I have migrated from an old iMac running Catalina to a new one running Big Sur.
I assume, deep in the annals of time, I must have changed my default font in Mail for the Message List to be slightly bigger. It is set to Lucida Grande 12.
On the new iMac, this choice seems jarring in Big Sur.
On another iMac, migrated from a laptop where I had not changed the default font size, Mail shows my Message List font as System Font Regular 11.
When I go to change the font back to default, the font picker does not show any font called System Font, and I do not know what the actual system font is in Big Sur - is it Helvetica Nueue, San Francisco, or something else?
Ideally, how do I get rid of my custom font choice and revert to the default?
I am aware there are two similar questions here
- Is there a user font for San Francisco in El Capitan?
- How do I set the mail.app message font to San Fransisco (System Font)
Neither of them answer my particular question.