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22 votes

How do I view an SSL certificate on my iPad from Safari?

There is also a free app TLS Inspector. Works fine too. See
Paul Peeters's user avatar
21 votes

How can I password protect files in macOS?

You can encrypt any (individual) file using OpenSSL through Terminal. This is very useful if you are planning on doing a journal in a Word Document, or even a TextEdit file where it's just one long ...
Allan's user avatar
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20 votes

How can I password protect files in macOS?

You could put it in an encrypted disk image. You can create an encrypted disk image in Disk Utility: Open Disk Utility. Go to File > New Image > Blank Image (Cmd+N). Enter a filename, and choose a ...
Faiz Saleem's user avatar
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16 votes

Encrypt external USB thumb drive on MacOS High Sierra

This is an example workflow to encrypt an USB thumbdrive with HSF+ (Journaled) with diskutil using the command line. Assuming you start with a MS-DOS formatted USB stick. Step 1: List all currently ...
Moritz Petersen's user avatar
14 votes

Need a cli to check the sha256 hash of a file

To clarify @John's useful answer - which allows you to compare a given hash with its file in one command: Enter shasum -a 256 -c <<<, followed by an optional space, followed by a single tick (...
leanne's user avatar
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13 votes

When does encryption actually happen in MacOS/OS X encrypted volumes?

Actually your mac is capable of encrypting that fast (perhaps you're confusing it with encryption+compression). Your processor has a special Intel AES-NI instruction set, specifically designed to ...
Jack Wade's user avatar
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13 votes

How to decrypt shared WiFi passwords?

The summary answer is that the password doesn't need to be passed as the authentication can take advantage of a derived value that combines the SSID and the passphrase into a longish hexadecimal ...
mrpeterson's user avatar
12 votes

Need a cli to check the sha256 hash of a file

I would use this command. shasum -a 256 -c <<<'_paste hash to compare here_ *_path to file goes here_' Example: shasum -a 256 -c <<< '...
John's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I tell if my Time Machine backup is encrypted?

I thought I'll add to the subject since I was looking for this info recently. It actually shows just above the progress bar if the backup is encrypted during the backup process. I'm pretty sure this ...
Bart C's user avatar
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12 votes

Downsides of encrypting disk with FileVault

The implementation of Corestorage / Filevault2 is pretty great. That means you will hardly notice that your system is encrypted. I see the following points you may want to consider: As you say: If ...
n1000's user avatar
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12 votes

Encrypt external USB thumb drive on MacOS High Sierra

The Answer of Moritz Petersen is correct, but it only works because he is using a "GUID Partition Map" in Step 2. So I can offer an alternative Answer: You can also use the graphical Disk Utility of ...
DiableNoir's user avatar
12 votes

GPG key generation - timeout on OSX due to lack of entropy

Perhaps you could just rm -rf ~/.gnupg. It works for my situation. I just force stopped the first time I ran gpg --gen-key, which might lead me to this agent_genkey failed: Timeout error.
ding van's user avatar
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11 votes

Cannot change APFS encryption password

You need to list your disks to find the APFS volume disk where you want to change the password: sudo diskutil apfs list Now find the UUID of the cryptographic Disk User: sudo diskutil apfs ...
Chris M.'s user avatar
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11 votes

Why is my external HDD active when I'm not using it?

It's probably the 'Spotlight' indexing that is busy indexing the drive 's content.
Dakta's user avatar
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11 votes

Is formatting external drive with "APFS Encrypted" redundant for Time Machine with "Encrypt backups" turned ON

Time Machine changes APFS to APFS (Case-sensitive, Encrypted) In answer to the title question: Yes, the original encryption is replaced and hence redundant. With encrypted APFS, the whole drive or ...
Gilby's user avatar
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11 votes

What are my options for encrypting a mac server, but having it be able to reboot automatically after a power failure?

Is there any way for me to protect the data on this server, but still have it be able to reboot automatically without any intervention from me Buy an Uninterrupted Power Supply There is no better way ...
Allan's user avatar
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10 votes

How to recover data from formatted encrypted external hdd?

Unfortunately, it’s gone. When you encrypt your drive, it gets scrambled with a randomized key so, if you were to look at the actual sectors of the drive, it would just be a jumbled mess. The key is ...
Allan's user avatar
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10 votes

Does a DMG encrypt filenames?

The file names within the DMG are also encrypted, so unless they break the encryption in general, the filenames are protected (i.e. as protected as the file contents). A DMG file is essentially just a ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
9 votes

Open Bitlocker USB stick on OS X

I'd like to share my experience on High Sierra, as it seems to be even simpler. Installation Homebrew /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL
Albus Dumbledore's user avatar
9 votes

Does FileVault encrypt the disk instantly?

Yes yours is instant since your Mac has an SSD and T2 chip so all data on it is encrypted always. Any election you make in FileVault just adds and removes user keys from the trust chain so that ...
bmike's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I password protect files in macOS?

Specifically for journalling, you might find it easiest and most convenient to invest in a writing or note-taking app that offers password protection on a per-document basis. Some options include: ...
calum_b's user avatar
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8 votes

Disk encryption utility that works with both macOS and Linux

There are quite a few tools available on Linux that can be integrated into the system. On macOS there is only Filevault in the system. If you are willing to install osxfuse then macOS gains a lot more ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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8 votes

How to backup Time Machine's backup to a cloud?

You should use multiple levels of backups, not a series of backups. The difference being with a "series" of backups (backup of a backup of a backup etc.) you run the risk of backing up ...
Allan's user avatar
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8 votes

How does Time Machine encrypt backups to network disk?

Neither the remote disk nor the remote volume is encrypted by Time Machine. Instead a special "sparse bundle (disk image)" ("backupbundle" for Catalina) is created on the network drive. In fact it's ...
klanomath's user avatar
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8 votes

What is APFS "Disk User" and how to add multiple crypto users via diskutil?

Short version: The disk "user" is the equivalent of having only a single password for decrypting the disk. You can add additional users for the boot volume using the fdesetup add command. (...
bowmasters's user avatar
8 votes

Does Sonoma encrypt a disk without asking?

You can confirm whether your disk is encrypted in Disk Utility. In the sidebar, select the Data volume - it may be called Macintosh HD - Data or just Data and review whether it says APFS or APFS (...
Ezekiel's user avatar
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7 votes

How does encryption work when data is backed up to a NAS Time Machine backup?

First, a warning: unsupported backup targets are unsupported for a reason. I don't know the details, but apparently there's some special sauce (or at least a newer version of the AFP protocol) needed ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
7 votes

Is FaceTime Audio and Video encrypted?

Absolutely it is! On Apple's Approach to Privacy page, you will find the following statement under the iMessage and FaceTime section: We use end-to-end encryption to protect your iMessage and ...
ProGrammer's user avatar
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