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25 votes


To add an answer exactly fitting to your case I slightly modified my answer in the linked "duplicate" and posted it here again. The second as well as the third partition of your internal ...
klanomath's user avatar
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14 votes

Factory reset halfway through filevault decryption?

The secure way to do it is to simply erase the dive, don't decrypt it first. That makes recovery of your data impossible - whereas if you decrypt it, there is a possibility it can be read later by a ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 117k
14 votes

How can I tell whether or not my FileVault recovery key is stored in iCloud?

Assuming that your disk is APFS formatted, run the following command in the Terminal: diskutil apfs listusers / Then you need to check if it lists "Type: iCloud Recovery User" and "iCloud Recovery ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
  • 78.9k
14 votes

Can't remove file from trash

This is a known issue that has impacted a number of users following an upgrade to Catalina1. The best way to resolve this is to disable System Integrity Protection (SIP), delete the files/empty the ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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13 votes

How can I figure out what's slowly eating my drive space?

Find the Culprit File. Solution Among all the above Answers.. you could simply hit this command on the Terminal to find out the culprit file... This command finds all the individual files whose ...
Tarandeep Singh's user avatar
13 votes

When does encryption actually happen in MacOS/OS X encrypted volumes?

Actually your mac is capable of encrypting that fast (perhaps you're confusing it with encryption+compression). Your processor has a special Intel AES-NI instruction set, specifically designed to ...
Jack Wade's user avatar
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12 votes

How to perform FileVault authenticated restart when updating OSX from AppStore?

It sounds like you want the next restart, whenever it might occur, to skip FileVault authorization. You can use the -delayminutes option with a value of -1 for this. From the fdesetup man page: ...
Ryder Mackay's user avatar
12 votes

Downsides of encrypting disk with FileVault

The implementation of Corestorage / Filevault2 is pretty great. That means you will hardly notice that your system is encrypted. I see the following points you may want to consider: As you say: If ...
n1000's user avatar
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12 votes

Recovery key set by my "company, school, or institution" on private laptop

This Apple discussion says: After a couple of exchanges with our engineering team they have recommended two things you may try. The first solution is as follows: Disable FileVault In the system ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 221
11 votes

Cannot change APFS encryption password

You need to list your disks to find the APFS volume disk where you want to change the password: sudo diskutil apfs list Now find the UUID of the cryptographic Disk User: sudo diskutil apfs ...
Chris M.'s user avatar
  • 111
11 votes

Error recovering MacBook login password: “There was an error communicating with iCloud”

It seems like the issue was with my iCloud's "Advanced Data Protection" being turned on. It's a buggy feature, which will hopefully be fixed in future versions, but it seems it's not ...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
11 votes

What are my options for encrypting a mac server, but having it be able to reboot automatically after a power failure?

Is there any way for me to protect the data on this server, but still have it be able to reboot automatically without any intervention from me Buy an Uninterrupted Power Supply There is no better way ...
Allan's user avatar
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10 votes

Recovery key set by my "company, school, or institution" on private laptop

The message disappeared after moving the files /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.cer and /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain to a different directory.
Benedikt S. Vogler's user avatar
9 votes

What is a Secure Token and how do I get an admin users that has one

Just migrated to a new 2018 MacBook Pro, and somehow my original account (an admin user) was created without a secure token during the migration. I even tried creating a new admin user, logging into ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 453
9 votes

Does FileVault encrypt the disk instantly?

Yes yours is instant since your Mac has an SSD and T2 chip so all data on it is encrypted always. Any election you make in FileVault just adds and removes user keys from the trust chain so that ...
bmike's user avatar
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8 votes

CoreStorage logic volume failed to mount

I ran into this. In my case it seems the problem was the mac wanted to run a filesystem check on it. After finding the fsck process and killing it, I could then mount the drive properly. $ ps -ef | ...
zeroimpl's user avatar
  • 181
8 votes

How do I stop FileVault's decryption?

You have to let it finish FileVault decryption entirely before you can turn it back on. This can take hours or sometimes days, so you'll have to be patient. Encryption also takes nearly as long. There'...
drivec's user avatar
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8 votes

What is APFS "Disk User" and how to add multiple crypto users via diskutil?

Short version: The disk "user" is the equivalent of having only a single password for decrypting the disk. You can add additional users for the boot volume using the fdesetup add command. (...
bowmasters's user avatar
8 votes

External bluetooth keyboard and mouse not detected at login screen after reboot

It is linked to FileVault in that Bluetooth pairings are stored per user, not per machine. So until you login (and thus unlock your account) the machine cannot re-pair to your devices. Keyboard ...
Dirk's user avatar
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7 votes

What will happen if I will copy the information from encrypted hard drive? Will it be store decrypted?

It will be stored as plain files; FileVault encryption only protects files when thy're on your startup volume. You can encrypt the external drive if you want. You can also create an encrypted disk ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
7 votes

How does encryption work when data is backed up to a NAS Time Machine backup?

First, a warning: unsupported backup targets are unsupported for a reason. I don't know the details, but apparently there's some special sauce (or at least a newer version of the AFP protocol) needed ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
7 votes

What is a Secure Token and how do I get an admin users that has one

I found myself in this situation. I think this was because I did a clean OS install while FileVault was enabled, so the users weren't migrated. Accordingly, System Preferences complained "Some users ...
jrc's user avatar
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7 votes

APFS Encrypted vs APFS + FileVault?

I tested both options on my own: on Mojave installing on a new disk with APFS (Encrypted) results in a fully working system with FileVault already enabled.
Chef Tony's user avatar
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7 votes

How to check for and remove FileVault2 iCloud recovery key

You can run this command from the terminal to verify that your iCloud account has a recovery key: sudo fdesetup list -verbose -extended The list should include your OS users as well as a "iCloud ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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7 votes

SSH won't work until the local account is logged in

As the details have changed, I’m leaving this up but OP doesn’t have FileVault. It may help others, however to have this item to check. This is a common situation when people don't realize that ...
bmike's user avatar
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7 votes

Is my mac filevault encrypted?

Yes - Apple Silicon macs always encrypt the drive whether your account credentials are allowed (or needed) to decrypt it. Entangling a new encryption source happens instantly to enable and disable ...
bmike's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I figure out what's slowly eating my drive space?

There is a good article from Apple on How to free up storage space on your Mac which mentions built-in disk space consumers discovery tools, available starting with macOS Sierra (10.12). The most ...
Dmitry Verkhoturov's user avatar
6 votes

Why is the "Encrypted" format not available in the list when erasing a USB flash chip in Disk Utility?

Open Disk Utility In the top left of the Window, select the View drop down Select Show All Devices Click on the top level external drive (Note in the image below in the sidebar how the parent device ...
Ashaman Kingpin's user avatar
6 votes

How long will FileVault encryption take? Can I stop it?

There is no way to stop the initial encryption process once it hat started. But the good news is that you don't need to have your computer running until the process has completed. You can sleep or ...
nohillside's user avatar
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