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37 votes

Safari Redirecting http to (non-existent) https

HSTS Policy is now included in Safari's stored website data, and you can remove data to clear this issue. command + , Privacy -> Manage Website Data... Search Click Remove ...
Johnathan Elmore's user avatar
13 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

You can also check out mitmproxy which even has a web interface. You can inspect HTTP request/responses and even filter requests by certain parameters. It doesn't render HTML like you asked but it ...
whoami's user avatar
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11 votes

Safari Redirecting http to (non-existent) https

Since December 2017, Google has added ".dev" TLD to the preloaded HSTS list for Chrome! Safari uses the same list. So Safari will always add *.dev to HSTS list... Seems many developers will need to ...
Bruno de l'Escaille's user avatar
10 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

Proxyman is a commercial tool exclusively built on native macOS and it's designed with intuitive UI, so you can start proxying HTTPS easily and quickly. You can intercept the HTTP traffic from iOS and ...
Noah Tran's user avatar
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9 votes

Safari Redirecting http to (non-existent) https

I haven't found any working solution but for a workaround use instead of localhost http://localhost/
saintmarl's user avatar
7 votes

Searching Internet from Terminal

You could use the /usr/bin/open command to open websites from the command line. Simply entering open would open GitHub in your default browser. You can further specify which ...
Rob de Jonge's user avatar
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5 votes

Can we setup a local HTTPS Server in Mac OS X using swift

Yes, Apple's Swift language can be used to create a web server that accepts HTTPS connections. See Going Server-side with Swift Open Source for Apple's introduction to developing servers. Using Swift,...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

Take a look at HTTP Toolkit. It's a great Charles Proxy alternative that I've been building, and I think it's exactly what you're looking for. It: is 100% open source, and all the features you're ...
Tim Perry's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

Searching Internet from Terminal

You can also browse the internet from within the terminal with browsers like Lynx (, but from your question I'm not sure if this is what you want. Lynx is commonly available ...
leeman's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

Where does Safari persist the credentials of HTTP(S) Basic Authentication?

macOS Safari's "☑︎ Remember this password" stores the credentials in the macOS Keychain When you access a website which uses basic auth you get a login popup rendered by the web browser in ...
porg's user avatar
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4 votes

macOS Safari can not delete stored http digest password

First, to clarify, most websites store their logins as cookies. The default configuration of browsers on any platform is to store the cookie until its expiry or until it is removed by the website or ...
Logicer's user avatar
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3 votes

Safari says IP address isn't valid but other browsers can access it

This is almost always an issue with the web search hijacking your address you type. (Especially when it pre-fills the old wrong correction.) Be sure you terminate the IP address.
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
3 votes

How to set up macOS High Sierra "wfsctl" WebDAV to use with an application that uses basic authentication?

Step 1. Host Address. Know the IP address or DNS Domain Name for the host machine. A static IP address or fully qualified DNS name will allow other guest machines to bookmark the host machine. If DHCP ...
marc-medley's user avatar
2 votes

How to change Safari HTTP header Accept-Language?

One way to set the language for Safari without changing the language for the entire system, is to go into System Preferences > Language & Region > Apps. Here you can add a new entry to ...
Adriaan Zonnenberg's user avatar
2 votes

HTTP URLs aren't working on OS X Yosemite

I've experienced the same behavior twice, Once with Time Warner and again with Comcast Xfinity. Browsing to HTTPS is fine, HTTP is empty response. In both cases I contacted the ISP and they resolved ...
Timmy Browne's user avatar
2 votes

Safari redirecting to http instead of https

I wonder if you may be seeing a feature that was a bit controversial when Apple introduced it, namely, not showing the full website address. If you go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced and ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
2 votes

How to stop Safari on macOS from using https when I want http, when it's not in the HSTS listing

I believe I have figured it out: The site is an .app domain, e.g. And those sites are by definition https-only. See here. So, it's still HSTS related, but not on an individual site but for ...
Thomas Tempelmann's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to restart a launchd service if it stops responding on a port?

Heartbeat / Healthcheck The act of polling a URL to monitor a service is often referred to as checking for a heartbeat. Popular tools like docker promote this polling approach, see docker's ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to restart a launchd service if it stops responding on a port?

launchd can’t detect if a launched process gets stuck, so you need to handle this yourself: Debug/fix the code to avoid the hangs, Redesign the daemon to detect the situation itself (e.g. by having ...
nohillside's user avatar
  • 104k
1 vote

Why I can still access Internet after I set the the HTTP proxy to a unknow address?

The fallback behavior when the proxy server is unreachable depends on which browser you're using. For example Chrome caches information about proxy servers, so that if it detects the proxy server is ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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1 vote

Setting up HTTP printer in High Sierra

The URL you show says :631, which means the printer is communicating on that port. If you check this list of TCP ports you find that 631 is the port used for Internet Printing Protocol so connect to ...
Tony Williams's user avatar
1 vote

How to unregister "httpd" after "wfsctl stop"?

As noted in the question, sudo wfsctl stop does not stop and unregister the httpd process. However, the httpd daemons are stopped and restarted. Also, httpd remains registered to start on the next (re)...
marc-medley's user avatar
1 vote

Post data to url using AppleScript

While I cannot throughly test your issue, because I don't have access to your site, nonetheless, the following line of code is malformed: set theURL to "http://mysite/testing.php?email=email&...
user3439894's user avatar
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1 vote

MacBook Air - unable to access websites without http/https

This might be because of your DNS. Simply try changing the DNS and it should work. Open Network settings and try changing your present DNS to Google Public DNS and it should get fixed. Google Public ...
leovarmak's user avatar
  • 306
1 vote

macOS Server http(s) ports bound

Comment out listening ports at the beginning of the file /Library/Server/Web/Config/Proxy/apache_serviceproxy.conf Kill parent httpd process which contains substring "/usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND -f ...
Milan Rusek's user avatar
1 vote

Safari Redirecting http to (non-existent) https

I also encountered this 'Safari HSTS Cache' problem. I tried the solution rm ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist, but it does not work. But the following steps are useful: Quit Safari rm -f ~/Library/...
gengsa's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

How do you watch HTTP requests an iPhone app is making?

You can also use Postman to capture HTTP requests. There's also Proxyman.
ma11hew28's user avatar
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