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63 votes

How to view certificate info without installing

I'm not sure if this was available in the OS you had at the time you wrote your question, but at least with OS X 10.11.6, if you select the .crt file in the Finder and press the spacebar, a Quick Look ...
Krishen Greenwell's user avatar
61 votes

How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El Capitan)?

The easiest way to do this is to transfer your System Root certificates from another Mac to which you have access that runs a more modern version of macOS. (Why not just download them? See note that ...
abligh's user avatar
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41 votes

How to tell why macOS thinks that a certificate is revoked?

I tried crlrefresh rp and also manually deleting the OCSP cache with sudo rm /var/db/crls/*cache.db as documented by GlobalSign. However, the cache seems to be in a different location on macOS 10.12 ...
raimue's user avatar
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33 votes

"Unknown Error = -2,147,414,007" on creating certificate with Certificate Assistant

Was able to get this to work. The purpose for creating a certificate was to codesign gdb on Mac. Here are the steps for the same:- Create a certificate with all the parameters mentioned above. ...
Danis Fermi's user avatar
26 votes

How can I delete a certificate that got restored from a backup under iOS 10/11?

I found a certificate in my iOS device's Certificate Trust Settings. And it was not be found in Profiles. Finally I remove it by add the cert file again, and then I can found and remove it in Profiles....
mgbaozi's user avatar
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22 votes

How to add a .crt certificate to iPhone's keychain?

Updated for iOS 12.0.1 As Andrew and Michal mentioned, apparently iOS only allows the Mail and Safari apps to open and install certificates. Other apps are blocked from opening certificates. So here ...
Ryan's user avatar
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20 votes

How to tell why macOS thinks that a certificate is revoked?

Might be this, seems GlobalSign has got a problem with their OCSP. This is taken from their twitter ( We are currently experiencing ...
Michael Hansen's user avatar
20 votes

App / curl still getting certificate expired error due to expired Let's Encrypt certificate

OpenSSL on macOS does not use the system keychain (which makes sense as it's a cross platform library) but rather has its own .pem file containing its root certificates. Even though my systems have a ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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18 votes

What is Department of Defense Root CA 2 doing on my Mac?

It's one of the trusted certificate authorities for at least OS X Mavericks (10.9) through OS X El Capitan (10.11), so under those OS versions it'll be in the System Roots keychain. It was apparently ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
15 votes

When i try to install my certificate in keychain, the error says: Unable to import - Error Code 25294

I worked around this error by adding the certificate to the login keychain by drag and drop.
Christopher Stephan's user avatar
12 votes

MacBook Pro Certificate - no value specified - Business Category : Private Organization

It’s perfectly normal, and there’s no need to do anything (except click on OK to close the window) or worry about it. Safari is just showing you the encryption details for the website — you ...
Mike Scott's user avatar
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12 votes

HP Easy Scan - "HP Scanner 3" will damage your computer

This message happens when the certificate used to sign software gets revoked. The OS does check for revocations online so yes it blocks apps even if you don’t update the apps or the OS. For HP ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
11 votes

Any way to temporarily allow insecure SSL on Safari in High Sierra?

Although there is no longer a button, you can still call CertificateWarningController.visitInsecureWebsiteWithTemporaryBypass() in the Safari Web Developer console to bypass the warning and visit the ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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10 votes

How to view certificate info without installing

in addition to Krishen approved answer above about selecting the certificate (.cer, .pem, others) in finder and hitting 'space', you can also right click and select Quick Look . I just tested it on 10....
ng10's user avatar
  • 201
8 votes

Why is the Turkish Government in my computer?

Per this list of "trusted root certificates in iOS 9" from Apple it seems this is just one of many of the trusted root authorities around the globe. While this is for iOS and not macOS, which you're ...
Jimmy Mooney's user avatar
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8 votes

Apple Mail warning: Unable to verify message signature

This seems to be due to a bug in Apple Mail, at least in macOS 10.14.1, but possibly introduced in macOS 10.13.5 as an attempt to mitigate the EFAIL security hole. When Mail is set to not ...
not2savvy's user avatar
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8 votes

HP Easy Scan - "HP Scanner 3" will damage your computer

Edit: While the app now launches, it still won't let me scan. Found this saying that the ...
John Frank's user avatar
8 votes

iOS marked a certificate as "Expired" even though the certificate is still active and issued by a trusted authority

Found a solution: My dovecot file was referencing cert.pem instead of fullchain.pem. Changed that, restarted services, and now working.
freetx's user avatar
  • 96
8 votes

Always trust localhost certificates

The certificate needs to be signed by a trusted root certificate; I suspect your application is not obtaining the certificate this way. Assuming the application generates a self-signed root ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
  • 44.6k
7 votes

When i try to install my certificate in keychain, the error says: Unable to import - Error Code 25294

Instead of double clicking the .cer file and importing in finder I just drag & dropped it into the Keychain app in the desired keychain, that worked for me.
Daniel Lizik's user avatar
7 votes

Keychain Access error when creating new system certificate

I got the same error, so I went through the process but created the certificate in the login keychain. Once this is done you can drag the certificate into the System keychain through the UI. You will ...
Daniel Terhorst-North's user avatar
6 votes

My signed .pkg file is not accepted

You're using a signing identity that can only be used for Mac App Store distribution. You cannot sign with that identity and test it on your own Mac before submitting it to the Mac App Store - it won'...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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6 votes

Checking Certificates Meet Apple Requirements

So it turns out there is an OS level tool, security For example, I can test if a certificate ca.crt is valid like this: security verify-cert -c ca.crt Here's what a valid certificate will look like:...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
6 votes

How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El Capitan)?

For anyone without access to an up-to-date Apple OS install: you can download the root certificate at cause (that one exclusively) from the issuer's site and install it. Instructions are here but ...
RJVB's user avatar
  • 421
5 votes

How to add a .crt certificate to iPhone's keychain?

From iOS 11, if the .crt file is in a location accessible using the Files app, then you just need to tap on it from within Files to install the certificate. This also applies to other types of ...
molgar's user avatar
  • 433
5 votes

Certificates not updating

After searching for hours and trying several different "fixes" which didn't work, Trevor Da Silva's solution here worked. The fix essentially consists of deleting the problematic site's certificate, ...
Rain's user avatar
  • 474
5 votes

What is the macOS equivalent of Windows certificate store names?

The equivalent on macOS is the Keychain name. On Windows you have for example the "Current User Certificate Store". The corresponding on macOS would be the user's login keychain: ~/Library/...
jksoegaard's user avatar
  • 79.6k
5 votes

How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El Capitan)?

Just tried these instructions on an old iMac Early 2009 with El Capitan (10.11.6) Some operating systems hold onto the expired R3 > DST Root CA X3 chain even if your server is no longer using it. ...
Eduardo Bonato's user avatar

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