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Questions tagged [wifi-calling]

Wi-Fi calling is a new feature of iOS 8 that's available initially to T-Mobile customers in the United States and EE customers in the U.K

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Disable wifi-calls when entering airplane mode

I need some solution to have wifi-calls disabled when I enter airplane mode each night. In other words disable cellular and wifi-calling in one go. I do need wifi enabled for various reasons. ...
MiB's user avatar
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Why can't my Mac make phone calls?

My iPhone is not currently allowing calls using this Mac. I’d like help to troubleshoot and enable this feature. iPhone Settings > Cellular > Allow Calls on Other Devices is off. I tried to turn ...
user119018's user avatar
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Does Wi-Fi calling bypass your VPN?

I have an iPhone 12 on iOS 17.2.1 1). Wi-Fi calling is enabled. 2). Proton VPN is installed, and enabled. Is the Wi-Fi calling bypassing the VPN tunnel? I know that on an Android phone, Wi-Fi calling ...
Zoidberg_777's user avatar
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Annoying FaceTime popup when using iPhone to make calls gets in the way and I can't dismiss it

This keeps popping up in the upper right of my screen, it blocks access to anything underneath and I can't get rid of it. How do I disable this? I believe it's referring to my ECHO but who knows.
TimDev's user avatar
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Make "no" for WiFi calling permanent

Every time we reboot one of our iPads, we are asked to enable WiFi calling.  How do we make it stop asking?  The answer is always No. We do our calling on our iPhones.
WGroleau's user avatar
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How does one use the "New FaceTime" window on macOS version of FaceTime?

I am in the USA. I am trying to FaceTime someone who lives abroad from a shared Mac computer. My contacts are not synced with this computer. When I click the "New FaceTime" window, I am ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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iPhone 13 not using Wi-Fi calling

I have an iPhone 13 set up with Verizon. Calling and data works, but I can't get it to use Wi-Fi calling. My carrier supports it, its enabled, and I am on Wi-Fi but it does not say VZW Wi-Fi at the ...
Matthias Lee's user avatar
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How do I make WiFi calls on my iPad when the IPhone is not accessible?

Per this Apple support doc you should be able to configure your iPhone/iPad pair so you have true WiFi calling and [it] “allows iPad and other devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID to ...
WhiskerBiscuit's user avatar
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Wi-Fi Calling over Ethernet in Airplane Mode

Does WiFi-Calling over Ethernet (with a compatible Ethernet-Adapter) work on iPhones with airplane mode enabled and no WiFi connection? I am using iOS 14.
sebix's user avatar
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Using my iPhone, as a Wifi iPhone without a SIM card

I have recently given up my network phone service (removed my SIM card) and adopted a wifi based app that allows me to pay for my minutes as I go. Has anyone started this path to converting your ...
Tangelina Grimes's user avatar
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disable call from mac ring

I don't know if this is the correct way to describe this or not... so here goes: a) I have an iPHONE, a MAC + Tablet. b) It is important that I keep my mac + tablet - attached with my apple id for ...
user3696153's user avatar
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Why am I able to receive SMS texts when Cellular off and no WiFi connection?

Background I'm using an iPhone Xs Max, iOS 13.3.1. I typically keep celluar turned off, and WiFi on. When I'm at home I automatically connect to my WiFi and can receive calls and texts no problem. ...
Yippie McSmashmouth's user avatar
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How Turn off iPhone's Cellular Radio to ensure Wifi calling is used?

Is this possible? If so how is this done? Can this be achieved by clicking on the aircraft icon to put the iPhone in airplane mode? Assume device is using IOS 12. Ensuring that calls are made ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Configuring Wi-Fi calling with MVNO

Given a T-mobile issued iPhone that is Wi-Fi compatible and SIM unlocked, How can I configure wifi calling to work with a corresponding Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) (i.e. Mint Mobile)?
gatorback's user avatar
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Wifi Calling Configuratble Provisioning Items

What carrier specific software setting must be configured to properly enable wifi calling? Clarification: I understand that wifi calling must be enabled, however, this is not a carrier specific ...
gatorback's user avatar
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StraightTalk Wifi Calling with ATT iPhone 6

If you have experience with using an ATT iPhone on the StraightTalk, please state which iPhone + IOS version you have tested with StraightTalk. If there were any changes required to the ATT iPhone ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Remote call from another phone

I am in US now and I need to call Ukraine, it would be way too expensive as I need to make a lot of calls (business related). I have a friend in Ukraine so I though if there was a way to connect my ...
John Smith's user avatar
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With two iPhones using separate SIM cards, can I use one to make a call from the other?

I have two iPhones using separate SIM cards. I'm already able to answer incoming calls to one on the other – but how can I use one phone to make a call from the other? And importantly, I mean calling ...
Per Christian Frankplads's user avatar
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iPhone 7 Plus randomly wouldn’t let me do things?

