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Does Wi-Fi calling bypass your VPN?

I have an iPhone 12 on iOS 17.2.1 1). Wi-Fi calling is enabled. 2). Proton VPN is installed, and enabled. Is the Wi-Fi calling bypassing the VPN tunnel? I know that on an Android phone, Wi-Fi calling ...
Zoidberg_777's user avatar
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Annoying FaceTime popup when using iPhone to make calls gets in the way and I can't dismiss it

This keeps popping up in the upper right of my screen, it blocks access to anything underneath and I can't get rid of it. How do I disable this? I believe it's referring to my ECHO but who knows.
TimDev's user avatar
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iPhone 13 not using Wi-Fi calling

I have an iPhone 13 set up with Verizon. Calling and data works, but I can't get it to use Wi-Fi calling. My carrier supports it, its enabled, and I am on Wi-Fi but it does not say VZW Wi-Fi at the ...
Matthias Lee's user avatar
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How do I make WiFi calls on my iPad when the IPhone is not accessible?

Per this Apple support doc you should be able to configure your iPhone/iPad pair so you have true WiFi calling and [it] “allows iPad and other devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID to ...
WhiskerBiscuit's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Wi-Fi Calling over Ethernet in Airplane Mode

Does WiFi-Calling over Ethernet (with a compatible Ethernet-Adapter) work on iPhones with airplane mode enabled and no WiFi connection? I am using iOS 14.
sebix's user avatar
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Using my iPhone, as a Wifi iPhone without a SIM card

I have recently given up my network phone service (removed my SIM card) and adopted a wifi based app that allows me to pay for my minutes as I go. Has anyone started this path to converting your ...
Tangelina Grimes's user avatar
1 vote
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disable call from mac ring

I don't know if this is the correct way to describe this or not... so here goes: a) I have an iPHONE, a MAC + Tablet. b) It is important that I keep my mac + tablet - attached with my apple id for ...
user3696153's user avatar
3 votes
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Why am I able to receive SMS texts when Cellular off and no WiFi connection?

Background I'm using an iPhone Xs Max, iOS 13.3.1. I typically keep celluar turned off, and WiFi on. When I'm at home I automatically connect to my WiFi and can receive calls and texts no problem. ...
Yippie McSmashmouth's user avatar
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Configuring Wi-Fi calling with MVNO

Given a T-mobile issued iPhone that is Wi-Fi compatible and SIM unlocked, How can I configure wifi calling to work with a corresponding Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) (i.e. Mint Mobile)?
gatorback's user avatar
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Wifi Calling Configuratble Provisioning Items

What carrier specific software setting must be configured to properly enable wifi calling? Clarification: I understand that wifi calling must be enabled, however, this is not a carrier specific ...
gatorback's user avatar
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StraightTalk Wifi Calling with ATT iPhone 6

If you have experience with using an ATT iPhone on the StraightTalk, please state which iPhone + IOS version you have tested with StraightTalk. If there were any changes required to the ATT iPhone ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Remote call from another phone

I am in US now and I need to call Ukraine, it would be way too expensive as I need to make a lot of calls (business related). I have a friend in Ukraine so I though if there was a way to connect my ...
John Smith's user avatar
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With two iPhones using separate SIM cards, can I use one to make a call from the other?

I have two iPhones using separate SIM cards. I'm already able to answer incoming calls to one on the other – but how can I use one phone to make a call from the other? And importantly, I mean calling ...
Per Christian Frankplads's user avatar
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iPhone 7 Plus randomly wouldn’t let me do things?

My iPhone 7 with iOS 11.3.1 has a problem with its microphone and headphone jack. When I make a call, I am unable to click on the loud “Speaker” button, and also am unable to hear the person on the ...
Cambria's user avatar
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Disable iPhone 1.8 GHz radio transmitter?

Is it possible to turn off the 1.8 GHz transmitter on an iPhone via software? I would like to use WiFi calling only.
Geremia's user avatar
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Wifi Outgoing Calling Options for iPhone 5s

I have an iPhone 5s with Verizon wireless. I just moved into a new house and the cellular service is very weak, however my home Wifi is great. I tried to look into calling over wifi, however this ...
Kirby's user avatar
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Is it possible to WIFI call through a vpn on IOS?

So my mobile carrier recently begun supporting WIFI calling for iPhones. After setting it up on my phone, i have found that it does not work at my school. After looking at the protocol list that can ...
Mohammad Ali's user avatar
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Macbook Touchbar calling: Cannot use the keypad!

The touchbar mac prompts for answering a call on the touchbar. However my Google Voice callers require me to hit 1 on the keypad. The FaceTime app doesnt seem to be "connected" to the phone call. In ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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How to get Verizon WiFi Calling to work on new iPhone X

I just activated an iPhone X on Verizon Wireless. My previous iPhone was able to do WiFi Calling on my home network. Now when I try to turn WiFi Calling on (Settings -> Cellular -> Wi-Fi Calling), I ...
Crowder's user avatar
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When I receive a phone call now, my MacBooks always open up FaceTime and do not allow me to take the call!

This started happening a few weeks ago. I just want the old functionality back again, it looks like this: Now, when I receive a call, starts, my camera's green led comes on (due to ...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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Can you explain this Wi-Fi Calling dialogue?

When you try to turn on Wi-Fi Calling on iPhone (Settings->Cellular->Wi-Fi Calling->Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone, using iOS 11.0.3) you get an interesting pop-up message: Enable Wi-Fi Calling? ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Upgraded to iOS 11 iPhone 5S won't connect to data

I have an iPhone 5S that I upgraded to iOS 11 and now it will no longer connect to data when I have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned off. My Carrier is T-Mobile and I have Wi-Fi Calling enabled.
Nick's user avatar
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Use FaceTime on MacBook to call via iPhone, being connected to hotspot

In the documentation they say that the devices should be connected to the same wifi network: Each device is signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID. Each device is signed in to FaceTime ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Is there a way to enable wifi-calling on an iPhone 5

Yes, I know that both Apple and my service provider say minimum iPhone 5c. However, the 4 and 5 can do facetime, skype, etc, so shoving bits over the air isn't the issue. Can this functionality be ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
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How can I make phone calls on the internet IPhone 6

I have a remote location were I have only satellite service, no cell service. When I first purchased my iPhone 6 to my surprise I received messages (voice) left on phone at this location. I couldn't ...
Gary LaRose's user avatar
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How can I enable WiFi calling on an iPhone 4S?

iPhone 4S (VZN Model) with IOS 9.3.2 unlocked and works with TMO. What is the procedure / process to configure it for wifi calling. As I understand it IOS 8 supports wifi calling. As Bill Tanner ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Why would a Wi-Fi network not support Wi-Fi Calling?

Currently my Verizon Wi-Fi Calling on iOS 9.3 works fine at home but not at work (which I control so I can modify it). The two networks have different base stations and routers but I haven't yet found ...
danimal's user avatar
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Is WiFi calling supported on ios 8 on iPhone 5?

I have an iPhone 5, and I don't have good reception at home, so I was hoping to use wifi calling after upgrading to ios 8, but I can't find an option to enable it. BTW I'm with T-Mobile carrier.
j2gl's user avatar
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