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3 votes
1 answer

Unable to execute arara (a TeX automation tool) from the Terminal

I can't execute arara (a command that is part of the TeXLive distribution) from the Terminal using bash shell. I can execute tex which resides in the same directory. Evans-iMac:~ evanaad$ cd ~ Evans-...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Continuous scrolling problem in TexShop preview

I am using TexShop on Mac OS. Everything works fine, the pdf is generated and I can do continuous scrolling. However, when I view the pdf in (a) full screen mode and (b) zoom a page of this pdf, I get ...
seeker's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Do we need MacTex for Lyx on Mac?

MacTex is apparently 4+GB to install. It says on the Lyx downloads that MacTex is a necessary dependency. Do we really need MacTex?
Alexander Mills's user avatar
1 vote
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\hat{} symbol "^" in a LaTeX equation in Pages disappears after being exported to a MS Word file

I use Pages 10.2 (7028.0.88) on macOS 10.15.7. As I finished editing my Pages file and exported it to a .docx file for my colleagues, all the equations in it were successfully passed to the new file ...
isend's user avatar
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1 answer

What language is used in equations in Pages and Keynote? e.g. \texttt{}, \mathtt{}, \tt{} and \text{}

This answer to How to include equations in-line with text within the cell of a table in Keynote? is quite helpful. I noticed that \text{} is interpreted as boldface, and I had to find something else ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Pages equation editor: default code

For math homework I use Pages and the equation editor with LaTeX. I want to use LaTeX macros to make writing equations more efficient, however if I have to enter in all the macro definitions each ...
Grady Crossley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Pages support LaTeX extensions?

Is there a location where I can install LaTeX plugins so that I can use the commands in the plugins which are not native to LaTeX in the equation editor in Pages? Or does Pages not support that? ...
DonielF's user avatar
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How can I fix things when LaTex issues a package minted error for "Pygments" or pigmentize?

I am trying to install the "Pygments" package to Python via terminal on my Mac so that I can utilize the "minted" package in Latex. I have downloaded the package via the terminal by using the ...
Put1demerde's user avatar
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Viewer for pdflatex/beamer presentation with reload and without blurry transitions

When using pdflatex to create a beamer presentation and then viewing it in (single page or fullscreen mode), page transitions are blurry: when going to the next slide, a blurry/low-...
Maxim's user avatar
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Error "Metric (TFM) file not found" with MacTex 2016

I want to use TexMaker as LaTeX editor on a Macbook with OS X 10.9.5. I installed TexMaker 4.5 and MacTex 2016. A first attempt to compile a given document (that was written with TexMaker on a Linux ...
Karlo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to install TexMaker on Mac?

I want to install TexMaker 4.5 on Mac OS X 10.9.5. On the official page, I clicked on Texmaker 4.5 for MacosxLion (64 bits) and opened the folder that is downloaded. It contains the application ...
Karlo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Preview and Skim are not opening Latex compiled pdf file

I am using latexmk to compile file written in Latex in OS X (macOS Sierra : 10.12.4) to pdf. Recently I am facing that such pdf files are not being opened through Preview or Skim pdf editor! Earlier ...
hbaromega's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting environment variables (TEXINPUTS) in El Capitan

I am a user of TeXShop, an application launched from the Launchpad. Everything works great except that in order to get full functionality, I need to set the TEXINPUTS environment variable. (To be ...
alexis's user avatar
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Issues with Anki and BasicTeX

My last Mac worked with Anki to display LaTeX formatted equations but I am still, but I haven't been able to transfer it over. My steps thus far: I obviously downloaded and installed Anki and ...
cdarwin's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to install MacTeX 2015 successfully in El Capitan?

I upgraded to El Capitan in my new Macbook Air. El Capitan does not allow to use /usr/texbin/ for storage so LaTeX community had to move their files to /Library/TeX. MacTeX 2015 is not fully ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
6 votes
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Icons Do Not Update After Changing "Open with" Default

I recently switched from using BaKoMa Tex to Texpad for working with .tex files. After switching the "Open with" default application for all .tex files (which is working fine), I've noticed that the "...
cpage's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is wrong in this command about grepping and pandocing?

I am thinking this answer which returns a broken PDF document in OSX 10.10.3. The file test_dummy.tex is here. pandoc test_dummy.tex -f markdown -t html | grep -E '(^<|^$|^ *$)' \ | grep -v "^&...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
3 votes
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To install pgfplots for OSX Yosemite?

Old discussion about this topic for OSX Lion here. However, I think there is no good answer to this topic, since pgfplots is not already installed so not only a .sty file problem, like Alan writes ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Reopen PDF in Preview on the same page when modified externally

In Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks when a PDF document opened in Preview is modified by an external application, Preview automatically reopens the new version with the same page displayed as before. After ...
tomash's user avatar
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Folder Action for hiding files according to type

Here's what I need. I need a folder action that hides files according to their extensions. (I do not need a folder action that hides extensions for visible files.) This action needs to apply to every ...
fishfingers's user avatar
1 vote
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Force OS X to open .tex files with TexShop

I would like the .tex files to be opened using TexShop by default. So, I am trying to change the default behaviour by clicking right mouse button --> Open with --> checking always open with and ...
syntagma's user avatar
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11 votes
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Font smoothing for pdf files in OSX Yosemite Safari vs Skim

I produce a lot of pdf files using LaTeX and thus, I also read a lot of such files. After the update to OS X 10.10 the fonts are not smooth anymore. However, Safari seems to handle it much better than ...
Piotr's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to use latex2rtf without root installation

This is a very basic question, as I am a newbie on Unix systems. I have installed latex2rtf following the OS X specific instructions. As I do not have root rights (university computer), I installed ...
Mikko's user avatar
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How to install Fontin in Mac

Could anyone please let me know how to install fontin which I download from Exljbris. I am new to mac so I am not sure what to do with .sit file.
CrazyCoder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

LaTeX on OS X stoped working after update

I have TeX Live installed on my MacBook Pro with OS X 10.9.2. I installed TeX Live through MacPorts. Not long ago, I did an update of out of date packages. I just tried to compile a Tex document, and ...
user avatar
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On MacPorts, Mavericks, and generated PDF files with latex/xelatex

So, I am using MacPorts and through MacPorts I want to use texlive in order to be able to build with latex/xelatex PDF documents. Everything seems to be working fine, apart from the fact, that ...
MightyMouse's user avatar
2 votes
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Keyboard layout for math

I usually need to write math with LaTeX, and after seeing this question: Entering unicode math symbols. I came here with some small questions. I find that not perfectly comfortable, and I was ...
Manuel's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Automatically hide latex aux files in finder (files with a certain extension)

I'm a LaTeX user in OSX. I use TexShop primarily. LaTeX automatically creates lots of helper files with various different extensions (.log, .nav, .aux, .out, etc). It's almost never necessary to view ...
WildGunman's user avatar
3 votes
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Using PdfLatex in OS X?

This thread here mentions MacTex but it is 2 GB in size and I am trying to find something as small as Apple's open command for modularized preview. How can I get something like pdflatex in OS X? ...
hhh's user avatar
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Use Textmate (or any arbitrary application) with Lion's "Versions" feature?

I'm writing a thesis in LaTeX with TextMate. I want very simple, very automated version control. Nothing complicated! Just, every time I save, a new version is created so that I can easily go back in ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

LilyPond on Lion

Did you succeed in installing LilyPond on Lion? How? After downloading the (precompiled) LilyPond, I am getting: In plain text: LilyPond Error An unexpected error has occurred during execution of ...
Calaf's user avatar
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