My iPhone 7 with iOS 11.3.1 has a problem with its microphone and headphone jack. When I make a call, I am unable to click on the loud “Speaker” button, and also am unable to hear the person on the ...
Cambria's user avatar
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Can't answer phone calls on macOS Mojave

I am not able to answer incoming phone calls on my Mac running macOS Mojave. The call notifications pops up both on my iPhone XS and my 2017 MacBook Pro, but when I go to answer the call on my Mac, it ...
Todd Farnsworth's user avatar
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Disable iPhone 1.8 GHz radio transmitter?

Is it possible to turn off the 1.8 GHz transmitter on an iPhone via software? I would like to use WiFi calling only.
Geremia's user avatar
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Wifi Outgoing Calling Options for iPhone 5s

I have an iPhone 5s with Verizon wireless. I just moved into a new house and the cellular service is very weak, however my home Wifi is great. I tried to look into calling over wifi, however this ...
Kirby's user avatar
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Is it possible to WIFI call through a vpn on IOS?

So my mobile carrier recently begun supporting WIFI calling for iPhones. After setting it up on my phone, i have found that it does not work at my school. After looking at the protocol list that can ...
Mohammad Ali's user avatar
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Macbook Touchbar calling: Cannot use the keypad!

The touchbar mac prompts for answering a call on the touchbar. However my Google Voice callers require me to hit 1 on the keypad. The FaceTime app doesnt seem to be "connected" to the phone call. In ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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Can anyone tell me a Skype alternative? [closed]

There are a lot but they don't have screen-sharing, I want a one with screen-sharing, for windows and free. Thanks
Muhammad Ahmed Nasir's user avatar
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Wifi Calling portability between carriers

As I understand it, the major cellular carriers in the US support wifi calling. If I purchase a late model iPhone from carrier A, and I decide in the future to migrate to carrier B: is it ...
gatorback's user avatar
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How to get Verizon WiFi Calling to work on new iPhone X

I just activated an iPhone X on Verizon Wireless. My previous iPhone was able to do WiFi Calling on my home network. Now when I try to turn WiFi Calling on (Settings -> Cellular -> Wi-Fi Calling), I ...
Crowder's user avatar
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When I receive a phone call now, my MacBooks always open up FaceTime and do not allow me to take the call!

This started happening a few weeks ago. I just want the old functionality back again, it looks like this: Now, when I receive a call, starts, my camera's green led comes on (due to ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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Can you explain this Wi-Fi Calling dialogue?

When you try to turn on Wi-Fi Calling on iPhone (Settings->Cellular->Wi-Fi Calling->Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone, using iOS 11.0.3) you get an interesting pop-up message: Enable Wi-Fi Calling? ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Upgraded to iOS 11 iPhone 5S won't connect to data

I have an iPhone 5S that I upgraded to iOS 11 and now it will no longer connect to data when I have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned off. My Carrier is T-Mobile and I have Wi-Fi Calling enabled.
Nick's user avatar
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Use FaceTime on MacBook to call via iPhone, being connected to hotspot

In the documentation they say that the devices should be connected to the same wifi network: Each device is signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID. Each device is signed in to FaceTime ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Is there a way to enable wifi-calling on an iPhone 5

Yes, I know that both Apple and my service provider say minimum iPhone 5c. However, the 4 and 5 can do facetime, skype, etc, so shoving bits over the air isn't the issue. Can this functionality be ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
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How can I make phone calls on the internet IPhone 6

I have a remote location were I have only satellite service, no cell service. When I first purchased my iPhone 6 to my surprise I received messages (voice) left on phone at this location. I couldn't ...
Gary LaRose's user avatar
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How can I enable WiFi calling on an iPhone 4S?

iPhone 4S (VZN Model) with IOS 9.3.2 unlocked and works with TMO. What is the procedure / process to configure it for wifi calling. As I understand it IOS 8 supports wifi calling. As Bill Tanner ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Why would a Wi-Fi network not support Wi-Fi Calling?

Currently my Verizon Wi-Fi Calling on iOS 9.3 works fine at home but not at work (which I control so I can modify it). The two networks have different base stations and routers but I haven't yet found ...
danimal's user avatar
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Can I make a call from iPhone 5s via WiFi?

I have an iPhone 5s that ATT will not unlock. Can I make calls via WiFi if the SIM card is still in it but I have no cell carrier? Phone is at IOS 8.1.3.
Pinotbob's user avatar
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Is WiFi calling supported on ios 8 on iPhone 5?

I have an iPhone 5, and I don't have good reception at home, so I was hoping to use wifi calling after upgrading to ios 8, but I can't find an option to enable it. BTW I'm with T-Mobile carrier.
j2gl's user avatar
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