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18 votes

Garageband—how to change volume of a region (not whole track)?

Finally found the answer, not very intuitive but cool once you know. There's a button to toggle 'automation'. Once that's on you can select from a dropdown whether you want to change volume, echo, ...
Mirror318's user avatar
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16 votes

How to save/export as a MIDI file in GarageBand

You can get MIDI from GarageBand using these free application or browser conversion methods One of the biggest drawbacks [of GarageBand] is the lack of built-in support for exporting MIDI data. (.....
RedCaio's user avatar
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11 votes

Garageband—how to change volume of a region (not whole track)?

Under “Mix,” choose Show Automation. You didn’t have to do this before. Now you do.
Jaime Richards's user avatar
5 votes

How to use SoundFonts in GarageBand 10.2?

Ah yes, this is something Apple's been sent feedback about in terms of their user interface design for GarageBand 10. It's actually a quick fix that will hopefully get addressed in an upcoming update (...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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5 votes

Options to download Garage Band app for macOS unsupported in App Store?

There are currently two entirely different GarageBand apps in the macOS App Store: GarageBand 6.0.5 aka GarageBand '11 This was the ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
4 votes

Convert an already recorded stereo track to mono in Garageband

2017: it’s in the Track controls (where the sends and reverb and stuff are, double-click on the track header) next to where it says “No Input” (or possibly input, depending on what you have set up). ...
Jacob Earl's user avatar
4 votes

Mac App Store update stuck (Installing - Calculating...)

I have encountered this issue a couple of times, lastly while trying to install Microsoft Word from the Apple Mac Store. The following steps solved the problem for me: Close the Apple Mac Store ...
Titolopolous's user avatar
4 votes

Track volume keeps resetting itself

I think all you need to do is turn OFF the controller. That is: 1. go to the editor (scissors) 2. select the edit tool (line with dots on it) 3. turn OFF the controller (button right under the word ...
HannesK's user avatar
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3 votes

How to save/export as a MIDI file in GarageBand

Unfortunately, Garageband doesn't support MIDI export. However, you could consider buying Apple's Logic Pro X, which is the "pro version" of GarageBand. It is quite pricey and might be overkill if ...
YourMJK's user avatar
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3 votes

Garageband speed up individual region

Enable Flex Time in the Editor Drag from the beginning of the track so that the waveform turns white. It sometimes trims instead, but it generally works when clicking the middle of the left side.
rootmeanclaire's user avatar
3 votes

How do I get a tighter grid for MIDI editing in GarageBand 10?

You can! But the feature is different than before. To get a smaller grid you can click the arrow at the right side beat/tempo/key led area and select "time".
Ben Havilland's user avatar
3 votes

GarageBand multiple takes doesn't work

Do you want to record multiple tracks, or multiple takes? For multiple takes you need two things Make sure Cycle mode is on In General settings (GarageBand/Preferences/General) Cycle on is set to ...
pharsfalvi's user avatar
3 votes

Displaying 'note keys/labels' on Garageband for iOS (specifically iPad)

In order to enable note labels, you have to open “Settings” > “GarageBand” and than you are able to toggle “Keyboard Note Labels”.
Felix. v. O.'s user avatar
3 votes

Playing a 3 note chord on GarageBand performs an UNDO function

In iPadOS 13 undo and redo are three finger gestures. Undo is supposed to be a three finger swipe to the left and redo a three finger swipe to the right. The movement to or from a three finger chord ...
timeSmith's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I use the output sound from GarageBand as my 'mic' for Skype or similar?

I just used the Blackhole.‌ It worked perfectly. At the very high level you have to do these things: Follow these screenshots and steps to: Add blackhole to your OS. It's not an app you install. It's ...
Honey's user avatar
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3 votes

How does one send MIDI files from iOS Garageband?

Unfortunately the answer is just as simple: you can't. At least not using GarageBand for iOS only. It doesn't have an "export MIDI" function, in fact you can only export the entire project, not ...
kumowoon1025's user avatar
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2 votes

How To Duck Audio in Logic Pro X

This can be done using sidechain compression in Logic. Create a new track and insert a sound (eg Kick drum) on every part you want the sound to duck, then set the output to no output. Go to the ...
TomC's user avatar
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2 votes

Why won't my files import into garageband?

It does this when your project has become too full. Try deleting tracks out of your project and then drag the audio file back into Garage Band and it should turn up blue.
Reyshaun's user avatar
2 votes

Convert an already recorded stereo track to mono in Garageband

Another really simple option (if you have a spare Plugin slot free) is to apply the "Gain" plugin set to Mono. Steps: Click on the track you want to convert to activate it Open the Track ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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2 votes

GarageBand 10.1.1 Removed MainStage Instruments

To restore all your MainStage3 instruments do this trick which will add new root folder "User patches" in the Instrument selector: Quit Garageband Open Terminal Type these three commands (all are one ...
lzap's user avatar
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2 votes

Old GarageBand had a legit drum roll; can't find it in 10.0

If you go to “Orchestral > Percussion > Orchestral Kit” and go to C0 and hit H you’ll get a good drum roll. I found it by going down and holding down each key until I found it.
Courtney Wells's user avatar
2 votes

Change GarageBand recording directory

I don't know a lot about GarageBand - but I move most of ~/Library directories (where most of the User stuff is being kept) by simply linking them to a different place with: ln -s /your/source/...
PJJ's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to install a ringtone on an iPhone using Garageband?

Open the Garageband app on the iPhone Tap the [+] button to create a new song, select your instruments to use, and get ready to play around or just press buttons When satisfied with your tone jingle ...
Melvin Jefferson's user avatar
2 votes

Garageband still taking up space in High Sierra

These are all the GarageBand folders...make sure they are all empty. Also, quit and restart Storage Management after you have cleared those folders to see the changes or even a reboot, might help sort ...
Frehley666's user avatar
2 votes

Can /Library/Audio/ be safely deleted?

When you say "safely", I'm assuming you mean whether it can be deleted if you are not using Garageband, Logic, or any other DAW or audio software on your Mac. The answer is essentially yes. Even if ...
Chris Law's user avatar
2 votes

Track volume keeps resetting itself

I was having this same problem and I think I figured it out. You have to click on ‘Editor’s button’ which is the scissors cutting the sound wave, which should open the MIDI region menu at the bottom ...
K. Ferguson's user avatar
2 votes

GarageBand iOS on iPad Air, MIDI cable, Roland/Wurlitzer: How do I make something out of this combo?

The two objectives you have are not possible to achieve as such using a MIDI adapter cable. The MIDI adapter cables carries a digital protocol with information such as note on/off with notes, ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get GarageBand on MacOs to recognize external MIDI Device?

I think that the device setting that you are looking for is only for microphone and sound output. You should see a section a little lower that says the number of MIDI devices detected. So when you ...
Bradley Ross's user avatar
2 votes

How to get GarageBand on MacOs to recognize external MIDI Device?

GarageBand can only accept MIDI inputs. This "just works" as noted in the other Answer here. You can record notes from a MIDI instrument in GarageBand. GarageBand cannot control (output) ...
jay613's user avatar
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1 vote

Purchasing all instruments doesn't work in GarageBand 10.0.2

Apple have made all the instruments free to download. It appears older versions of GarageBand don't understand the server response after this came into effect, and therefore it's not possible to ...
grg's user avatar
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