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59 votes

Homebrew and Git - Wrong language on the command line

Recently, I've started to observe the same behavior, particularly with git (and after updating to MacOS Mojave). At first, I thought it's an issue with git itself. So, I've reinstalled git with ...
Anton K's user avatar
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45 votes

How to fix macOS Sierra language switching bug?

Go to system preferences/Siri and turn off Siri and make sure that the keyboard shortcut is set to None, and then restart.
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
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22 votes

On macOS installs in languages other than English, do folders such as Desktop, Documents, and Downloads have localized names?

They are only localized in the GUI. Quick example with German as the system language: The folder for Swift Playgrounds shows Macintosh HD → Benutzer:innen → myusername → Dokumente But if I do ...
Hauwertlhaufn's user avatar
12 votes

Homebrew and Git - Wrong language on the command line

I'm having the same issue. After homebrew upgrade git 2.17.0 -> 2.19.1, I find that the new git version starts to respect LANG env variable. If LANG="en_US.UTF-8" or LANG= git will use English. ...
PickBoy's user avatar
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11 votes

iOS: How to set language of app independent of iphone/ipad language

Starting with iOS 13, there is now a way to set an individual language for each app. In the Apple Settings app, open the settings of the specific app, and select the language under "Preferred Language"...
fishinear's user avatar
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11 votes

Change Language in recovery mode

You can try sudo "/System/Library/CoreServices/Language Chooser" then choose the system language you want. Update: I tested it myself. The above command is only ...
maP1E bluE's user avatar
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10 votes

How to fix macOS Sierra language switching bug?

Had a similar problem with the variation that I needed to change focus of the window (deactivate and activate currently focused application window by using command+tab, very annoying). I am extending ...
Yauhen Yakimovich's user avatar
10 votes

How to fix macOS Sierra language switching bug?

Had this happening to me every once in a while. Console did emitted an error when I attempted to switch the keyboard layout: TypingFocusDebug senderProcess is non-trustable, senderProcessPID is 6171 ...
slavikus's user avatar
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10 votes

Changing keyboard input language on Mac OSX

Since 2011, things have slightly changed! The tab Shortcuts in the keyboard panel now has a new sub-section Input Sources (see screenshot). By default these are unchecked. If you enable both ...
PDXIII's user avatar
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9 votes

Disable lag when using caps lock key to toggle input language

Note: the answer below is for MacOS < 14.0. On MacOS 14 "System settings" menu is changed, so if this workaround is still required, then steps also should be updated, but I have not ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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8 votes

How to fix macOS Sierra language switching bug?

killing of this process will be enough /System/Library/Input Methods/ if this will not help, try kill these processes ...
Roman Stepanov's user avatar
8 votes

Change output language of internal commands like "lpstat"?

Looking through the Apple-modified version of cups/language.c (specifically, 10.6.8’s language.c), I found that you should be able to override the language by setting LANG to your preferred language ...
Linc Davis's user avatar
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6 votes

Safari showing website in different language than what's set in Preferences

Regional Settings in Preferences sets your "localization" preferences. In other words, it sets the language, the decimal notation, the date format, etc. for your local computer. It does not force ...
Allan's user avatar
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6 votes

Keyboard Fn Function key switchUsing language

Using Fn to switch keyboards is new with Big Sur. Buggy behavior has been reported by many users in the Apple discussion forums. Until Apple fixes it, probably best to use the traditional shortcuts ...
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
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6 votes

Keyboard Fn Function key switchUsing language

The traditional key combination for switching input sources, Ctrl+Space not only continues to work on my M1 MacBook Air, but using it once restores the Fn/Globe key back to also working. As someone ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I disable language switch popup?

I fixed this problem by redirecting fn (change input source) to Left Ctrl+Space (previous input source) through a complex rule for Karabiner-Elements. This fix involves a 3rd party app, but I am not ...
Vermithor's user avatar
6 votes

How to get back MacOS Ventura language change selector?(on MacOS Sonoma curently)

defaults write kCFPreferencesAnyApplication TSMLanguageIndicatorEnabled 0 As per Works miracles, no additional soft needed
EakzIT's user avatar
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5 votes

Setting Romanian diacritics using AltGr on El Capitan

Bit of a shameless plug: I've created this keyboard layout as none I could find were actually following the standard for Romanian Pro. I may ...
SaltwaterC's user avatar
5 votes

Make Speech in Safari read different languages

I would say this is a bug in macOS, so I've reported it. But there's a simple workaround: use Automator to create a simple Service to speak the selected text in a voice of your choice. You may also ...
Matt Sephton's user avatar
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5 votes

How to access katakana on the Japanese keyboard for the iPhone?

After keying the hiragana, You should always find the katakana somewhere in the suggestion bar above the keyboard.
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
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5 votes

Software Upgrade causes language change in Login screen and shutdown popup window

I found the solution. In terminal, execute the following command sudo languagesetup choose English in the command prompt and then logout and login again or reboot. The language in Login Screen will ...
sgon00's user avatar
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4 votes

How to fix macOS Sierra language switching bug?

I have similar issues. As shown in the video or another one where instead of having n+1 languages I suddenly can only switch between 1 language even though I have n+1. It seems the process freaked ...
steros's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I make Caps Lock work like it did prior to Sierra?

I think I may have found the solution: It appears that in Sierra, the "default" behavior that I described above is possible, and is now "a feature". Only problem is it's turned-off by default (which ...
zerohedge's user avatar
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4 votes

iOS: How to set language of app independent of iphone/ipad language

The way iOS works is that when an app is launched, the operating system tries to match up your preferred device language(s), in order, with the language(s) supported by the app. As an example, ...
Steve Christensen's user avatar
4 votes

How can I change the language for automatic spelling correction?

Building on the other answers, in Ventura this is now located in System Settings > Keyboard > Input Methods : Edit... > Automatic by Language > Set Up... This can also be changed using ...
Guillaume Algis's user avatar
4 votes

UK spelling dictionary - teach OS X *all* -ize spellings

Adding words to the local dictionary is tiresome! Just do this instead: System Preferences > Language & Region > Keyboard Preferences… > Text > Spelling > Set up… > Check both British and US ...
Anuraag Daniel's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to create a custom keyboard and upload it to the App store?

Yes, lots of people have done this, you can find many custom language keyboards in the app store. You should make sure there is not one there already by searching the store for the language you are ...
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
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4 votes

Typing the tilde '~' character on a PC keyboard

On U.S. International - PC layout, press Alt-N and then Space How to find keys in General Go to Preferences->Keyboard Preferences Input Sources Check "Show input menu in menu bar" Click on the flag ...
user2707001's user avatar
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4 votes

Can't use command+space to change input source

You are in the right place, but the wrong selection. Select "Spotlight" from the list on the left. You can then uncheck the shortcut for Command Space allowing you to assign that to the shortcut you ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
4 votes

Can I use the Dvorak layout on Japanese keyboard on macOS?

You can choose the layout you want for Japanese inside the preferences for that keyboard.
Tom Gewecke's user avatar
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