How do I dismiss many multiples of the "Disk Not Ejected Properly" notification in macOS?
I started killing processes with "Notification" in their name, and when I hit the one called "NotificationCenter" the smoke finally cleared:
killall NotificationCenter
How do I disable this message: "the disk was not ejected properly"?
This applescript will close them for you. Paste it into Script Editor and then Save as an application. Then grant access to that application in (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > ...
How to eject all drives from the command-line
You can use the in-built AppleScript solution, as mentioned in this thread and this page, by adding this to ~/.bash_profile:
alias ejectall='osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to ...
Is there a menu bar tool which will let me eject external drives easily?
Try Semulov - it is designed to eject volumes from the menu bar. The author has even made the source available on GitHub.
How to eject all drives from the command-line
Use diskutil.
You can list the current devices with diskutil list, and use diskutil eject device-name to eject a device just like from Finder.
This will go a step further than just using umount by, ...
Is there a similarly fast alternative to Crtl + Shift + Eject for new Macbook that lack eject keys?
If you just need to lock the screen, you can use
Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Q
available since High Sierra.
How do I dismiss many multiples of the "Disk Not Ejected Properly" notification in macOS?
The Apple Script from "software is fun", with 3 votes at the time of writing, in the suggested duplicate gets rid of all "Disk Not Ejected Properly" notifications on High Sierra (additionally you have ...
How to eject all drives from the command-line
I've recently started learning shell scripting so I tried an answer to this as an exercise.
Script uses diskutil list external to get all external disks then loops over the output to unmount them.
I ...
How do I disable this message: "the disk was not ejected properly"?
This can be done by changing the type of this system notification from alert to banner. Sadly, it can't be done using the GUI but can be done with a script. gist
The crux of the script is to clear the ...
Unable to eject disk images or drives in High Sierra
Often when a drive is plugged in Spotlight begins to index the entire drive. While this is occurring Spotlight is "using" the drive and therefore can't be ejected.
Try adding a Spotlight exception:
Troubleshooting: 90 seconds to eject external Time Machine drive?
Some process (or processes) seem to be accessing the drive and preventing it from ejecting. You can list those processes with this command:
sudo lsof +d /Volumes/<Time Machine hard drive name>
How can I disable the eject key on my mac keyboard?
I created an app, PowerKey, that allows you to remap the Power and Eject keys on Mac keyboards.
Pick a key replacement such as Forward Delete, or use No Action to disable the key entirely.
You can ...
Is there a menu bar tool which will let me eject external drives easily?
macOS included a built in menu bar item to eject removable drives. LifeWire has done a much better job than I could do providing instructions on how to add this to your Mac's menu bar.
Check it out ...
Shortcut to eject all external hard drives but not MobileBackups
You can do the following instead:
tell application "Finder"
eject (every disk whose ejectable is true)
end tell
If you have partitioned disks mounted, hold down the
"Option" key, run your script, ...
How to eject my external drive when my Mac refuses because of Spotlight?
This problem has resurfaced on Catalina and none of these worked. For now I'll force eject and pull the drive anyway if it balks about it.
It’s an awful solution but I don’t see how it lowers risk or ...
Why is AppleScript not ejecting my volume?
I had the same issue. The Finder command eject seems to be unable to eject volumes although according to what I found on the internet it worked in times from 10.4 to 10.6.
The following script works. ...
How can I disable the eject key on my mac keyboard?
I actually had Karabiner Elements working great with Sierra on my older Mac Pro - until a recent OS update. I assigned the F6 key to "eject", and that disabled the regular "eject" key. Karabiner also ...
My WD external drive unmounted itself and now does not work
Either your WD MyBook enclosure has failed or the disk itself has failed.
I am basing this assessment on two factors:
Points 4 & 5 above - that plugging it into different computers didn't work. ...
Is there a similarly fast alternative to Crtl + Shift + Eject for new Macbook that lack eject keys?
On my 2018 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, none of the key combinations mentioned that use the power button (now the Touch ID button) worked.
I couldn’t find an existing keyboard shortcut to put the ...
How do I disable this message: "the disk was not ejected properly"?
Works with macOS Big Sur
This AppleScript dismisses all notifications about the disk not being ejected properly.
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Notification Center&...
Does high sierra eject external USB drives upon logoff?
This answer assumes by logoff/logout you're meaning the Log Out option under Apple > Log Out and not shutting down your Mac.
By default the behaviour of macOS High Sierra is to unmount all volumes ...
Open CD/DVD tray when connected via remote-desktop and no eject key?
You can do it from the Terminal by entering the following command:
drutil tray eject
Incorrectly ejecting archival drive: how worried should I be?
You have nothing to worry about. The warning is there to warn you that data loss is a POSSIBILITY. But your Mac wasn’t being used since it was sleeping so no data was writing to the drive.
Yes you ...
Macbook pro ejects every CD/DVD just after a few seconds
This has happened to me a couple of times over the years, all I do is hold down the command key and the disc drive accepts it. I have an iMac (24-inch, Early 2009) running Yosemite 10.10.5
Macbook pro ejects every CD/DVD just after a few seconds
This is how I fixed it. :) I tried resting it normally after it eventually registered, but it wouldn't stick. So obviously not a long term solution..
How can I automatically eject volumes I no longer use?
Thanks to patrix, I now have it working. I will post something here for others who want to do this in the future.
It seems that cronjob is no longer recommended, instead launchd. This was the first ...
Finder displays Refresh and X symbols instead of Eject for external storage device?
I can't find a support document that directly addresses your question, but I'm pretty sure that those icons represent a disk that is in use and can't be ejected.
Is there a menu bar tool which will let me eject external drives easily?
As Semulov is in maintainable mode, there is a paid alternative that works good for me: Jettison
Is there a menu bar tool which will let me eject external drives easily?
The Finder eject shortcut is Cmd+e, e for eject, easy!
This also works on the desktop. Click/select the drive, mash Cmd+e, give it a couple seconds to disappear, done!
Note that this also works if ...
Is there a menu bar tool which will let me eject external drives easily?
Try Mountain. http://appgineers.de/mountain/
Not only does it allow you to mount and eject drives, you can select to not mount a drive on restart. I unmount a drive after cloning and don't want it ...
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