Remote Login and Remote Management

Modifying remote login and remote management settings is done with two different commands - both executed as root: systemsetup kickstart To enable remote login for members of the admin group enter:...
klanomath's user avatar
  • 67k
18 votes

Command Line - Enable Remote Login and Remote Management

Enabling SSH: $ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist Disabling SSH: $ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist (the alternative, systemsetup is ...
starfry's user avatar
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15 votes

"The operation couldn't be completed"/"Operation canceled" error message when saving to a Samba share via Files app

There does not seem to be any documentation from Apple on changes related to SMB in iOS/iPadOS 14.5. However, the following configuration change on the Samba server restores Files app functionality: ...
Marian Rainer-Harbach's user avatar
13 votes

Unable to access files with File Sharing in Mac OS High Sierra

Gordan's got the issue: To connect to an APFS formatted volume you need to turn OFF sharing via AFP (forcing SMB connection) on the macOS devices you are trying to share. Open System Preferences (...
Lyle Turner 's user avatar
10 votes

List and define SMB shares from command-line

On macOS open Terminal and type man sharing to review the manual page. You can use sharing -l to list AFP/SMB share info. You can add and remove shares using this command line tool. You can use the df ...
James Brickley's user avatar
8 votes

How To Give Each User Separate Applications Folder

It is easy. If you download an app from the AppStore, the app will be installed in the /Applications folder by default, if you want to hide it from others, just move it to /Users/someone/...
jiajun zhang's user avatar
8 votes

Can I not share external hard drives through my Macbook's standard file sharing system?

To add to @nohillside answer you can share a FAT32 formatted drive but not set permissions as the filesystem doesn't support it. If you want to control access to files on the USB by permissions then ...
lx07's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is my host name wrong at the Terminal prompt when connected to a public WiFi network?

Very simple easy solution ... sudo hostname [name-of-host] Enter hostname and see your new hostname set e.g. doolally:~ sjohnson$ sudo hostname AllTheRage doolally:~ sjohnson$ hostname AllTheRage ...
sjohnson's user avatar
7 votes

How share folder in QEMU with plan9/virtfs between MacOS host and Linux guest?

As of March 2022, 9pfs is available in QEMU on macOS if you're using homebrew. My qemu-system-x86_64 command includes the following parameter: -virtfs local,path=/Users/gsf/Downloads,security_model=...
gsf's user avatar
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6 votes

Sharing folders on iCloud with non-iCloud users Catalina

Sharing participants must have an iCloud account. Participants need an Apple ID to view or edit files in a shared folder. If you invite someone without an Apple ID, they'll be prompted to create ...
Allan's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I bridge a wifi connection from MacOS

I assume your question is how to share the WiFi internet connection you have with other devices on a cabled network. You do this by opening System Prefences > Sharing and selecting Internet Sharing: ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I share a single page of the pdf or other documents in iOS?

The trick with "Print" on iOS On opened document click Share -> Print In Printer Options select Range and choose pages you need to share Now you need to scroll pages carousel to the ...
Denys Kurochkin's user avatar
5 votes

How share folder in QEMU with plan9/virtfs between MacOS host and Linux guest?

As of July 2021, 9pfs and virtfs are not available in QEMU on macOS. An alternate method to share folders with read-write access from a macOS host to a Linux VM is to use sshfs. Read-write access ...
TiLogic's user avatar
  • 183
5 votes

How do I stop File Sharing of volumes I did not share?

See the original answer on stackexchange by Robert: Turn off Volume shares (on by default) sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ VirtualAdminShares -bool NO ...
Adrian Zaugg's user avatar
5 votes

iOS : import .ics files to calendar

I made a shortcut for this: Import .ics. The idea is to use a data URI to open the ics with Safari. The configuration of shortcut input allows you to run the shortcut from the share sheet in your ...
grg's user avatar
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5 votes

httpd and nfsd can not read usb external storage

It occurred to me that the system would pop up a window asking if permission was granted when certain applications were running. So I went to the security and privacy settings menu to check and found ...
nde nde's user avatar
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4 votes

Why doesn't Google Drive show up in the list of apps when sharing a photo?

I just had the same issue here in August 2018 on iOS 11.4. I am using the Apple-native Photos app and installed Google Drive two days ago, when I successfully was able to share from the Photos app ...
Captaindondo's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to add hosting to some image hosting in share menu?

You can use ImageShareUr which adds a share extension for uploading to Imgur. Choose More to enable the extension for the first use, then you can select an image and choose Share → Upload to Imgur ...
grg's user avatar
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4 votes

Sharing & Permissions has two “everyone” entries, only for applications by Apple

This is a normal behavior of the Sharing & Permissions Info window in macOS systems protected by SIP. The three latter are the POSIX permissions: rwxr-xr-x@ 3 root wheel restricted 102 ...
klanomath's user avatar
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4 votes

Internet Sharing Over Ethernet

Your first screenshot shows (I think) that you have configured Computer #1 with a manually entered IP address of It's been a while since I played with this, but I dug into some of the ...
Ashley's user avatar
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4 votes

Cannot connect to my SMB server on MacOS

I would use WireShark to capture the SMB2 packets and see what's happening. Install home-brew if needed - Install wireshark brew cask install wireshark Get a capture to the IP address ...
bmike's user avatar
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4 votes

How to disable URL sharing

It's called Handoff & is part of Continuity, enabling seamless working between all your devices. As far as its underlying structure, Continuity uses Bluetooth, WiFi & internet connectivity, ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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4 votes

iOS 13 (and web interface): Cannot share an iCloud folder

iCloud folder sharing was included in some of the early iOS 13 beta releases but Apple removed that feature in Sept 2019. As of now, iOS 13.1.3 is publicly available stable version and Apple has not ...
fsb's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I not share external hard drives through my Macbook's standard file sharing system?

ExFAT/FAT32 don't support file/folder ownership, so you can't assign access rights or users to them (neither for local use nor for sharing).
nohillside's user avatar
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4 votes

List and define SMB shares from command-line

There's is a utility called smbutil that can be used to view SMB shares For example: % smbutil view -G //servername.domain Will display the shares that are available via guest access
Allan's user avatar
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4 votes

If I buy a new iPhone, will I lose the location sharing with my friends?

If you are signed into iCloud on the old and new devices, your location sharing ("Find My") settings will carry over. iCloud is required to share location anyways - so you just need to sign ...
Ezekiel's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way to add Slack to the Share menu on a Mac?

No, only applications that provide Activity Views show up in the list. The best you can use is the Share menu's Copy Link option. The fix for this would require slack to do a moderate amount of ...
Samuel Neff's user avatar

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