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3 votes

Any way to update OSX 10.4's Bash version?

MacPorts still supports 10.4 and you can install the latest bash with it by running sudo port install bash and following the instructions in the output (the command will ask you to do a few more ...
glebm's user avatar
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On my Intel Mac, I upgraded brew and cannot use Terminal anymore

I assume you're running bash. From the Shell menu in Terminal, select New Command... and enter the following in the dialog that opens: mkdir disabled_shell_files; mv .profile .bash_history ....
Linc Davis's user avatar
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How can I get the locate command to search into my home folder?

By default, the process to rebuild the locate database runs as user nobody. This prevents it from indexing the content of user directories (which would be a security risk on systems with more than one ...
nohillside's user avatar
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1 vote

On my Intel Mac, I upgraded brew and cannot use Terminal anymore

Run, without actually running, the Terminal program Select "settings" in the menu and click on "general" Specify "/bin/bash" as the full path, but it didn't work for me ...
Bruce's user avatar
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AppleScript that reduces the size of multiple PDF files fails

There's quite a lot to unpack here: Firstly, Automator has an Apply Quartz Filter action, which is a lot easier to user than AppleScript. (Quartz Filters are an OS feature, not just Preview's.) ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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