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Ezekiel's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
40 votes

How to make python 3.11 my default python3 with brew

20 votes

On iPhone, how can I reduce a photo to 2 MiB for Stack Exchange upload?

19 votes

ls ~/Downloads Operation not permitted?

15 votes

How do you find an AirTag on the web

14 votes

How to share an AirTag with family members

13 votes

"Temporary new" MacOS installation for testing in my own machine

10 votes

Cannot store files on Time Machine backup drive

10 votes

What's the logic behind macOS Ventura having 6 folders which appear to be named Mail in ~/Library/Containers?

9 votes

Why did a phone app show someone's missing iPad on my address?

8 votes

Does Sonoma encrypt a disk without asking?

8 votes

Error: joplin: It seems the App source '/Applications/' is not there

8 votes

Terminal: how to get multiple independent different window bg colors?

8 votes

Why can I no longer reply from Messages notifications in macOS Big Sur?

7 votes

Add a Google account to macOS 10.14.6 running Safari 13.0?

7 votes

iCloud Drive not downloading files after reset

7 votes

Is it possible to send a sms text to someone’s iPhone and make it appear that they replied to a number that they did not reply to?

6 votes

What is a safe percentage for battery Maximum Capacity in an iPhone?

6 votes

Is it possible to have multiple versions of MacOS on the same laptop at the same time?

6 votes

Time Machine Backup Failed

6 votes

Can I manually/programmatically put the battery charging on hold?

6 votes

Can I delete this extra Macintosh HD - Data partition?

6 votes

How to install the latest macOS on a used Mac easily?

6 votes

How to log out of iCloud on iPad?

6 votes

How to rename a file that contains spaces in terminal?

6 votes

Share Menu extension to Copy to Clipboard

5 votes

Is there any way to reset my Apple ID as all number?

5 votes

Why are my older Macs suddenly unable to establish a secure web connection?

5 votes

Can we disable the drag window to top of screen Mission Control / Spaces feature

5 votes

How to temporarily disable iCloud Private Relay for a specific website on macOS with Safari?

5 votes

Can I confirm that a message has been deleted at the receiving end?

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