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10 votes

What am I missing when rsync copies only my files, but does not create the directory that contains the files?

The source file should not end in a /. Explanation Note: I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.7. For rsync, the behaviour is the opposite of what your question expects, as documented from man rsync. An ...
David Anderson's user avatar
9 votes

How to use rsync via ssh with IPv6 LLA (link local address) addresses on OSX?

The problem was with the OSX version of rsync. I don't know exactly what is the problem. It should be some of capabilities of rsync binary/version. OSX version: /usr/bin/rsync --version rsync ...
Jorge's user avatar
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9 votes

Automator gets stuck at shell script

I found this link helpful to solve a similar problem I was having: I tried adding exit 0 to the end of my Automator shell script and it didn't seem to ...
user3139574's user avatar
9 votes

Copy Time Machine backup with rsync

The rsync command is very powerful and versatile, and it can preserve the Hard Links and other crucial information of the Time Machine backup. As from this post (
pilgix's user avatar
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7 votes

Using rsync to backup

It's August, 2022; This is an updated answer: Before getting into the answer here, you must know that although an rsync binary is included with macOS, it is now an ancient, 16-year-old software ...
Seamus's user avatar
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7 votes

Using rsync with path names containing spaces

Though the example in question is a local rsync operation, where one level of argument quoting for the path is sufficient, rsync operations involving a remote server require two levels of quoting for ...
mxxk's user avatar
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7 votes

Rsync keeps copying the same file

To summarize the comments: rsync does not handle the transfer of files between a case-sensitive filesystem (typically used on Unix/Linux), and a case-insensitive filesystem (typically used by Windows ...
meuh's user avatar
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7 votes

rsync : Show deleted files

The version of rsync supplied by Apple is very old (at least 17 years) it is version version 2.6.9 (which just happens to be the last rsync version released under GPL 2) So the best fix for your issue ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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7 votes

rsync : Show deleted files

If you're intent on using the ancient Apple version of rsync, you might find the --dry-run option with the -i and -v (or -vv) options useful for listing the deletions. rsync -rauivv --dry-run --delete ...
Seamus's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I grant root access to user files in Mojave?

As documented in this post among some other places, MacOS Mojave implements additional security protocols that even affect root's access to user data. The solution in the linked question provides the ...
tim.rohrer's user avatar
6 votes

How to disable "ignore ownership" option on an external volume on Mac OS X El Capitan?

From comments, your disk is formatted as FAT32, which is incapable of holding unix or even Windows permissions. It is also very dubious in its hardlink capability. You can force them, but file repair ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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5 votes

Using rsync to backup

If you're using rsync version 3.0.6 as per Carbon Copy Cloner or 3.1.2 as per Homebrew, you can take a cue from Carbon Copy Cloner arguments: rsync -A -X -H -p --fileflags --force-change -l -N -rtx --...
ylluminate's user avatar
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5 votes

How to keep original "date created" when copying via Terminal?

There are many reasons why one would rather use RSync instead of cp. RSync's default version on MacOS is 2.6.9, which is more than 12 years old as of today, and has several known bugs, and this is one ...
Fábio Leal's user avatar
5 votes

Copy Mac Time Machine Backup Directories from One External Drive to Another

Funnily enough, starting with macOS 10.12 the Finder has been granted special powers to perform an 'exact copy' on Time Machine archives. Use the Finder and only the Finder to give your .backups new ...
BentonQuest's user avatar
4 votes

copyfile errors and dot files using rsync

I was using the -E option to copy alias files on macOS (as without -E option alias files copy as executable files). The -E Options worked for copying the Alias files, but caused the same error as here ...
lt8480's user avatar
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4 votes

Rsync re-copying all files

If you change your command to start rsync -rvh ... to rsync -avh ... you should have more success. The way you have the command just now rsync isn't copying over date stamps. The files in MobArchive ...
Alistair McMillan's user avatar
4 votes

update rsync in high sierra

Try closing terminal window and opening it again. Rsync changes only take place after closing terminal session. Helped in my case.
Dmitrii Kuznetsov's user avatar
4 votes

System using old version of rSync instread of new version

The answer depends on how you have setup ActiveBackup, as you can run it in three different ways: 1) Rsync shell mode via SSH 2) Rsync module mode (directly) 3) Rsync module mode via SSH When ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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4 votes

Using rsync with path names containing spaces

The -s option doesn't protect against arguments with spaces passed on the command line, proper quoting does rsync -ahv "/Volumes/G_5TB_general/Backup of CG-nas/mac drives/Fitness and health" "/...
nohillside's user avatar
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4 votes

Problem with rsync in AppleScript

Run type rsync in Terminal and take note of the path (I assume /usr/local/bin/rsync but this may be different in your case) Call this version of rsync in your AppleScript do shell script "/usr/...
nohillside's user avatar
  • 104k
4 votes

rsync 3.2.3 keeps crashing on Mac mini M1

Reverting back to the default macOS default version of rsync (2.6.9) resolved the issue.
franchyze923's user avatar
3 votes

Using Rsync For Exact Copy

Rsync isn't the best choice for Mac to Mac copies. I'd use ditto or asr if you need a command line solution. Disk Utility calls asr internally and you could mirror the volume and then wipe and run ...
bmike's user avatar
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3 votes

Rsync to macOS Sierra fails

As Mark mentioned in his comment, "You can make the drive case sensitive but then some apps will not work" and Matteo showing you a list from Disk Utility, let me offer you an alternative to changing ...
user3439894's user avatar
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3 votes

Trying to copy archive from one network share to another while ignoring the tilde character

The filename 28910B~1.SIT looks like an MS-DOS abbreviated file name that has more than the 8.3 characters (long file names). It's important to note that from Windows 2000, both the long name and the ...
Allan's user avatar
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3 votes

I canceled (control+c) rsync transfer on a large file; will it be picked up if I start over?

If you use the --partial option, the partially-transfered file is kept, and subsequent transfers should be much faster. It's probably a good idea to use it with large file transfers in general.
William T Froggard's user avatar
3 votes

Safest rsync command options?

rsync -a preserves permissions as far as your current computer/account is concerned. Accessing files from a different user/different account is controlled by a lot of parameters outside of rsync's ...
nohillside's user avatar
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3 votes

Git vs rsync when resource fork must be preserved

Just in case anyone stumbles upon this in the future: "rysnc -E" as of Version 3.1.0 means "preserve executability". The flag to preserve resource fork / extended attributes is now ...
msr's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I back-up an external drive while preserving attributes, folder creation date and showing progress?

Just after I posted this question I found a solution. I noticed that the rsync: get_xattr_names errors all had one thing in common: the files that raised the error where always ._ files. I read ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
3 votes

Can't authenticate using SSH key when running script via launchd

So this is what I ended up doing to get it working. For my use case it is sufficient, but I don''t think it's the best solution. Hopefully someone (see @Allan's comments in OP) can come up with a more ...
Daveh0's user avatar
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3 votes

Maintain Finder's file lock during rsync?

The version of rsync that macOS provides is about 15-years old and doesn't handle preserving file flags supported by chflags (e.g. UF_IMMUTABLE or "Locked" as set with chflags uchg). Current ...
JRFerguson's user avatar
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