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Questions tagged [exif]

Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras and other systems handling images.

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1 answer

Remove specifc exif data properties from photo on iOS

Is there a way to remove specific EXIF fields, such as "Make" or "Model" from photos on iOS? It seems, I can change/remove date or location (ref), but I would like to remove the ...
Kariem's user avatar
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Finder: show specific EXIF data for RAW photos

I want to see the focus distance exif data in the finder. This data is available for all the photos taken by the camera but the Preview Options - Image pane doesn't provide it. Consequently finder ...
massisenergy's user avatar
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How to fix the dates of photos in to match the EXIF data?

My photo editing workflow uses Lightroom to develop the photos before exporting to disk and importing into The problem is that the photos in have their date set to the import ...
joerick's user avatar
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Set the date in Camera Roll to the value from EXIF

When I import photos directly from my Sony a7 camera they are saved in the Camera Roll with the date/time of the import. The correct date/time is still preserved in the EXIF within the image, but I ...
maxint's user avatar
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Receive photos from iPhone users while keeping EXIF metadata (time, location,...)

I need to collect photos from all my friends, some of whom use iPhone. (I have no Apple devices btw). Usually, I send people a link using which they upload all their photos to my cloud through a web ...
Vít Skalický's user avatar
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"Private" data in ID3 tags created by Music deleted 21 or more audio files in an unexpected way.  Some of those files have "Private" ID3 data which exiftool says has an “Invalid ID3 frame size.”  Some of the files with the ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Why does Photos recognize EXIF data in a .MOV but not an .MP4?

I have a script that I wrote that uses HandBrakeCLI to convert files from .MOV to .MP4, but then also attempts to preserve various EXIF metadata by using exiftool by using the -TagsFromFile operation ...
bjb's user avatar
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Do iPhone photos contain any author, copyright or device-name metadata?

I'm writing some scripts to organise my photos and I would like to sort out the photos I took myself from the mix of photos that are on my iPhone. For example, sometimes I get sent photos via AirDrop ...
multipolygon's user avatar
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Add exif creation time with correct timezone (TZD) to filename

Hi i have a problem renaming a lot of photo and images files. I use a shellscript in automator to rename them by EXIF date and time. But the time is given by UTC and im living in europe with +0100 in ...
Claus Dragonmonkey Olsen's user avatar
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export from photos (mac) including edited metadata

I received a bunch of photos that didn't have any correct metadata. I have then manually corrected the time and gps information within the photos app. When I export this files, those information are ...
WalterBeiter's user avatar
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Date, time, and GPS metadata tagging video for iOS

On 2019/10/16 (last Wednesday), I went skydiving in Las Vegas which they recorded but the provided video was in 10 seperate clips and none had time or GPS metadata tagged. I want these as 1 video on ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
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iOS Photos app displays incorrect time for imported pictures

I have photos, that I make with my camera in travel, imported to iCloud. All the pictures have a timestamp in EXIF properties in local time of the place I took them (GMT+2). Also, they have GPS ...
Paboka's user avatar
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How to edit iCloud Photos Library image EXIF metadata on iOS or macOS?

I'm using the modern Apple iCloud Photos library on my iPhone and Mac. How can I edit arbitrary EXIF metadata tags for photos in my iCloud Library? The tags must be edited within the / ...
pkamb's user avatar
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No GPS Exif data on iPhone XS

In the past, with my iPhone 6s I was able to take a picture and then, on Windows, view the gps data. Now with my new iPhone XS, the GPS information is no longer there as well as a lot of other data is ...
franchyze923's user avatar
3 votes
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View EXIF/metadata found in photo?

Is it possible to view/dump metadata found in images using Terminal with built-in command line tools? I'm looking for something like exiftool, but native to macOS Mojave. Does such a command/tool ...
lily's user avatar
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Programmatically importing pictures to Apple Photos and modifying Exif data

[I was suggested to post this here instead of StackOverflow. ] How do I programmatically import picture files to Apple's Photos app? The reason for this is that I have 20,000 old pictures. Most are ...
Herman Autore's user avatar
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Metadata in photos - not showing when sent from other people

I'm not having ANY photos showing metadata with geolocation unless it's photos taken from my own phone. I have tested if sent on messenger (where I know FB removes it) But also is sent on iMessage as ...
Hanna Aase's user avatar
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Is there are a simple tool to organize photo based on date?

I have lots of photos and most of them are in unordered folders. Is there a simple tool (no batch script) which can just read those images and based on EXIF date put them in a date based folder? ...
Toad's user avatar
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EXIF-Metadata not managed correctly in iCloud Photos => Wrong Date & GPS Groupings

I have uploaded ca. 2500 pictures from my PC to the iCloud using interface. However, iCloud doesn't seem to be using the EXIF-Metadata in the picture files. I have confirmed the EXIF-...
ChrisC's user avatar
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Can you remove metadata from already sent photos

Is there any way to remove the location from photos already texted to someone via iMessage?
N Nope's user avatar
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What is the MakerNote Apple 0x0002 field in iPhone/iPad images? Is it a unique identifier for photos?

