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145 votes

Can't delete keychain items with UI, but command line works fine

I notice you say, "If I now redo the search in Keychain Access…" implying that you began by searching when you weren't able to delete the item. Find it in the list without searching and then delete. ...
Greg Perham's user avatar
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63 votes

How to view certificate info without installing

I'm not sure if this was available in the OS you had at the time you wrote your question, but at least with OS X 10.11.6, if you select the .crt file in the Finder and press the spacebar, a Quick Look ...
Krishen Greenwell's user avatar
62 votes

How do I stop 'mdwrite wants to use the "metadata" keychain' prompts?

I had the same problem. I opened my login keychain and searched for MetadataKeychain. I clicked show password and copied and pasted it into the dialog asking for the password. It worked!
Peter's user avatar
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61 votes

How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El Capitan)?

The easiest way to do this is to transfer your System Root certificates from another Mac to which you have access that runs a more modern version of macOS. (Why not just download them? See note that ...
abligh's user avatar
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60 votes

High Sierra 10.13 : Keychain Access Menubar Item Missing?

"Lock Screen" is now available via the Apple menu.
jody tate's user avatar
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58 votes

How can I permanently add my SSH private key to Keychain so it is automatically available to ssh?

I had a similar problem, in that I was being asked every time for my pub-key passphrase. Per suggestion of user "trisweb" above, I turned on these options to ~/.ssh/config: Host * UseKeychain yes ...
user2688272's user avatar
48 votes

Can't delete keychain items with UI, but command line works fine

Had the same problem, found that I was able to delete keys once I switched from iCloud to login in the Default Keychains section.
karmstr7's user avatar
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41 votes

How to tell why macOS thinks that a certificate is revoked?

I tried crlrefresh rp and also manually deleting the OCSP cache with sudo rm /var/db/crls/*cache.db as documented by GlobalSign. However, the cache seems to be in a different location on macOS 10.12 ...
raimue's user avatar
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38 votes

How can I permanently add my SSH private key to Keychain so it is automatically available to ssh?

To all where the above did not work, my issue appears to have been because I was duplicating the UseKeychain yes & AddKeysToAgent yes in all ssh key profiles / shortcuts. I updated my ~/.ssh/...
Andrew's user avatar
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33 votes

"Unknown Error = -2,147,414,007" on creating certificate with Certificate Assistant

Was able to get this to work. The purpose for creating a certificate was to codesign gdb on Mac. Here are the steps for the same:- Create a certificate with all the parameters mentioned above. ...
Danis Fermi's user avatar
28 votes

macOS 10.12 Sierra will not forget my ssh keyfile passphrase

To disable storing passphrase in keychain you should add following lines to ~/.ssh/config file: Host * UseKeyChain no If you already have passphrase stored in keychain you can delete it using ...
mbamac's user avatar
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21 votes

How can I permanently add my SSH private key to Keychain so it is automatically available to ssh?

Also, in macOS Sierra and High Sierra (don't know about previous versions), running ssh-add -A will get the agent to load all keys whose passphrases are stored on Keychain... So very handy Note that ...
JJarava's user avatar
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21 votes

Sync Chrome passwords with Apple iCloud Keychain

I just did that using Safari 13.1.1 (on Catalina 10.15.5). Open Chrome (if not already running) to refresh its cache Quit Chrome completely (⌘-Q) Open Safari (if not already running) Click File > ...
Marcin's user avatar
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20 votes

How can I permanently add my SSH private key to Keychain so it is automatically available to ssh?

Answer on OSX 12.0 Monterey You can now use the flag --apple-use-keychain to accomplish exactly this. ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa Add this to your .zshrc or .bashrc file to have it ...
Greg Kaleka's user avatar
20 votes

OSX is repeatedly asking for login keychain password

The keychain by default locks after some time of inactivity and when the computer sleeps. You can disable this behaviour on the keychain settings: Select the keychain Edit / Right click Change ...
Carlo's user avatar
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20 votes

How to tell why macOS thinks that a certificate is revoked?

Might be this, seems GlobalSign has got a problem with their OCSP. This is taken from their twitter ( We are currently experiencing ...
Michael Hansen's user avatar
20 votes

Recover SSH private key passphrase from keychain

Open Keychain Access and enable the option View > Show Invisible Items. Than you must search for id_rsa or ‘ssh’.
Approach's user avatar
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20 votes

App / curl still getting certificate expired error due to expired Let's Encrypt certificate

OpenSSL on macOS does not use the system keychain (which makes sense as it's a cross platform library) but rather has its own .pem file containing its root certificates. Even though my systems have a ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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18 votes

How do you get a Cisco VPN connection to remember its password?

I guess you are using anyconnect to connect to the Cisco VPN server. AnyConnect can also be used from Terminal. This works on macOS Sierra and AnyConnect 3.1.14018. Create a bash script with the ...
Hans's user avatar
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18 votes

What is Department of Defense Root CA 2 doing on my Mac?

It's one of the trusted certificate authorities for at least OS X Mavericks (10.9) through OS X El Capitan (10.11), so under those OS versions it'll be in the System Roots keychain. It was apparently ...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
18 votes

iCloud Keychain in Safari Requires Password

On Mac OS 10.14.4, go to system preferences, select Touch ID. Uncheck using Touch ID for Safari AutoFill. It will no longer require Touch ID to autofill passwords and reverts back to earlier behavior....
David's user avatar
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17 votes

OSX is repeatedly asking for login keychain password

I had the same problem. It has bothered me for several weeks on my new Mac. It should be caused by changing Mac password using 3rd party software. On macOS El Capitan and Sierra, there is no Keychain ...
Vince Yuan's user avatar
17 votes

Unable to unlock login keychain on sierra in ssh

Your login keychain doesn't appear to be in the search list, i.e. when you checked it, it just shows the System keychain twice. No login keychain: (~)$ security list-keychains "/Library/Keychains/...
Stephen Quan's user avatar
16 votes

Sync Chrome passwords with Apple iCloud Keychain

I've created small tool to deliver your credentials from Chrome into macOS keychain. Here is a page on github The program interacts with macOS command-line ...
Nikita T's user avatar
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15 votes

When i try to install my certificate in keychain, the error says: Unable to import - Error Code 25294

I worked around this error by adding the certificate to the login keychain by drag and drop.
Christopher Stephan's user avatar
15 votes

How do I delete or fix my Keychain after changing my password?

Synchronise your user account and keychain passwords! The password of your macOS user account might not match the password of your login keychain. To resolve this, you can either replace your keychain ...
Astravagrant's user avatar
15 votes

How do I delete or fix my Keychain after changing my password?

In High Sierra, my login keychain was stuck on the previous password. I tried to set it in Keychain Access but the item in the Edit menu was greyed out. I found a suggestion on
tripleee's user avatar
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15 votes

How can I access the keychain remotely from the command line?

security -i unlock-keychain works for me in MacOS 10.13.4 High Sierra. After investigating karthick's solution, I found this. The -i makes the command interactive and prompts you in the terminal ...
Matt Clapp's user avatar
15 votes

How to decrypt the system keychain from another mac at the command line

You need the following things: One dead Mac with a readable filesystem (called the Source machine from here on) One new Mac or Linux machine (called the Target machine from here on) The System....
Mikey T.K.'s user avatar
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14 votes

Terminal login hangs

As I'm sure you know, troubleshooting is a process of elimination and often requires a fair bit of patience. I'd like to try a few things to try and get to the bottom of this for you. 1. Confirm it ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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