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How can I change the DPI attributes of a JPEG file?

The DPI setting of any JPEG file can be changed using Preview: Open the image in Preview. Select Tools -> Adjust Size from the menu. Change the number next to "Resolution" to 300. Click ...
Johannes Overmann's user avatar
1 vote

Change the size of a single page in a PDF document?

Ok, here's how you do it: Open the document and Show Thumbnails Select the page in question and Copy it File->New to make a new document, Paste it Go to File->Print Use the Paper Size selection ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
1 vote

Change the size of a single page in a PDF document?

Preview is a very basic PDF editor -- and not even a very good showcase for the features of PDFKit in the OS. Realistically, you're going to have to make a new PDF of this page, scaled onto a smaller ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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