What is the MakerNote Apple 0x0002 field in iPhone/iPad images? Is it a unique identifier for photos? Example: [MakerNotes] Apple 0x0002 : bplist00O..?~yvronlkigc]F".???{ws[...
Shinko Cheng's user avatar
4 votes
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Photos JPEG Export Keywords

I have a photo in Photos that I have added keywords (tags) to. When I export this image I can see other metadata, such as description and location that were added by Photos in the EXIF data but not ...
Oliver Nightingale's user avatar
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How do you set an Burst ID using exiftools on MacOS?

To mark pictures as burst in Apple a random BurstUUID (same one for all bursts) is required. By trying to set an UUID with zsh: exiftool -BurstUUID='A4862FFE-5491-4F15-9AC0-0881859A0802' ...
user234837's user avatar
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exiftool doesn't remove meta data of MP4 (stuff like "Promotion URL" and "Author URL")

I have a MP4 file with ad URI in meta data. I wish to remove those: exiftool example.mp4 ExifTool Version Number : 10.40 File Name : example.mp4 Directory ...
Sybil's user avatar
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AppleScript: Get Image Location Data

I am trying to write an Automator Script which involves, among other things, getting the GPS location data from an image. This will be a Finder Service. From what I have been able to discover so far, ...
Manngo's user avatar
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How can I rename my files with datestamps in Aperture and keep them in order?

Here's the problem: If I shoot in continuous mode, I can have several images per second. Aperture will happily import these and rename them with Date @ Time, but subsequently sorting either by ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
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Two copies of the same image, with different sizes

I have two copies of the same image (jpeg). One is 4.0 MB the other 5.9 MB. I have run exiftool -a -G1 -s and the only difference reported is the size. I used hexdump to compare them and they ...
pheon's user avatar
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Create a Smart Folder based on an EXIF keyword?

How can I create a Finder Smart Folder based on an EXIF keyword? I confirm that the EXIF keyword exists using exiftool. For example, I added the keyword "Mango" to an image and created the Smart ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to change timestamp of movie on iPhone?

When I recorded a movie with my iPhone, the date was not set correctly. So now the video shows up in the wrong order in the Photos app. It seems the video date is inferred from the file created/...
Leftium's user avatar
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Images have an older (correct) timestamp within the Photos app but exported files show the current date and time

I have about 300+ photos taken in 2012 and it shows so in the Photos app. However, exporting it as original to a folder completely replaces that date with 2016 July. Not sure why, but even trying to ...
Render's user avatar
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Simplest way to edit EXIF ImageDescription or IPTC Caption-Abstract?

On Windows 10 (don't know about earlier versions), all you have to do is click on the image file in Windows Explorer and then edit the file details. The updated caption is written directly to the file....
Marc Rochkind's user avatar
4 votes
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Why do iPhone photos have Microsoft in Exif data?

Wandering around Spain, I took a lot of pictures with an iPhone 5s, latest IOS. Uploaded into the new Photos (which is IMHO a step backward from iPhoto). Dragged from Photos into a directory, and ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Visualise on a map the location of the photos inside a folder

Is there a software that I can point to a folder to see a map of the area of all the pictures present in that folder? With tiny thumbnails or dots. Similar to what can be done directly on the iPhone, ...
flower42's user avatar
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Script to remove image orientation

I need to remove the orientation "flag" of a batch of images (jpeg images), without changing the displayed orientation of the images. Trying to make it clear : if I have an image in portrait ...
Jérôme's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Extract a GPS track (as .gpx) from a series of jpg photos

I have a bunch of .jpg photos containing GPS information. What is the easiest way to extract the GPS information and save it into a .gpx file (or .kml, for that matter)? I have seen this answer ...
Jan Eglinger's user avatar
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iPhoto - Removing image files that weren't taken by a camera

I recently attempted to import my archive of 20000 photos into iPhoto - unfortunately I found out that some of the imported images were not photos but things I downloaded from the internet. I would ...
cgokmen's user avatar
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iPhone EXIF/GPS Timestamp - Appears to be based on local settings?

I was under the impression that the iPhone received timestamps along with GPS location data. While I can't say its not true for the internal database, it seems to be for the EXIF data attached to ...
brass-kazoo's user avatar
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6 answers

Change EXIF meta-data of multiple images in single click

I ran into big problem yesterday night. I took out my old digital camera, and started using it without setting current date and time. All photos clicked now have date as Jan 01, 2009 I want to ...
I-M-JM's user avatar
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How do I rotate an iPhone photo on my iPhone without losing EXIF data?

I have iOS 4.3.3. Are there any apps or methods that allow simple rotating of an iPhone photo (taken where the level sensor picked the wrong orientation), without losing the EXIF information? ...
Syclone0044's user avatar
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Shutter count from NEF photo

I know Nikon embeds the shutter count in the EXIF of their NEF raw files. What's the easiest way to find it?
Sindre Sorhus's user avatar
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How can I get a list of all iPhone pictures that are imported to iPhoto?

I have used iPhoto to backup my pictures from the iPhone. How can I find all the iPhone-photos without having to click on all the pictures to view the EXIF-info?
Espo's user avatar
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Can I use Automator or some other method to extract EXIF GPS data from batches of photos on my Mac?

I need a way of extracting EXIF GPS data, using my Mac, from a bunch of photos taken on an iPhone. So for example, if I put 1000 photos into a folder, I want an easy way of extracting all the GPS ...
conorgriffin's user avatar
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