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17 votes

How to set proxy on OS X Terminal permanently?

Set system-wide HTTP proxy To globally set an http proxy system-wide on MacOS (not just for a terminal session) you can use: networksetup -setwebproxy wi-fi localhost 8080 networksetup -...
ccpizza's user avatar
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13 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

You can also check out mitmproxy which even has a web interface. You can inspect HTTP request/responses and even filter requests by certain parameters. It doesn't render HTML like you asked but it ...
whoami's user avatar
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12 votes

Is there any shortcut/easy way to switch this system proxy settings?

This can be done with networksetup. Get all services: networksetup -listallnetworkservices Then with the proper service (e.g Ethernet or the name of your USB 10/100/1000 LAN adapter) enter sudo ...
klanomath's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there any shortcut/easy way to switch this system proxy settings?

Use "Locations" under Network Preferences. Set up a location that has the proxy and then a location that doesn't. When you want to use the proxy, pick that location and your settings will change.
Allan's user avatar
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11 votes

How to install an homebrew package behind a proxy?

Try run brew like this: http_proxy=https://user:password@proxy:port https_proxy=https://user:password@proxy:port brew install PACKAGE The source is here:
Ulug'bek's user avatar
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11 votes

OS X Safari: Toggle Socks Proxy from command line

To turn on SOCKS proxy for the network service called Wi-Fi, run networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi on Replace ‘Wi-Fi’ with the name of your network service. Replace ‘on’ with ‘off’ to ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
10 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

Proxyman is a commercial tool exclusively built on native macOS and it's designed with intuitive UI, so you can start proxying HTTPS easily and quickly. You can intercept the HTTP traffic from iOS and ...
Noah Tran's user avatar
  • 217
9 votes

How to store proxy credentials on macOS so they are used by system services?

This is most likely expected behavior if your system/network administrator has configured the proxy force authentication that requires more than just a basic authentication scheme. From Microsoft's ...
Allan's user avatar
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9 votes

Chrome is very slow due to "Resolving host in proxy script..."

I was experiencing this issue while using a corporate VPN from Chrome on a Mac. I resolved it by: Getting the full hostname from running the command hostname Opening up /etc/hosts in an editor, with ...
Eamon Mason's user avatar
9 votes

Catalina Safari "Proxy Automatic Configuration" (PAC) is not used

Here's what I learned: Safari requires SOCKS localhost... not SOCK5 localhost..., but Chrome requires SOCKS5 localhost... So my pac file returns 'SOCKS5 localhost:12345;SOCKS localhost:12345' Apps ...
Jeff Dag's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes

How to install an homebrew package behind a proxy?

For SOCKS5 proxy: ALL_PROXY=socks5:// brew upgrade
Afriza N. Arief's user avatar
7 votes

How to open port 9150 on a Mac so external devices can connect to it?

By default, your Tor client only listens for applications that connect from localhost (i.e. lo0 - So the proxy is not bound to other interfaces like en0 or en1. To set up a Tor proxy for ...
klanomath's user avatar
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7 votes

macOS packet filter (port forwarding)

You can only redirect incoming traffic. Any outgoing traffic to port 80 isn't affected by your rdr rule. To redirect outgoing traffic to port 80 you have to re-route it first to lo0 then redirect it ...
klanomath's user avatar
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6 votes

Proxy is configured (correctly, I guess). Appstore and Safari work fine. But network traffic on Terminal does not work

How do I set the proxy for particular networks so that it works fine on every apps? You have configured several proxies in System Preferences, and that's the right way to do it (that's why the App ...
jaume's user avatar
  • 15.6k
6 votes

How can Charles Proxy change settings without admin rights after first time?

Privileged Helper If Charles Proxy is following Apple's recommendations, the permissions gained during the initial set-up will be encoded as a Privileged Helper. On macOS the folder /Library/...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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5 votes

How to quick switch OSX proxy on/off?

Apple Script Solution Copy the code into the file ~/Library/Scripts/proxytoggle.applescript set socksStatus to do shell script "networksetup -getsocksfirewallproxy Wi-fi | grep Enabled" if (...
Freeman's user avatar
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5 votes

change proxy settings for Chrome and not for entire operating system

You can set proxies per-profile using the extension Proxy SwitchyOmega. This is a very popular extension, however you should consider the risks of trusting this (or any) extension that can modify your ...
ruief's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I configure proxy for my terminal with v2ray?

Click the V2ray icon > Copy HTTP Proxy Shell Export Line You can get the below command. Run the command in the terminal. You can enable the proxy. export http_proxy=;export ...
Zgpeace's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

How to store proxy credentials on macOS so they are used by system services?

by authention of key chain app modify setting
Rahul Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

Are there less expensive (or free) alternatives to Charles proxy?

Take a look at HTTP Toolkit. It's a great Charles Proxy alternative that I've been building, and I think it's exactly what you're looking for. It: is 100% open source, and all the features you're ...
Tim Perry's user avatar
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4 votes

Chrome is very slow due to "Resolving host in proxy script..."

I had a similar problem but it was only happening when using Chrome over a VPN connection, Safari was ok. Looking at the Chrome events using chrome://net-internals/#events I noticed that I had ...
user2531882's user avatar
4 votes

Proxy is configured (correctly, I guess). Appstore and Safari work fine. But network traffic on Terminal does not work

I going on the assumption that you mean applications/protocols like ssh can't connect because of the proxy. To connect, you have to "tunnel" through the HTTP proxy ssh USERNAME@REMOTEHOST -o "...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
4 votes

How to prevent browser from redirecting AT ALL using terminal

My parents have somehow got on my MacBook, and made it so that they can change any setting and view/modify my or their own internet traffic. At a very minimum, this is a function called (Apple) ...
Allan's user avatar
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4 votes

MacBook Pro 2017 - suspicious network settings I don't understand

Your screenshot doesn't indicate anything suspicious. Most Macs will, by default, have the Use Passive FTP Mode (PASV) checkbox selected, so you need not be concerned about this. In addition, most ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
  • 65k
4 votes

macOS Big Sur doesn't use system proxy

This phenomenon is not unique to Big Sur—it likely dates back to when the Dictionary application was first introduced in Tiger. @1110101001 did some reverse engineering to figure out what's going on. ...
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make Apple to use SOCKS proxy configured by a PAC file

I know this thread is old, but I had the same problem thanks to the great firewall. I didn't want to route ALL of my traffic through my proxy, so setting this in network preferences was not an option. ...
user1865275's user avatar
3 votes

Recover proxy bypass list from System Preferences

This information is stored in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist Under the NetworkServices dictionary are each service in the Network preference pane. Look through the list ...
grg's user avatar
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3 votes

Why system-wide socks proxy doesn't work for Chrome?

It isn't that Chrome bypassed it, it "ignores" it (because it might not have implemented reading the values). I did find some docs that show how to manually set Chrome on Mac to use SOCKS: https://...
benc's user avatar
  • 395
3 votes

How can Charles Proxy change settings without admin rights after first time?

After more research, I found this Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) description CVE-2017-15358 Local root privesc in Charles Proxy 4.2: Setting a system-wide proxy requires root ...
bradleyjkemp's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between an https proxy and a VPN

In your example it is not possible to say whether the HTTPS protocol + Proxy has the same security level as a VPN. It really depends a lot on the specifics - i.e. which VPN software, what settings, ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
  • 79.6k

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