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432 votes

What are the practical differences between Bash and Zsh?

First, some important things: Bash isn't going away. If you're already using bash, nothing will change for you. All that changes is that zsh will be the default login shell for new accounts, and even ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
248 votes

ZSH: .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin - What goes where?

This is an attempt to write a canonical QA for this issue, as per the Meta post: Where is the list of canonical questions stored for Ask Different? I expect it to be periodically edited with the goal ...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
123 votes

zsh: bad CPU type in executable

When macOS tries to run an app that is not built for Apple silicon, macOS will prompt to install Rosetta 2 to automatically translate the app to Apple silicon. In Terminal, there is no automatic ...
grg's user avatar
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119 votes

How to add permanent environment variable in zsh

Bash Since Bash is typically the default shell you can open up this file in your home directory: $ vim ~/.bash_profile And add your variable to this file: export ENV_VAR=12345 You can do this ...
slm's user avatar
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47 votes

How to add permanent environment variable in zsh

First, execute in a terminal with zsh (Z Shell): echo 'export ENV_VAR=12345' >> ~/.zshenv Then, reload changes: source ~/.zshenv Finally, test if your new variable is set: echo $ENV_VAR ...
Guillermo Garcia's user avatar
35 votes

I switched to Catalina and enabled ZSH now my home/end key do not work in terminal

The other answers didn't work for me when connecting over SSH to the Mac. I had to add the following lines to my ~/.zshrc to get Home and End to work: bindkey "^[[H" beginning-of-line ...
sebas's user avatar
  • 465
32 votes

ZSH paste from the clipboard a command takes a few second to be write in the terminal

The final problem is related to zsh. oh-my-zsh is executing bracketed-paste-magic, so I ended up removing it. Because oh-my-szh doesn't have a plugin manager for this. You have to override the file: ...
Raúl Martín's user avatar
27 votes

What are the practical differences between Bash and Zsh?

Change your shell now and test - no need to wait. chsh -s /bin/zsh All the scripts that depend on bash syntax will still find and call bash. the same bash from Mojave is shipping on Catalina and ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
22 votes

What does the time command do on zsh Mac terminal? And what is the output of "children"?

The time you use in your question is not a command, but rather a reserved word in zsh. It can be used in two different ways and its output can be customized through the $TIMEFMT parameter. ...
Marlon Richert's user avatar
21 votes

I accidentally used "touch .." , is there a way to safely delete this document?

Do not delete it! In unixish filesystems (including macOS), .. is a link to the parent directory. So if you were in the directory /Users/Serax/Desktop and you ran touch .., that's equivalent to touch /...
Gordon Davisson's user avatar
20 votes

How to get rid of "You have new mail." in zsh

It tells you that you have received some mails (for example, because of your configuration of cron). The best way is to read this mail. Type mail: at least one mail should appear. You can read by ...
guhur's user avatar
  • 338
19 votes

Homebrew PATH set in .zshenv is overridden

After ~/.zshenv is sourced, the next file that is loaded is /etc/zprofile, which is provided by macOS. This script executes eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s` The manual for path_helper explains: ...
rgov's user avatar
  • 611
18 votes

Cut in CLI doesn't work as expected - returns full lines every time

You can squeeze the white spaces into a single white space in ls 's output then use cut. ls -l /usr | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f3 but avoid parsing ls output. Here's an alternate solution. stat -f'%...
fd0's user avatar
  • 11k
18 votes

How do I switch tabs when using iTerm2 with Z shell

Use the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Command + ] and Shift + Command + [ to switch to next and previous tabs respectively. The same are also available under iTerm2 Menu Bar → Window menu. The keyboard ...
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
  • 52.9k
18 votes

Running shell or Bash scripts with zsh on macOS v11 (Big Sur)

You only need to run chmod once for a script, not each time you run it. If you don‘t want to do this, you can also use bash ./run to execute it. You can also create a text file with the executable bit ...
nohillside's user avatar
  • 104k
18 votes

How to prevent accidental execution of potentially harmful commands (e.g. reboot)

Just create a reboot command in /usr/local/bin, which should come first in your $PATH.
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 38k
17 votes

How to migrate aliases from bash to zsh

If until now you've been using ~/.bash_profile for the loading the aliases, here are some of the ways you can migrate your aliases: 1. Copy the contents: The most assiduous and obvious way is to ...
displayName's user avatar
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17 votes

Why can't I use zsh?

@bmike has already offered the easiest solution, but I wanted to go back to the GUI instructions not working. I found that Apple’s instructions here can be confusing. Control-Clicking will not do ...
TJ Luoma's user avatar
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16 votes

How do I add a directory to PATH when using `zsh` in Sierra

In zsh, including on macOS, you should add entries to your path in your .zshrc. By default this file is read from the directory located in $ZDOTDIR which defaults to $HOME if not set. To add an entry ...
Schlueter's user avatar
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16 votes

How do I add a directory to PATH when using `zsh` in Sierra

export To change the path within your shell session, not system-wide, you can use the bash-style export command with zsh, as documented here. The name of the PATH variable is case-sensitive and ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
16 votes

Why Mac Terminal remembers two consecutive commands when they are same?

You need to add the HISTCONTROL environment variable to your .bash_profile. In your .bash_profile add the following line: export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups Close and restart your bash session ...
Allan's user avatar
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16 votes

ZSH paste from the clipboard a command takes a few second to be write in the terminal

In your ~/.zshrc file (create it if it's not there) you can set DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS=true and it will disable bracketed-paste-magic which is causing this issue.
nelsontruran's user avatar
16 votes

Now that MacOS Catalina has moved to zsh, can I upgrade bash 3.2.57 with 5.0.3?

You can't easily (and shouldn't) change/upgrade /bin/bash. You can install a more recent version of bash through Homebrew though, and use the information from How to use bash as default shell to ...
nohillside's user avatar
  • 104k
15 votes

Why can't I use zsh?

Don’t use sudo directly without some additional switches - your invocation would change root’s shell, not your user account. If your short name is mike (you can check with whoami or who am i sudo -...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
15 votes

Did the shell ( terminal ) change in Catalina?

Your shell has been changed to Zsh, which is the default for new users on Catalina (10.15) and later. To go back to the old shell (BASH), run chsh -s /bin/bash (chsh is a "Change Shell command, the -s ...
Pranav Sharma's user avatar
15 votes

macOS .zsh_sessions, .zsh_history, and `setopt APPEND_HISTORY`

On macOS, /etc/zshrc contains (among other things) the following lines: # Save command history HISTFILE=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zsh_history HISTSIZE=2000 SAVEHIST=1000 This is the reason you don't need to ...
Marlon Richert's user avatar
14 votes

How to make auto-complete work for AWS on ZSH?

I know this question is kinda old but there's a better answer if you're running awscli 2.1 or greater and are using oh-my-zsh. Basically, to confirm this solution run this command from your zsh shell ...
Astro269's user avatar
  • 141
13 votes

How to make normal command `ls` and the wildcard `*` in Zsh

The glob is expanded by the shell and the resulting arguments passed to ls as if you had written them out in full. gradle* matches once, on gradle@7. ls gradle@7 is run. Since gradle@7 is a ...
grg's user avatar
  • 206k
12 votes

Cut in CLI doesn't work as expected - returns full lines every time

ls doesn't use tabs, cut doesn't work with a variable number of delimeters between fields. ls -l /usr | awk '{print $3}' will work, or ls -l /usr | awk 'NR > 1 {print $3}' if you want to skip ...
nohillside's user avatar
  • 104k

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