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Questions tagged [versions]

Apple permanent version storage in OS X Lion and greater.

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Why is iPhone not allowing access to microphone, camera for all the apps that I use? [duplicate]

My apps do not have camera access or microphone access. I tried to delete and re-install Instagram, WhatsApp, and phone pe apps but it did not resolve the issue. I even tried to reset the location ...
Neha Chavan's user avatar
0 votes
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How to upgrade from iOS 14 to 15, NOT 16+? [duplicate]

I cannot “upgrade” my iPhone to iOS 16 for reasons. But I would like to at least go from 14 to 15 if that is possible. I have read that 15 is okay. Google has this to say: In response to How do I ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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Save in-progress document changes as a new file

Now that more and more document based applications do the modern "Save, Duplicate, Revert to" Versions thing instead of the traditional "Save, Save as, Revert". Having had 30 years ...
Heath Raftery's user avatar
0 votes
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Revert to last saved, now that saving has been obsoleted

Now that more and more document based applications do the modern "save, duplicate, revert to" Versions thing instead of the traditional "save, save as, revert". Having had 30 ...
Heath Raftery's user avatar
0 votes
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How to add version to an Automator service workflow

I have a workflow which is installed as a Service. It is used to call code in my AppleScript applet. The Service has one action: a "Run AppleScript" action. I update the Service quite often ...
Garry's user avatar
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Set python version on MacOS Big Sur [closed]

does someone had situation when "python --version" says "Python 2.7.16", but installed version is 3.7 Command "pyenv versions" says "* 3.7.11 (set by /Users/dima/....
D.K.'s user avatar
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backup MacOS documents that are on icloud

I have activated my mac documents and desktop syncing to icloud drive. Now I noticed that I can't find version history for my files anywhere, including on my Time Machine backup. Is there any ...
Ben2209's user avatar
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Can I get older (recent) versions of Keynote?

I have just updated Keynote to 10.0, and have noticed some loss of features. In particular, it seems the "typewriter" animation has been replaced with "keyboard". I recall having the option with ...
Karl's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it possible to download and install multiple versions of Safari on macOS?

Is it possible to download and install multiple versions of Safari on macOS? I need to test something out on my MacBook with the latest version of Safari (13), but I don't want to update my current ...
Arlen's user avatar
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Finding the latest iOS version number

Is there a public API that can provide me with the most recent iOS version number? I need to be able to programmatically query the most recent version number in a reliable way (so no web scraping). Is ...
Max Mikhaylov's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What does time of year (Early, Mid, Late) and year in About This Mac dialogue mean?

My Mac mini shows Late 2012 in the About This Mac dialogue shown on clicking  → About This Mac. What does this label actually represent? The year of production or the year that model was introduced ...
Green's user avatar
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Issues installing Mcrypt PHP module

I am trying to install Mcrypt PHP module but encountering some issues: Version of PHP installed: 7.1.16 macOS version: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Is the following command that I am running correct? ...
Amaresh Tiwari's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I undo changes made to a picture I accidentally saved via preview?

The was a picture that I was looking at in my computer, I drew a line with the preview tool. Since my was slow and the app was not responsive, I force quited Preview. I opened the document and it ...
Leonel Cabrera Herrera's user avatar
2 votes
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extract by terminal the Darwin version

I want to know how extract by terminal the Darwin version. For macOS Sierra 10.12.3 is 16.4.0 for 10.12.6 is 16.7.0. Now, I want to create: --...
joseluisbz's user avatar
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Application stopped working -- claims it requires new OS X version, but it worked before

After restarting my computer, running OS X 10.8.5, the old GitHub client suddenly stopped working with the following error message: You can’t use this version of the application “GitHub Desktop” with ...
Dmitri Zaitsev's user avatar
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Dealing with macos Versions feature and file syncing services

Full disclosure: I'm yet to come to terms with the Versions feature and that saving ain't saving anymore. I've had no shortage of dramas losing work and losing track of files since the feature was ...
Heath Raftery's user avatar
2 votes
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how install postgres 9.6 and a corresponding PostGIS [closed]

