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16 votes

Creating aliases for iTerm 2 that work during ssh

If you use oh-my-zsh, you will want to place those in ~/.zshrc vi ~/.zshrc . . . # Example aliases # alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc" # alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh" alias work="cd ~/Lucas/local-...
Lucas Bustamante's user avatar
10 votes

Link command in terminal vs ln vs symbolic link (ln -s) differences between them?

On macOS, both executables have the same inode number, so technically they are the same. $ ls -il /bin/{link,ln} 1152921500312524105 -rwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 101968 Mar 21 07:13 /bin/link* ...
nohillside's user avatar
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9 votes

symbolic link vs. alias

Aliases store two pieces of information about the destination file - both the location and a file identifier. Symbolic links only store the other location. For that reason, if you move a file, Aliases ...
bmike's user avatar
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9 votes

difference ZSH and BASH for $RANDOM?

bash starts array indexes at 0, zsh at 1. One slightly strange-looking way to overcome this is server_list=(HPC1 HPC2) alias HPC='ssh -l username ${server_list[(($RANDOM % 2 - 2))]}' This puts the ...
nohillside's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I make aliases hidden in macOS?

To change the file flag of a symbolic link, or a Finder alias, rather than its associated file, use the -h option: $ chflags -h hidden file To unhide a file that has the hidden flag set, use: $ ...
Anthony Saxton's user avatar
7 votes

How to create an Alias with a Variable inside?

You can't use alias for arbitrary substitutions. You can use a function instead. function gre() { grep -r "$@" . }
grg's user avatar
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7 votes

Turn Bluetooth On & Off via Terminal

Blueutil, a command-line utility for macOS that lets us turn Bluetooth on and off with one command! Start by installing blueutil with HomeBrew: brew install blueutil The -p flag is a switch for ...
Udhy's user avatar
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6 votes

Run lolcat after each command?

UPDATE I put my implementation here with install instructions: It uses the C implementation of lolcat but I modified it a little to make it ...
dosentmatter's user avatar
6 votes

How to use AppleScript in a bash script to create an alias for an app?

osascript will run AppleScript code in your shell. This example uses a HEREDOC to present the code to osascript. /usr/bin/osascript <<'EOF' tell application "Finder" set myapp to POSIX file ...
fd0's user avatar
  • 11k
6 votes

Create auto alias of every folder in a specific folder in bash_profile or bash_alias

It might be easier to add ~/Developer to CDPATH (works in both bash and zsh) and then use cd fancyproject to change to ~/Developer/fancyproject. But if you want to go with aliases, and assuming you ...
nohillside's user avatar
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5 votes

How do you manage your zsh aliases?

Here's what I choose as a solution. I found this helps keep my initial .zshrc file free of clutter. Place the aliases in their own file, ie: .zsh_aliases. You can also create a file for other things, ...
ErniePC12's user avatar
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5 votes

Limitations of iCloud+ own domain

I would plan that you lose all aliases you don’t assign and have strictly three aliases per user for a total of 15 distinct mail addresses.
bmike's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use input variable in .zshrc alias?

From what I found, it is easier to use a shell function. You can simply define a function where $1 refers to the first argument given: function mrc() { php artisan make:controller "$1" --...
Guchen's user avatar
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5 votes

Where can I find the alias file in macOS

Those two alias definitions are actually built-in to alias itself, which in turn is just a zsh built-in. So you would find those aliases buried within the zsh binary in /bin/zsh. In source code form, ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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4 votes

How to use AppleScript in a bash script to create an alias for an app?

Why not skip the Applescript and just create a symbolic link in bash? It behaves exactly like an alias on the desktop except now you can work with it in bash. See this answer for a breakdown of ...
Allan's user avatar
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4 votes

What's the difference between alias and link?

I'm quite confused by sentinel's anwser on create a new file with the path and filename that the file originally had. Also it's abrupt, why you want to do that? Well, if you understand why and how ...
Izana's user avatar
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4 votes

Alias - 'Show Original' in new tab

I looked around and found an applescript (which can be turned into a shortcut) that does just want you want. Unfortunately, it's not super simple like it should be. It's better than nothing though, ...
brw59's user avatar
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4 votes

Alias - 'Show Original' in new tab

A much shorter and cleaner solution without UI scripting: Open Automator, create a new Service, accepting files and folders from Finder, add a Run AppleScript action and type in following: on run {...
boris42's user avatar
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4 votes

Alias in bash to Change Directory

You need to escape/protect any spaces etc in the path: alias cdicloud="cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs" Executing this in Terminal looks like the following: pse@Mithos:~$ alias ...
nohillside's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I create a Finder alias in a bash script that reads arguments from the command-line?

With minimal error handling: #!/bin/sh [ -f "$1" ] || exit 1 [ "$2" ] || exit 1 alias=$(basename "$2") /usr/bin/osascript <<EOF tell application "Finder" set myapp to POSIX file "$1" as ...
nohillside's user avatar
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4 votes

List all aliases starting with a particular string

grep for them Far better suggestion from the comments - grep on alias. You can list all your aliases, even the ones not written in ~/.bash_profile, by calling alias. grep the result to find the ...
displayName's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the "On My Mac" folder in macOS Big Sur?

In Big Sur, ~/Library/Containers shows in Finder as ‘On My Mac’. This is a trimmed down version of the Documents from each of those containers, only showing apps which open their Documents on macOS ...
grg's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create a link, for multiple users, to a network share, which itself is on a network share?

Found the answer. You must create an .afploc file. This is similar to an .inetloc file. The easiest way to create a .afploc file: open Finder Go -> Connect to Server type the address in the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 votes

Recreate an alias with the same name and timestamp programmatically

Create a Service with Automator — Tested on macOS Sierra Open /Applications/ File > New (cmd-N) Choose a type of document: "Service". Service receives selected: "files or folders" in "...
jackjr300's user avatar
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3 votes

Search for alias not finding files

Did you use the Alias command from the finder when you created the links, or did you use ln -s in the terminal? Unix symbolic links are not quite the same as an Alias although they serve similar ...
moneyt's user avatar
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3 votes

Alias - 'Show Original' in new tab

With the help of StackOverflow & starting from the ideas presented in both the answers from brw59 boris42, I now have this, by user3439894 on run {input, parameters} set madeNewWindow to ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

The command for alias local='...' gets run on terminal open

I could not recreate what you have said is happening to you. Saying that I would say that: It is really very dangerous to invoke local as your alias Because the word local is a shell builtin, a ...
Rakib Fiha's user avatar
3 votes

MacOS zsh alias pwd is incorrect

The $(pwd) in your alias command is replaced immediately by its value returned from execution. This occurs at the creation of the alias, not when you want to use the alias. As shown after your first ...
grg's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I place a shortcut to a network folder in my sidebar?

Wow, it looks like I have found a workable solution to this. Still a few strange bits which you can see in the new video I created, but the end result basically works. Steps: With the remote volume ...
JVC's user avatar
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