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11 votes

Are there video players that display milliseconds on Mac?

If you have homebrew installed, you can install mpv (recommended) or IINA (based on mpv) which displays milliseconds. If you do not have homebrew then you can install it by copying pasting the ...
Rakib Fiha's user avatar
11 votes

Are there video players that display milliseconds on Mac?

You could open your video in QuickTime and use the trim view (Cmd+T) to see the milliseconds.
twlscnds's user avatar
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9 votes

QuickTime Player crashes on startup

As @Redarm suggested, you should remove the folder found at ~/Library/Containers/ After that, quit and reopen QuickTime.
6 votes

media keys stopped working

I've been having this issue for a few weeks but didn't find a solution. Apple Support was also helpless. Turns out I am to blame: I've had disabled an internal Apple service but didn't remember... ...
emyller's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there an audio player with waveform seekbar?

This is more of a workaround, but you can open it with the standard QuickTime player and "trim", and it brings up the waveform of the track. Menu Edit > Trim (⌘ + T)
EditUout's user avatar
4 votes

iTunes automatically pauses when VLC plays a file

After a long search, I realized the setting to pause iTunes when VLC starts is not in iTunes. It's in VLC. To disable this, open the VLC preferences and click the "Show All" button in the ...
GeekInDisguise's user avatar
3 votes

Does macOS Picture-in-Picture have any kind of keyboard shortcuts?

I have created the following Shortcuts that can be activated with F9 and F7 (Tested in macOS Ventura 13): Forward By 10 seconds Backward By 10 seconds Just double check that "Pin in Menu Bar&...
alobaili's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Invert polarity of audio output

It would be a lot less soldering to open the file in Audacity* [freeware] & reverse the phase of one side of the stereo image - Sonically, if both ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent VLC from setting as default player?

Right-click (Control click) on the type of file you want to always open with Elmedia. Click 'Get Info'. In the 'Open With' section, select Elmedia from the drop-down menu. To apply this change to ...
Udhy's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I revert a change I made to a specific file type's default application?

Having the .dat filetype associated with your new media player is harmless. The examples you provided are simple ASCII text files containing the initial settings for automatic updating of your MS ...
Doc G.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How do I revert a change I made to a specific file type's default application?

I wouldn‘t be to worried about the .dat files. They are only 64 bytes in size, so there can‘t really be much inside of them that could cause harm. Have you tried to open it with a text editor and see ...
Maurice's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the best media player for the mac (besides .mov - e.g., .mp3, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, etc)

Once upon a time, VLC was truly unrivaled. Now I would recommend to consider Elmedia Player based on the number of features and how smoothly it works.
lostmarien's user avatar
2 votes

Video player for macOS with jumping by subs and speed control

I suggest you to check IINA. It's free and open source video player for macOS. Stepping forward/backward through subtitles by default is with Shift+Left/Right, but you could customize these ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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2 votes

Change default behaviour of play/pause button

This is a old post but the software recommend Beardedspice works fine on my Mac. Please read the full answer because it provides much more detail.
Linda Tabatha Forester's user avatar
2 votes

Media starts, stops and skips randomly, maybe the keyboard is too hot?

This appears to have been caused by a faulty or damaged headphone jack. When I move/wiggle my headphone cable it triggers everything I described above. Connecting via bluetooth fixes this. (Maybe it's ...
crn's user avatar
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1 vote

Which Media App Supports to Open a Video/Audio file from its Previous Seek?

IINA is a mpv based video player for macOS that keeps track of what it has played and restarts from where you left off. I have found it to be easier and more reliable than any other video player ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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1 vote

BBC iPlayer ToolTip stays on screen

The same thing happens on my Windows PC on full screen view. I found if I right click (some video info appears) and then left click this disables showing the Tooltip. Though you have to do this each ...
PotentiallyHelpfulPerson's user avatar
1 vote

MacOS sound output to DLNA renderer - what are the options?

The things don't move on. Same problem for me. There are tons of media servers, but no really convincing audio renderers with upnp/dlna on the Mac. I tried really many programs. Solutions which are ...
Johanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Audio player for transcribing and taking notes of meeting recordings

I finally ended up using VLC player which provides (non-global) shortcuts for the required functions (e.g., ␣ for play/pause, ⌘+⌃+← for a very short backward skip). I then used BetterTouchTools to ...
Patrick's user avatar
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1 vote

how to set afplay as default media player for wma files in mac OS

You can only associate file types to GUI apps. You should be able to make an Automator app that is a wrapper for the afplay command, and that will have minimal "overhead".
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 38k
1 vote

How do I make the play/pause button (F8) on my mac keyboard play/pause in the Amazon Music app

This article suggests using Magic Keys to reroute media keys to third party applications.
beninato's user avatar
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1 vote

iOS 12 replacement for default Music-app which can "remember playback position"

fine out after pay away ads does not support .m4a half iTunes Library are in this format thought it was a bug in app but after read app info... :( but fine other bug if to many files on app it crashes ...
K.D.G's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote

Play/Pause option for iTunes instead of global media for TouchBar

I am 5 reputation short of being able to make this a comment, but I think it's enough of a solution that I can post it as an answer. I do not have better touch tool or a menu bar (I do have keyboard ...
Talos Potential's user avatar
1 vote

There is one video which plays but sound not coming in Mac

Mac and iOS only supports AAC and MP3 Audio CODEC, while my video has MPEG Audio layer 1/2 Audio CODEC. So, while converting/compressing this video, my client has selected audio CODEC to default ...
NSPratik's user avatar
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1 vote

How can you listen to Youtube videos on iOS, while the phone sleeps?

Step 1. Launch Safari, the default iOS web browser. Step 2. Search for YouTube in the address bar / search box, or simply type and search for a video that you want to listen to. How to ...
gabriele.pacor's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an audio player with waveform seekbar?

An option that would work and is free is Praat. It's designed for linguists and terrible in terms of UI, but it does include a wave form and the possibility to select part of it for playback. (Use ...
Fabien Snauwaert's user avatar

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