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85 votes

How can I run newer Unity games on OS X 10.9 Mavericks?

The crash log indicates that the game is looking for a function called getattrlistbulk. Because this function doesn't exist in Mavericks, the game doesn't know what to do, and crashes. Ergo, in order ...
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
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61 votes

How to make Google Chrome Helper not use as much CPU

Invoke ⋮ Chrome Menu → Window → Task Manager to see what exactly consumes CPU. Because the helper is a black box from the OS' side of view. I personally found a mining extension that way. Also watch ...
Pavel Vlasov's user avatar
54 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

One way to crash a computer is to execute a so called fork-bomb. You can execute it on a unix-sytem by: :(){ :|: & };: It's a command that will recursively spawn processes till the OS is so ...
Rick van Hal's user avatar
42 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Not sure what you mean about 'crash'ing the computer - if you would re-phrase it to say 'render the computer unusable', then yes. Certainly all it takes is a single stray command - just a moment ...
Harv's user avatar
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32 votes

Avoiding all apps reopening when OS X crashes

Permanently prevent macOS High Sierra from reopening apps after a restart Works in macOS El Capitan, Yosemite, Sierra, High Sierra. Solution: deny OS X access to the file it uses to store your ...
babca's user avatar
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30 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Suppose you don't know what your doing and attempting to do a backup of some hard drive dd if=/dev/disk1 of=/dev/disk2 Well if you mix those up (switch if and of), it will overwrite the fresh data ...
MrPaulch's user avatar
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29 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Causing a kernel panic is a more akin to crashing than the other answers I've seen here thus far: sudo dtrace -w -n "BEGIN{ panic();}" (code taken from here and also found in Apple's own ...
GDP2's user avatar
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22 votes

iMovie crashes on startup

I have a MBP that does this. Are you running an external display mirrored with the lid closed? Mine works if I open imovie with the lid up.
Chris's user avatar
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19 votes

Xcode 8.2.1 crashes on opening project with array index out of bounds

Ok, well I managed to fix this issue by deleting my .xcworkspace directory and recreating it via pod install. Xcode opens and I'm able to build my project. Edit: As others have suggested a better ...
Eric Conner's user avatar
19 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Modern macOS makes it really hard to crash your machine as an unprivileged user (i.e. without using sudo), because UNIX systems are meant to handle thousands of users without letting any of them break ...
nneonneo's user avatar
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17 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Another one you can do (that I have done by mistake before) is: sudo chmod 0 / This will render your entire file system (which means all commands and programs) unaccessible...except by the root user....
musicman523's user avatar
17 votes

Mac keeps restarting with kernel panic "UPSB thunderbolt power on failed"

I had this issue with a new MacBook Pro 2019/20 16-inch Catalina 10.15.4 (19E287) It would frequently crash on sleep or when the screen was locked with the same error "thunderbolt power on failed" ...
David Thomas's user avatar
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15 votes

Catalina crashing at shutdown: "watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd"

You can temporarily make things better by looking for this line:[EB9D605D-85B1-3506-8B2E-ABD195817A4F]@0xffffff7fa6c9e000->0xffffff7fa6cbcfff My theory is SMC is ...
ikurek's user avatar
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14 votes

Where are crash logs after a system freeze?

Apple moves the logs from version to version, but I would start with sysdiagnose. Open the terminal app and type sysdiagnose or press the keys to trigger the data collection process. How do you get ...
bmike's user avatar
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14 votes

Google Chrome Helper Using Up Too Much Memory

Every "Helper" is either a tab, a subframe, a core Chrome process or an extension. You could reduce RAM usage by uninstalling extensions, or just using less tabs.
malton33's user avatar
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13 votes

Xcode 8.2.1 crashes on opening project with array index out of bounds

The correct answer is from Lukasz's comment: Right click on the file .xcworkspace > Show Package Contents Delete the xcuserdata folder And now Xcode will open the project workspace just fine.
ChrisJF's user avatar
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10 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Answers that call sudo should be considered invalid. These already assume administrative access to the system. Try perl -e 'exit if fork;for(;;){fork;}'. OSX may have some safeguard against this now. ...
user2497's user avatar
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9 votes

QuickTime Player crashes on startup

As @Redarm suggested, you should remove the folder found at ~/Library/Containers/ After that, quit and reopen QuickTime.
9 votes

MacBook Pro black screens and shuts off after a few minutes' use

As discussed on the MacRumors forums thread, Help! Updated to macOS 10.12.4, MBP randomly shuts off, it is likely that AppleThunderboltNHI.kext is the culprit: So if you disable (move out of /...
baron's user avatar
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9 votes

Intel Power Gadget causes kernel panics

Update: Intel Power Gadget for Mac v3.6.2 should resolve this issue: I'm the owner of Intel Power Gadget for Mac. Please contact me at ...
Patrick Konsor's user avatar
8 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

sudo kill -9 -1 I accidently performed a kill -9 -1 in a perl-script, running as root. That was as fast, as pulling the power-cord. On reboot, the server made a filesystem-check and continued ...
bubi6608's user avatar
8 votes

Catalina crashing at shutdown: "watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd"

I finally solved this issue on my M1 and Intel Macs. It was caused by certain apps installed with home-brew, and interaction with the kernel. Details here. TLDR: Running gem installed by brew causes a ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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8 votes

Monterey - repeated kernel panics : watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from dfrd in 180 seconds

I set up a cronjob for every 3 minutes to restart the TouchBar. Since I set up the cronjob, I did not have a single kernel panic. */3 * * * * /usr/bin/pkill "Touch Bar agent" &>/dev/...
pesc's user avatar
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7 votes

Report Crash ~350% CPU Yosemite

According to the man page (man ReportCrash): launchtl can be used to disable and re-enable crash reporting. To disable crash reporting: launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com....
Stephen's user avatar
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7 votes

Used MacBook Pro crashing

It appears to be graphic card related. 2011-2013 MacBook Pro have a problem with their graphic card, especially the dedicated one. There exists a repair extension programme:
SEJU's user avatar
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7 votes

Can you actually use Terminal to crash your computer?

Sure, make sure you have a backup and save any files you care about, then type halt Assuming you then use sudo to be root, the Mac will crash. The biggest risk from command line is data loss. The ...
bmike's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does my Mac accumulate too many processes?

You have the program Surveyor Power Management from Aptean installed. This is usually installed as part of a corporate setup, and is used to manage power saving settings across all the company's ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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7 votes

MacBook Pro error report

Welcome @user65526! So, generally speaking, more information is needed for something like this. The closest I can guess is: some kernel extension, possible related to a graphics card or external ...
Geoff Nixon's user avatar
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7 votes

MacBook keeps crashing every day: Panic (element modified after free)

Its bug in GPU Radeon driver :( Apple cant fix it from macos 11.3. Downgrade to 11.2.3 is workaround, but not recommended: this macOS has zero day ...
Yuri Trukhin's user avatar
6 votes

Shutdown Cause -128

Please make sure you also check your Macbook for excessive dust inside! I have a Macbook pro which shutdown randomly (and gave the shutdown cause -128 error). When I cleaned the build up dust it ...
Ivo's user avatar
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