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4 votes

New user owns old apps in Mac

Apps that are dragged into the /Applications folder by a user will be owned by that user - e.g. the Unix owner attribute will be that of the user that did the dragging. Apps from the Mac App Store and ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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4 votes

Enable Guest User in 10.14.x Via the Command Line (without a MDM)?

The first time the Guest user is enabled, a new user is created with a process similar to that of any user creation. The macOS procedure has been distilled into a script, essentially running dscl . -...
grg's user avatar
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3 votes

Enable restrictions on Guest user

Under System Preferences → Users & Groups → Guest User after you have allowed Guest user login by checking Allow guests to log in to this computer, you'll get an option to Enable parental controls....
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do I have two Guest Users?

The one guest account with a proper picture is an OS account - you can remove it from the FileVault startup screen with this command. Enter the following command in the Terminal: sudo fdesetup ...
redforman's user avatar
2 votes

How do I run a sudo command at login/logout on macOS

Unless the files are created with sudo the user can delete files within his own profile. So, creating a LaunchAgent that cleans the desktop at login would do the trick. Login in with the account you ...
Volsk's user avatar
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1 vote

Schedule guest account logoff on macOS

I put this in a script and added that script to the root crontab: launchctl bootout user/$(id -u Guest)
CrazyLegion's user avatar
1 vote

Remove Guest Login completely from mac

As far as I'm aware, if you have Find My enabled, you cannot disable the guest. It is part of the security. See Apple KB - Change Users & Groups Guest User preferences on Mac
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Disk scan shows account Guest uses 74 gigabytes; Can I reclaim space?

Disk Expert may be giving you the spaced used by "Users" which will include your stuff as well as Guest Users. If this is the case then erasing stuff under "Guest" will not buy you much. When I run ...
Natsfan's user avatar
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How to disable the Guest account in macOS Mojave using `dscl`?

You can use sysadminctl tool to query and modify sevurity status of users in Mojave. Following command should query the guest account status: sysadminctl -guestAccount status And with administator ...
Palec's user avatar
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1 vote

How to disable the Guest account in macOS Mojave using `dscl`?

Here is how to disable Guest user via command line sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GuestEnabled -bool FALSE Note, re-enabling it is quick, but you need extra help if ...
Prado's user avatar
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Allow user to SSH to my Mac, but sandbox the account

Secure Shell (ssh) Jail The phrase you need to search for is jail ssh user. See the questions and articles linked below for a range of approaches; being Unix-y, these approaches should also work on ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do I have two Guest Users?

This is a bug. I have the same issue with High Sierra and the icon is corrupted too. MacOS has two types of a Guest user: An actual (but restricted) user account. It can access files and apps, so it ...
pointum's user avatar
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1 vote

Upgrade to Mojave messed up Guest account

Try this. It worked for me. Best of luck Let us know how it went.
chuck finley's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot Log Out of guest User

Disabling SIP with 'csrutil disable' solved the problem for me, although that doesn't reflect well on Apple or MacOS.
zeeple's user avatar
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Launch an Application on login for the Guest User

Here is a really good answer for this question: The easiest way would be the following: Download, install and update the free Server Admin Tools from Apple. If you´re currently logged ...
Melvin Jefferson's user avatar
1 vote

Manage Guest Account via Profile Manager

It looks like there is a way to make Guest account settings "persistent", it's just a bunch of settings files. See this hint for how to get those settings files configured how you like them. So you ...
Demis's user avatar
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Manage Guest Account via Profile Manager

This is not possible. Apple's Profile Manager is lacking in many areas, and this is one of them. Apple does not provide any tools or documentation for managing the guest account on multiple remote ...
zeeple's user avatar
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Enable Guest Account via Profile Manager

You can distribute a configuration profile to enable it, courtesy of @gregneagle on GitHub. The following is a stripped down version to just the payload for setting the guest account on. <?xml ...
grg's user avatar
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