How do I install postgres 9.6 and a corresponding PostGIS on macOS Sierra using perhaps homebrew?
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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Stop macOS from creating/storing previous versions of a document [duplicate]

macOS creates a history or previous version of each any every document/file I edit and this not only happens across the os but also happens across every mac apps. These version files takes up huge ...
Sayan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Cannot open or update iPhoto

I bought a used Macbook Pro running macOS Sierra. It came after the previous owners reset it and installed the iLife pack (iPhoto, iMovie and GarageBand). I couldn't use those apps since it came with ...
Ido Naveh's user avatar
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How to programmatically find the latest version number of Homebrew?

How to programmatically find the latest version number of Homebrew? I can find this on my local computer with brew --version and string process the result to get a version number. What's a good way ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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Is there version control software with commit messages that preserves macOS tags?

As I mentioned in my answer on tags best practices, the distributed version control software (VCS) Git does not preserve macOS tags (or other extended file attributes). Is there version control ...
Big Mac's user avatar
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Apple Pages - store changes with document?

Is it possible to track changes (version control) in Apple Pages?
KarolDepka's user avatar
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Install iTunes Backup from different iPhone with iOS 10.2

I have got my new iPhone currently with iOS 9.3.5 and another older iPhone with iOS 10.2. My goal is to get 10.2 on the new one (NOT 10.2.1!!). I tried a iTunes and iCloud backup but the version is ...
howtoweb's user avatar
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Does macOS Server 5 support permanent version storage?

2012-08-13: OS X Server: "The document 'file name' is on a volume that does not support permanent version storage" alert (affected: Lion Server, OS X Server (Mountain Lion)) 2014-11-14: OS X Server: "...
Graham Perrin's user avatar
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Minimum volume size to enable versioning

I have certain documents stored on a password protected disk image stored on Dropbox. Since the documents are small text documents, I made the image small (100 MB). But now I'm getting the following ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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2 or more iOS devices with different versions of iOS (7.x 9.x) & same App, will keep which App versions on iTunes sync?

I have several iOS devices with iOS 7.x to 9.x installed and they are all synced with iTunes on my computer. How can I manage the differing versions of my suite of apps on these devices when iTunes ...
Alex S's user avatar
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Can I upgrade my iOS using the iTunes restore, but not to the latest version? [duplicate]

Right now, the latest version of iOS is 9.1. Mine is 8.1.2. Can I use the restore option in iTunes to install version 9.0.2 or do I have to update to 9.1 and then downgrade to 9.0.2?
Sharon Dorot's user avatar
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iOS - version history

Is there an official version history for iOS? The best similar thing I have found is on Wikipedia: iOS Version History Is there something similar, that is official? I would like to know what could ...
Attila's user avatar
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Why I have 3 different Java versions on my Mac?

today I was looking after my Java Version and I got very confused. I found three different ones: If I look in Webstorm it uses: 1.6.0_65 If I make java -version I get: 1.7.0_45 If I look in the ...
gurehbgui's user avatar
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13 votes
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What is "TALagent" and why is it "Exiting out of boredom"?

I'm trying to help a colleague whose MacBook periodically switches off without warning (I've had similar problems on a Mac Mini, so it's not power related). While investigating the logs in Library/...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
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What are the differences between Dreamweaver_14_LS20.dmg and Dreamweaver_13_LS20.dmg?

I find that there are two versions of Dreamweaver CC for Mac OSX, one is Dreamweaver_14_LS20 and another is Dreamweaver_13_LS20. Can anyone tell me what is the exactly differences between these two ...
user3824053's user avatar
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Export versions of a document (/.DocumentRevisions-V100)

I'm trying to automate the following process: get all versions of a document, check in each version to a repository (Subversion, in my case) As a half-solution, I'd already be happy with: get all ...
Sören Kuklau's user avatar
16 votes
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Disable autosave in Preview

Preview, by default, persists edits to the underlying file immediately. (i.e. if you crop something, the underlying file becomes cropped). I find this behavior very irritating. I tried enabling ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Dreamweaver tells me that it can't edit some html file because it is locked, how to exclude folders/types from auto lock?

