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35 votes

macOS Sierra: mounting NFS volumes

The accepted answer only works when the NFS server allows connections on non-reserved ports (i.e. >1024). The exports man pages say it: exportfs understands the following export options: secure ...
Mathias's user avatar
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21 votes

Permanently change mount point of volume?

Set an entry in /etc/fstab as directed here - (edit: now available at To summarize. Open Disk Utility, unmount the relevant volume. Click on the volume you're trying to mount, and ...
bingbomboom's user avatar
18 votes

macOS Sierra: mounting NFS volumes

In Finder, press cmd + k and enter the path to the NFS server/share: For me this mounted as /Volumes/users-1 (but I already had /Volumes/Users mounted). iMac21:~ user$ df -h /Volumes/users-1 ...
pickles's user avatar
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16 votes

Mount folder as a volume (OSX)

Sometimes symbolic links may not be suitable for your needs. In that cases you can use bindfs - a FUSE filesystem for mounting a directory to another location. Install it with homebrew: brew ...
mixel's user avatar
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8 votes

Mount folder as a volume (OSX)

I just wanna say thanks to @mixel - that is THE WAY to do it, I actually wanted to mount the iCloud Drive as a volume, so that it appears on the desktop. Installation of bindfs did not go that easy ...
Robert Geifman's user avatar
7 votes

Why does installing a package create a directory on my desktop?

This is normal. These programs have been downloaded as virtual disk or .dmg files. For example Mendeley Desktop is a program supplied as Mendeley-Desktop-1.19.4-OSX-Universal.dmg file. When you ...
lx07's user avatar
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6 votes

Mount folder as a volume (OSX)

Update for 2021 on High Sierra: Trying to install bindfs on MacOS today, using the examples above, I got this error: Error: bindfs has been disabled because it requires closed-source macFUSE! Bummer. ...
gigawatt's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a way to mount a disk directly to a specific folder?

This is described in comments, but it ought to be put into an answer. In MacOS 10.11.6 (and probably later versions), you can use diskutil mount -mountPoint ~/mount /dev/disk5s1 Unlike using mount, ...
Mars's user avatar
  • 343
5 votes

Can I have Windows share disk space with macOS?

Short answer No, it is not possible (to my knowledge, at this time) to boot into one of the other operating systems from a disk image stored on another partition. What I have done in the past is ...
RTHarston's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to limit the size of an APFS volume?

When creating an APFS volume, you can set a quota. In Disk Utility, in the sheet to create a new volume, choose Size Options and set a Quota Size. The optional quota size limits how much storage this ...
grg's user avatar
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4 votes

'Other Volumes' storage increases after deleting secondary volumes

Upgrades and deletions with subsequent recreation of volumes in a multi-volume container leave the container untouched and new (more) "file system UUID" specific folders are created for each volume in ...
Redarm's user avatar
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4 votes

How to convert macOS Extended Journaled to APFS?

This site has instructions on how to convert your drive to APFS. Restart the Mac into Recovery Mode. Launch Disk utility. Click-select your named boot volume. (Not the physical drive above it.) In ...
Natsfan's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does installing a package create a directory on my desktop?

This is basically like if you had mounted a USB disk (or a CD Rom for older people) with the intaller on it. Hence the eject sign on the side. Once you're done installing, you can hit the eject button,...
Thai's user avatar
  • 61
3 votes

Does high sierra eject external USB drives upon logoff?

This answer assumes by logoff/logout you're meaning the Log Out option under Apple > Log Out and not shutting down your Mac. By default the behaviour of macOS High Sierra is to unmount all volumes ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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3 votes

How to change Logical Volume name

Two approaches: Try using the Volume UUID instead of the name: diskutil rename LVUUID newName So, in your case, issue the command: diskutil rename DF2B66E8-0534-430A-B9F6-5697E4E294B2 OSX Change it ...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
3 votes

macOS Sierra: AppleScript mount volume keeps asking for login

This has been fixed by Apple in macOS Sierra 10.12.2:
Jan Dubois's user avatar
3 votes

Minimum volume size to enable versioning

For others looking for an answer, it's 600 MB or larger (599 fails, 600 succeeds). Using a sparse disk helps save space from using a "too large" volume, FWIW.
Ken's user avatar
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3 votes

How to delete storage in 'Other Volumes in Container'?

I had this same problem too, I solved by this step diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: ...
陈孝右's user avatar
3 votes

How to convert macOS Extended Journaled to APFS?

How to convert your drive to APFS: Restart the Mac into Recovery Mode. Launch Disk utility. Click-select your named boot volume. (Not the physical drive above it.) Click the "Unmount" ...
osxdirk's user avatar
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3 votes

'Update' volume appeared after High Sierra install

Note: This answer assumes the reader does not have a Fusion drive. When selecting the Erase button on the top of the Disk Utility window, you should see a popup window similar to the one shown below. ...
David Anderson's user avatar
3 votes

Determining File System of volume

In the upper image, a drive is highlighted. This drive is using a "GUID Partition Map". In the lower image, a partition on the drive is highlighted. I see the file system is "Mac OS ...
David Anderson's user avatar
2 votes

How can I change an NTFS Volume UUID?

On an NTFS partition the UUID is approximately 3352 bytes[1] from the beginning of the MFT, to find the offset of the MFT it is necessary to read the 8 bytes which start from the 48 byte of the ...
deek5's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I change an NTFS Volume UUID?

You can simply change UUID by partition format/erase. 1) Format disk to Mac OS Extended using built-in Disk Utility 2) If you need windows partition, format disk to exFAT after you have done first ...
laimison's user avatar
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2 votes

Restrict CL "Find" to Root Volume Only

The -x option will prevent find from descending into directories that have a different device number. find -x / ...expressions
fd0's user avatar
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2 votes

Erase partition without recreating one?

If you are comfortable with command line: Run diskutil list In the output, identify the disk you want to erase all partitions from. It will be something like diskN (N being a number). Run sudo ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
2 votes

How to change Logical Volume name

You should be able to rename the volume with diskutil if it is mounted: diskutil rename "OS'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
klanomath's user avatar
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2 votes

Deleting the ._* files from a mounted volume kinda screwed some things up

The symptoms you describe are the signs of a corupted filesystem, which is the usual fate of frequently used USB key. Make a backup of your USB key, and run an fsck or Disk Utility on your file-...
athena's user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes

Permanently change mount point of volume?

In Disk Utility right tap on the APFS volume and click "Rename" Now opening (mounting) the volume via Finder will mount it to /Volumes/home or whatever new name you give it.
user1559834's user avatar
2 votes

How does macOS select a name for a Time Machine backup?

The name of the Time Machine ’backup disk’ (‘WD MyPassport’ in your example) does not matter. You can rename this as you wish and Time Machine will continue to back up as usual. References to the ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
2 votes

How to delete storage in 'Other Volumes in Container'?

I had this same problem, and I have an inelegant solution. I had 56GB of space used up out of 128GB at one point on my 2017 MacBook Pro, so I know your pain. 1) Back up to time machine. 2) Reformat ...
IngraK's user avatar
  • 21

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