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23 votes

How can I enable the "back" button of a Razer mouse?

I made an open-source macOS utility called SensibleSideButtons that turns the side buttons on any generic mouse into universal navigation buttons. The application runs in your menu bar so you don't ...
Archagon's user avatar
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11 votes

Chrome Mac gesture conflict with horizontal scrolling

Turn off AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls. In your terminal, run this command: defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE Then quit Chrome if you have it ...
Joshua Pinter's user avatar
8 votes

How can I browse the web on very old versions of Mac OS?

This answer was last updated in February 2021, and may become outdated as time goes on. As of this writing, however, all software listed is actively maintained with security patches. On OS's which ...
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
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6 votes

Stop Opera from auto updating

Try the following steps: Completely uninstall all the versions of Opera from your Mac. Reinstall your preferred version of Opera. Disconnect from Internet connection. Launch and Quit Opera. Launch ...
noel christian's user avatar
5 votes

Swipe between pages doesn't work and unable two fingers scrolling up/down

What worked as well for me was switching off two finger swipe from the trackpad settings ('Swipe between pages' setting), then turning it on again directly after. A lot more convenient than logging ...
Tum's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I exit private browsing mode in iOS but retain all of my private tabs?

As of iOS 12 beta 2 and below, this is not currently possible with Safari. As said by @Snowbody, [You can copy & paste] all the URLs from the URL bar into an email or other document[.] Of ...
user7886229's user avatar
  • 10.1k
5 votes

Launching a specific web page from iOS home screen

Safari, the default browser available in iOS has a feature that lets you add a website bookmark to your Home Screen. The bookmark visually looks like an app icon and when tapped, opens the webpage in ...
anki's user avatar
  • 11.9k
5 votes

What DNS resolver does safari use?

Safari uses the macOS systemwide DNS resolvers. You can print the current resolvers configuration using scutil --dns.
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
4 votes

How can I listen to Apple Music from my web browser?

There are multiple web players available: Apple's official web player (or the beta) Musish Zachary Seguin Music Genius I would recommend trying one of the third party players, they have some nice ...
airsquared's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do Chromium and Chrome delete all cookies after closing the browser?

Session Cookies vs. Persistent Cookies When creating a cookie, the code has the option of setting an expiration date & time. If this is done, then that cookie is persisted to storage on the ...
Tim Campbell's user avatar
3 votes

Setting the default browser

You can do this from the System Settings app! You can open it by clicking System Settings… in the Apple menu. Once there, just head to Desktop & Dock > Default web browser!
Jacob Pritchett's user avatar
3 votes

Stop Opera from auto updating

Rename the autoupdate binary. You should be able to find it in /Applications/ Rename it to anything else: mv /Applications/ /...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
3 votes

Mac connects to network with no problem but browsers can't connect to websites

Turns out my AV had entered a proxy that was blocking my connections. It might be worthwhile to check: System Preference > Network > Choose your connection > Advanced > Proxies > remove any active ...
Jeremy's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

How to do a complete refresh in Safari 10.1.1 on MacOS Sierra

Shift-click the refresh button, or choose View → Reload Page From Origin (⌥⌘R) to refresh ignoring cached resources for the current domain. You can observe the effect in the Web Inspector's Network ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
2 votes

How to make Chrome open a new window for external Links

Security addition to the other answers [1] One should quote the URL for security reasons and as it might contain special characters which need escaping when used as a string in bash (e.g. '&' and ...
0xZ3RR0's user avatar
  • 305
2 votes

Your connection is not private

Click on the Advanced link on the bottom left. It will show you an option to continue on to the site you want to visit. Chrome will show you this page if it finds problems with certificates, http ...
fsb's user avatar
  • 22.9k
2 votes

Make Safari load background tabs

I'm not aware of any way to alter Safari's default behavior, but this task can be automated easily enough if you have a means to run an AppleScript. I use FastScripts and Keyboard Maestro myself, so ...
Christopher Stone's user avatar
2 votes

Keyboard shortcut for Safari stop loading webpage button

Holding esc can stop many pages from loading/ progressing. You can also disable JavaScript in Develop menu (safari preferences → advanced, enable it) if such popups are asking for login etc. This ...
anki's user avatar
  • 11.9k
2 votes

How can I irreversibly prevent Safari from being used for web browsing?

Enable parental controls in System Preferences and black list Safari on Mojave and older. On Catalina it’s called screen time, but you can blocks apps like a safari there as well. If you need the ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
1 vote

I cannot add a Web page into my Dashboard

Apparently Dashboard is turned off in your system. Go to System Preferences → Mission Control and enable Dashboard by selecting either As Space or As Overlay corresponding to Dashboard. The Open in ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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1 vote

Move tabs to the side of Safari

I know you said you use Safari for Ka-Block but if you could find an alternative blocker for Firefox you could get the side tab you want. There's an extension call Tree Style Tab which lets you put ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Unable to remove website data in Safari

go to ~Library/Safari/Databases/ and delete the database
Junme's user avatar
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1 vote

Browsers open all links in a new tab

To my thinking, a logical place to start and fix this is focus on Safari: Go to the settings and change the tab behavior, click a link, then change it back to your preference if needed. Next be sure ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
1 vote

iMac Safari web browser

You need to reset Safari's preferences. Click on “Safari” located in the menu bar in the top left hand corner of the screen Click on “Reset Safari...” Place a checkmark beside all available options ...
Melvin Jefferson's user avatar
1 vote

Stop Opera from auto updating

For other Opera version, please try this: Download version you want Turn off Wifi network Delete current Opera App, delete 2 folders: ~/...
LE SANG's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Video not playing in Firefox on Mac

That is a flash video. You need to install flash for firefox.
בנימן הגלילי's user avatar
1 vote

How to do a complete refresh in Safari 10.1.1 on MacOS Sierra

After Searching a lot, I found that border radius is not supported in Safari for inputs of type "search". Therefore I changed my search form's text input from "search" to "text" and now it works ...
Naser.Sadeghi's user avatar
1 vote

Mac connects to network with no problem but browsers can't connect to websites

Answer of @ahmed-azam helped me to solve the issue. Symptoms: I can ping my router and all arp table (there were only 3 records) I cannot ping any host on the Internet (, etc) Browsers have no ...
Egor Panfilov's user avatar
1 vote

Open many links at once in Safari

There is a way to do something close - it involves adding a bookmarklet to Safari and selecting that once you're on the page. However, this will either open only the hyperlinks you've selected (i.e. ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
  • 65k
1 vote

Possible to pause audio in browser using keyboard?

I can't find a way to do it in Chrome, but in Safari it's easy. Method as follows, in case it would provide a suitable alternative... You can click on the speaker icon to the right of the address ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 118k

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