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21 votes

Enable keyboard shortcut to look up word in dictionary

command ⌘control ⌃D is the built-in shortcut for this, performing a Look Up on the current mouse position, as if you'd used Force Touch.
grg's user avatar
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15 votes

How to Remove a Word from Dictionary of Google Chrome?

On macOS Chrome 60, settings do not let you access the dictionary. Words are actually added in two places where you can manually edit them: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Custom\...
Cœur's user avatar
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12 votes

look up a word in in Terminal

I found a solution using Swift 4. #!/usr/bin/swift import Foundation if (CommandLine.argc < 2) { print("Usage: dictionary word") }else{ let argument = CommandLine.arguments[1] let ...
peccu's user avatar
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8 votes

Firefox: Is there a way to add a "look up" option to right-click 'context' menu?

Look Up has a system-wide key command, if that's any use to you. Default is Cmd ⌘ Ctrl ⌃ D . You just hover the mouse over the word you want, no click needed. I tested it works in Firefox.
Tetsujin's user avatar
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7 votes

Where is the New Oxford American Dictionary stored?

In 10.14 (and possibly earlier), the dictionaries have moved to /System/Library/Assets/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX/ There is one .asset directory for each downloaded ...
Aaron T's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes

Can iOS' builtin dictionary be accessed/browsed as an independent app?

In iOS 12 Apple provided the free Shortcuts App. You may have to download it from the App Store if you've deleted it. Shortcuts can do what you need and a lot more. The following simple shortcut is a ...
geoO's user avatar
  • 604
6 votes

Delete misspelled words from user dictionary in macOS

Open finder and search for your misspelled word. If the custom dictionary is stored in a text file, it will come up. Open the file in TextEdit, remove the word, and save. Using this technique I ...
Patrick McElhaney's user avatar
6 votes

How to fix Dictionary look up text color in Dark mode?

After searching the Internet and experimenting I was able to produce a solution. You have to create a DefaultStyle.css file and put it in Contents subdirectory for each dictionary you want to fix. The ...
Aldekein's user avatar
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5 votes

macOS Mojave, How to install dictionaries to offline computer?

They are located in (HighSierra) Aside from this, you will find packaged dictionaries here: ~/Library/Dictionaries/ there is also the words file here /usr/share/dict/words User specific ...
Ruskes's user avatar
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5 votes

Where is the IPA pronunciation option in Dictionary?

I see it on my Mac. You have to change it in preferences, and then look up a word... Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258)
bmike's user avatar
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4 votes

Add and remove custom words from the Gboard iOS keyboard dictionary

Adding custom words is done by typing them once. Once typed once, the word will be available using Glide Typing. It may not have a high priority, but gliding accurately enough will choose it, and the ...
grg's user avatar
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4 votes

Converting macos dictionaries to portable format

Dictionaries used to be in /System/Library/Dictionaries, but they were moved (c. Sierra?) to various subfolders in /System/Library/Assets/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX. The ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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4 votes

macOS Big Sur doesn't use system proxy

This phenomenon is not unique to Big Sur—it likely dates back to when the Dictionary application was first introduced in Tiger. @1110101001 did some reverse engineering to figure out what's going on. ...
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I refresh the macOS dictionary?

I figured this out myself in the end. One needs to relaunch the service (from the command line). launchctl stop launchctl start
Noldorin's user avatar
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4 votes

Where are the dictionary files located in MacOS Big Sur?

The Finder (Spotlight) doesn't include system files in its results. Dictionaries are now downloaded when selected, so they fall into the murky file path of: /System/Library/AssetsV2/...
benwiggy's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are my Spotlight results so awful?

Definitions are derived in order of preferences set in Dictionary app. By default, Apple Dictionary is before Oxford dictionaries. In order to get a Oxford English Dictionary (or any other dictionary ...
Aivar Paalberg's user avatar
3 votes

how to log the search history in mac dictionary

The following AppleScript code can be used in an Run AppleScript action as an Automator Service, and assigned a keyboard shortcut to act on a selected word to open it in the Dictionary, and log it, if ...
user3439894's user avatar
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3 votes

Configuring a Mac to use Oxford spelling

LibreOffice's British English dictionary has support for Oxford English. You can download the .dic and .aff files from and place the files in ...
beta's user avatar
  • 152
3 votes

look up a word in in Terminal

I installed dict from homebrew so now when I use dict from command line it's working simply. I needed this one for my custom emacs configuration
nerding_it's user avatar
3 votes

look up a word in in Terminal

checkout this github repo: install: brew install --HEAD
aztack's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Dictionary application needs to download dictionary "Apple Dictionary" before use

The Apple Support article “How to free up storage space on your Mac” mentions: Other ways that macOS helps automatically save space macOS Sierra and later automatically takes these additional ...
Rinzwind's user avatar
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3 votes

Dictionary App constantly downloading dictionaries

I've experienced this problem once in a while, and find that it's due to the DictionaryServiceHelper process freezing. To fix it, first I quit Dictionary, and then I open a terminal and type: pkill -...
ruief's user avatar
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3 votes

macOS Mojave, How to install dictionaries to offline computer?

Now in MacOS Catalina the folder is apparently /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX. There's also another folder called /System/Library/AssetsV2/...
xji's user avatar
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3 votes

How to copy and paste in built-in dictionary

There doesn’t seem to be a way to copy from the built in dictionary, but there are workarounds. As of recent versions of iOS, I simply take a screenshot and copy the text. Use the icon in the lower ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 269
3 votes

"No Local Dictionary Available" error from dictionary after upgrading from Sierra to Catalina

I think it's worth trying a reinstallation of Catalina. I've reinstalled macOS countless times to solve odd issues like this and while it may seem extreme, it's quite safe and often the simplest and ...
Louie Louie's user avatar
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3 votes

Locating the file in which a dictionary word is stored

Through a process of elimination, I have determined that the word is (erroneously) in the system wide spell checker. The file isn't in your local spell check dictionary. This is easy to check - ...
Allan's user avatar
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3 votes

Where are dictionaries stored in MacOS?

As noted before the dictionaries on macOS 10.15 are located in /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX. A list of installed dictionaries could look like this: $ ...
Stefan Schmidt's user avatar
3 votes

The IPA in Oxford Dictionary of English is wrong

If you don't like something in one of the Oxford dictionaries, you have to contact the publisher and ask for a change. Apple has nothing to do with the content of these dictionaries, they just buy ...
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
  • 21.4k

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