iCloud Drive on my Mac (10.13.3) won't sync.
- My other devices perform perfectly, as does icloud.com. Any change made on one immediately propagates to the others.
- Changes made to iCloud Drive on my Mac go nowhere. The cloud icon displays indefinitely. Changes aren't propagated to my other devices or iCloud.com, nor do changes made in other locations propagate to my Mac, which is lost in some orphan universe of its own.
- All other services (i.e., Contacts, Calendar, etc.) perform perfectly.
So far I've tried…
- Disabling/enabling iCloud Drive on all my devices.
- Various combinations of disabling/enabling "Desktop & Documents Folders"
- Signing out/in of iCloud on all my devices.
- Restarting the Mac until the startup chime had me reciting Edgar Allan Poe's "The Bells."
- Removing all files and experimenting with one small file.
- Waiting eight hours for a 25kb startled cat photo to sync.
…all to no avail.
I've attached log entries matching…
message type:error
message type:fault
…below, but if there are obvious screaming errors in it, they're over my head.
I'm at wit's end. Suggestions would be most appreciated.
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:50.464165 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : ****###****-[MMMobileDocumentsService confirmUserWantsToDisableiCloudDriveAndDesktopWithDialogCompletion:] kMMPropertyMobileDocumentsiCloudDriveDisableDataclassActions returned (null) uploadPending 1 downloadPending 1
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:52.377211 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : -[MMMobileDocumentsService observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]: progressText got from iCloud Drive :()
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:52.377322 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : ****###**** -[MMMobileDocumentsService observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]: 0.0% [indeterminate] (fractionCompleted)
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:58.012621 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : [-[MMMobileDocumentsService setEnabled:creating:withWindow:]_block_invoke_2] : showUploadDisableiCloudDriveSheetWithCompletionHandler completed with status 1
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:58.015098 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : [-[MMMobileDocumentsService uploadAndOptOutOfiCloudDriveWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke] : BRUploadAllFilesForLogOutOperation completed with error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3072 "The operation was cancelled."
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:58.015652 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : [-[MMMobileDocumentsService handleOperationCompletion:]] : BRUploadAllFilesForLogOutOperation or BRDownloadAllFilesForLogOutOperation completed with error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3072 "The operation was cancelled."
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:58.016112 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : [-[MMMobileDocumentsService handleOperationCompletion:]] : BRUploadAllFilesForLogOutOperation or BRDownloadAllFilesForLogOutOperation failed with error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3072 "The operation was cancelled."
iCloudPreferences error 15:45:58.029026 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : SetEnabledOnACAccount_block_invoke Dataclass Action sent to save account [email protected] service com.apple.Dataclass.Ubiquity enableState 0 : {
"com.apple.Dataclass.Ubiquity" = ACDataclassActionMergeLocalDataIntoSyncData;
iCloudPreferences error 15:47:05.448533 -0800 com.apple.preferences.icloud.remoteservice [AOSAccounts] : [GetProperty] kMMPropertyMobileDocumentsMigrationStatusKey status: <CFBasicHash 0x61000066b300 [0x7fff99f38980]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
0 : status = SUCCEEDED
3 : id = <CFString 0x61000046d540 [0x7fff99f38980]>{contents = "edac53f1-93db-48ac-b9f3-2512550632a7"}
11 : name = <CFString 0x610000233440 [0x7fff99f38980]>{contents = "NOT_NEEDED"}
killall bird
, and if necessary first deleting${HOME}/Library/Application Support/CloudDocs/