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103 votes

What is the 'deleted' daemon in macOS?

I came here due to an issue on my MacBook Pro (2018 15") running on macOS Catalina 10.15.7. In fact, the deleted process was showing up in my process list and consuming around 50% CPU - more or ...
Oliver Mack's user avatar
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92 votes

How do I start the docker daemon on macOS?

An alternative solution is to use other runtime for docker. For example colima brew install colima colima start docker ps -a Since docker desktop isn't free for enterprise usage, the alternative ...
FDG's user avatar
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77 votes

How do I start the docker daemon on macOS?

The docker setup does not work as in a normal Linux machine, on a Mac it is much more complicated. But it can be done! brew install --cask docker virtualbox brew install docker-machine docker-...
Alex's user avatar
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70 votes

How to restart Bluetooth service from command line

sudo pkill bluetoothd NOTE: Works for me on macOS High Sierra My Logitech MX Anywhere mouse does not work after sleeping sometimes. As I've read it's not because of mouse, it's a macOS Smart ...
Yusuf's user avatar
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65 votes

How to restart Bluetooth service from command line

On High Sierra, none of the command line options worked for me. I was able to plug in a wired USB mouse and use the Shift + Option with Debug/Rest solution. I tried the blueutil solution on my High ...
sygibson's user avatar
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50 votes

What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections?

EDIT: It looks like the man page has been updated and now reads: Daemon that enables Phone Call Handoff and other communication features between Apple devices. I just had the same experience. The man ...
seren's user avatar
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42 votes

How do I start the docker daemon on macOS?

Here is an alternative solution which worked for me: remove docker and docker-compose installed by brew install Docker Desktop for Mac or use brew install homebrew/cask/docker run it and pass admin ...
Mateusz Kubuszok's user avatar
40 votes

What is the 'deleted' daemon in macOS?

deleted is the process for CacheDelete, which is used to purge caches on disk. Looking in /System/Library/CacheDelete/ you can see what services are registered as a client.
MacManager's user avatar
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31 votes

How do I start the docker daemon on macOS?

If you have Docker Desktop installed, the docker daemon will be launched if you launch Docker Desktop. To do that, you can run in Terminal: open -a Docker Also, if you don't like the window pop-up at ...
catwith's user avatar
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23 votes

How to restart Bluetooth service from command line

One thing to mention is the daemon name blued (at least until macOS 10.11 El Capitan), has been changed to bluetoothd. So based on the version of the macOS, you need to change the daemon name in the ...
mogutan88's user avatar
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23 votes

What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections?

In addition to what already has been posted, /usr/libexec/rapportd is code signed by Apple and linked against a PrivateFramework (which Apple doesn't allow for others and therefore doesn't sign for ...
John Keates's user avatar
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17 votes

How to disable the "locate" command in Mac OS?

You can disable it like this: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Keep in mind, this process only runs periodically to make the database that caches the ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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16 votes

What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections?

I believe it is used for iTunes Home Sharing and the Remote app to control iTunes. I found this out because Little Snitch was blocking it and I couldn't work out why the iTunes remote stuff wasn't ...
Darius's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the 'deleted' daemon in macOS?

For me, this problem was being caused by problems with iStat Menus on macOS Sierra 10.12.0. There seems to be a bug which causes issues with the deleted process. Once I uninstalled iStat Menus the ...
Nick Woodhams's user avatar
10 votes

How to restart Bluetooth service from command line

For my Macbook Pro 2017 with macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, I restart bluetooth using the following bash script: #!/bin/bash sudo launchctl stop sudo launchctl start
Mark Winterbottom's user avatar
10 votes

What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections?

From my own pain^W experience I can tell that this service is needed at least for text message forwarding (relaying) to work. Having it blocked with Firewall, for e. g., puts a big bold ban on "Text ...
poige's user avatar
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10 votes

What are all these tvOS services?

The services are: ._airplay._tcp.local This is a Bonjour advertisement for the network service that enables AirPlay of video content. I.e. this allows iOS devices to discover the Apple TV as a "...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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9 votes

What is rapportd and why does it want incoming network connections?

Type man rapportd in Terminal. This is the output: NAME rapportd -- Rapport Daemon. SYNOPSIS Daemon that enables Phone Call Handoff and other communication features between Apple devices. ...
Viktor's user avatar
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8 votes

What is parsecd?

As described in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/Info.plist it is location-based suggestions for Siri.
Tomáš Pánik's user avatar
8 votes

Fine-tuning "Open safe files after downloading"

The preferences file is located at ~/Library/Preferences/ If the file doesn't exist, then create it and include the following: <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple ...
adamxweb's user avatar
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7 votes

MirrorDisplays error every 30 seconds in system.log

I had the same log complaints. They are the result of macOS detecting the secondary HDMI display and some code quality issue. Uncheck "System Preference > Display > Show mirroring options in the ...
Bath's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the 'deleted' daemon in macOS?

I found that the deleted was activated when I started the Disk Utiulity and selected disk container which has macOS system.
hmr4c's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes

Why can an app create daemons on the fly without sudo permission and how to stop it?

The general security model is that normal users can add any startup items to their realm (user library for them) and not for the system, so don’t let people have admin accounts if you don’t trust them ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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6 votes

macOS Catalina: execute bash script on boot with launchctl

/Users/mark/Documents/ is a protected user folder (as Downloads and Desktop). Usually you can add applications to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access to enable ...
klanomath's user avatar
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5 votes

How to restart Bluetooth service from command line

This 3rd party command line tool seems to work all the way up to High Sierra, abstracting away the differences between OSX versions:
miemo's user avatar
  • 71
5 votes

What is mediaremoteagent under Activity Monitor?

mediaremoteagent is /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework/Support/mediaremoteagent The MediaRemote framework is used for managing unified media playback across macOS, determining ...
grg's user avatar
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5 votes

Make sysctl changes at startup

It's probably best to ditch the script approach and use the settings file designed for this purpose: sysctl.conf This applies up to macOS 10.12 Sierra. as @klanomath pointed out in comments: " *....
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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