Dreamweaver complains that it can't edit some specific files due to the fact that they are locked. With as only options to cancel or view read-only. However I do really want to edit the .html files. ...
Pro Backup's user avatar
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Where file revisions are stored on OS X?

Most Apple applications in newer OS X versions, like OS X 10.9, automatically save all changes to all files and documents without your approval, and file versions and revisions are automatically ...
cnst's user avatar
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Keeping old version of Firefox while updating to new version

On my OSx I want to be able to switch version of software I use. Like right now I have Firefox 29, but I want to try firefox 32. is there a way I can download and install version 32 and keep the old ...
Ciasto piekarz's user avatar
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What's my full version 7.1 (11D167)

I'm trying to figure out if I'm on IOS 7.1, 7.1.1, or just what? I get 7.1 (11D167). I'm thinking to attempt to use "pangu" to jailbreak my phone.
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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Did Apple get rid of autosave and versions in Mavericks?

(As a heads up, I've hardly used any versions of OS X newer than Snow Leopard. So, I might be missing something obvious here). I recently installed Mountain Lion and after that Mavericks. While on ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Flash player unable to proceed with the installation

I have difficulties installing the latest version of Adobe Flash Player ( on my Mac OS X 10.9.3 (Mavericks). Every time I do so, it fails at 90% with the following error message. Error: ...
Bill's user avatar
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Installing specific iOS version on iPhone 4S

I've been asked to purchase an iPhone 4S for a team of developers for testing purposes. Two requirements that have been asked of the iPhone are: it should run iOS 7.0 instead of the most recent 7.1 (...
Erathiel's user avatar
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`rm` and Mac OS X's Versions feature

I assume that deleting a file via Finder also deletes any previous versions in /.DocumentRevisions-V100 that are attached to that file. But what's happening if a file is deleted in Terminal with the ...
user avatar
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Which Mac OS X versions support lsof command?

I want to know which Mac OS X versions support the lsof command. Does Mac OS X 10.5 support it?
user70361's user avatar
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disable versions on Mavericks

I have been using this command to get back Save As... in Mountain Lion and it works great: defaults write -g ApplePersistence -bool no However, this doesn't seem to work anymore in Mavericks. Ut ...
user150951's user avatar
2 votes
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Isn't it redundant to have Versions as well as Time Machine?

Versions and Time Machine seem to me to offer duplicated features: both do hourly backups, and their interfaces for browsing previous versions of files are very similar. The only difference I can see ...
bythescruff's user avatar
6 votes
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Where are OS X document versions stored? Are they secure?

Support for OS X versioning is spreading among apps (e.g., TextWrangler has just added this feature as of version 4.5), but it is unclear what the security implications of this are. For example, if I ...
orome's user avatar
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How to manually determine version control metadata for Finder?

I have a Scripts folder where I keep Automator actions, Applescripts, and shell scripts. Automator scripts are automatically assigned a version of 1.1.1 it seems. When I make revisions to any of these ...
Elliott's user avatar
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2k views How to select as diff tool?

Setup OS X 10.8.2 Versions 1.1.11 Kaleidoscope 2.0.0 Problem I am a registered user (DirectSales, not AppStore) of both Versions and Kaleidoscope (both from BlackPixel). The latest versions of ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
2 votes
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Can iTunes sort games by OS version?

Bought an iPod Touch for my son which I then discovered is a 2nd gen which doesn't support lots of apps and games. Currently I either have to try downloading a game to see if it fails or read the ...
Russell Guest's user avatar
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How to regain warnings about permanent version storage?

With Preview in Mountain Lion, I carelessly checked the box – [√] Do not show this message again – imagining that the preference was for just one volume. Then realised that the warning (the sheet):...
Graham Perrin's user avatar
2 votes
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Can not open Mail app since I updated the last version of Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

I just updated my version of Mountain Lion and then when I try to open my Mail app I receive this message : I tried to reinstall Mail but I don't know how to do it. Anyone know what the problem is?
kschaeffler's user avatar