copy/paste of large amount of text to terminal leads to scrambled/missing characters
You can use the pbpaste command to get the text in the pasteboard without going through the vagaries of the terminal driver, buffer overruns, etc. To put the cut text into a new file, use:
pbpaste &...
copy/paste of large amount of text to terminal leads to scrambled/missing characters
When I need to paste a lot of text into a Terminal application window, I use the cat command to transfer the text to a file. For example, I would enter the command below before pasting the text with ...
QuickLook for LaTeX (and other?) text files stopped working (macOS 13?)
So I have a sort-of answer to my own question.
First the app at https://github.com/sbarex/SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight seems to fix it for me by explicitly providing quicklook for many types of text ...
BBEdit Code Completion and other features found in Textmate
According to the 12.6 user manual (p104), BBEdit offers code completion based on:
clippings (both language-specific and universal);
ctags symbols computed by running the current document ...
Why css files are opening in safari by default in MacBook?
I don't know why it's happening, but the usual way to correct would be:
Select a CSS file
Press Cmd-I, or right-click and select "Get Info"
In the Information popup, locate the "Open With" dropdown, ...
How to launch TextMate (and probably other software) from the command line?
I guess they've made this easier recently. You can now install the "mate" command by going to...
TextMate "Settings..." -> "Terminal" -> Click the "Install&...
Split Windows on Textmate
You can open a file in two windows at once. Whatever edits you do in one window are performed in the other as well. It's not quite the same as a single split-view window, but it's not all that ...
AppleScript app started prompting to run or quit. How can I disable this?
I know this is old - but it happened to me today on macOS Sierra 10.12.4.
Based on this page I solved it be running chmod +rw applet.rsrc in the /Contents/Resources folder under the applet.
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