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Questions tagged [archive-utility]

the built-in handler for compressed archives (e.g. .zip, .gz, .tar) in macOS.

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Archive Utility does not extract all files from tar archive

Archive Utility vs BSD tar behaviour: echo -n 'Hello' >hello.txt # "Hello" in hello.txt tar cvf hello.tar hello.txt # hello.tar contains "hello.txt" file with "hello" ...
Frédéric's user avatar
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Unable to copy or compress folders in actively synching iCloud Documents and Desktop folders

I am using a 2022 Mac Studio M1 Ultra running Ventura 13.2.1, however I have been experiencing this issue since Monterey. I can't compress or copy/duplicate folders when the parent folder is synching ...
00Sven's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent macOS's archive utility from unarchiving inner zip files?

I have a zip file, within it I have another zip file, and within that file I have a txt file. When I unzip the outermost file with Apple's archive utility, it unarchives the inner files automatically. ...
Pavel Orekhov's user avatar
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Keeping ampersand & in filenames when extracting zip files

I want to copy my Google Drive folders to an external USB. Google prepares a zip file for me but if I extract that zip file, the & character in filenames are replaced with _. I don't want such a ...
nurp's user avatar
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What is the technical explanation for why Archive Utility can break certain apps, while other unarchivers won't?

I just experienced this issue described in this answer. I had downloaded a zip file containing a macOS app, and first unzipped it with Archive Utility, when trying to open the app, I got the error ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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Difference in archive formats?

After a little testing, I can't figure out what the difference is in the archive formats listed in the Preferences > Use archive format. Each time I compress a folder, each one has the same ...
agarza's user avatar
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Why does archive utility always expand into the 'downloads' folder regardless of where the file is?

The title sums it up. For as long as I can remember if you open an archive, it expands into the current folder. Recently they all started going to my 'Downloads' folder. I figured there's a setting ...
Mike Kenyanya's user avatar
15 votes
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Archive Utility can't open some gzipped text files based on their contents

In macOS 10.15.4, Archive Utility is able to open some gzipped ASCII text files but not others, depending on the contents of the text file. For example, this works: % echo "abc e" | gzip > ok.txt....
Jack Cushman's user avatar
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Why do ISO files on Mac OS X created using an app always change the date to 1 January 2001?

I downloaded Keka and the app works well, but when I created a test .iso file from some photos saved on an iPhone (a copy of the folder I placed on the Desktop), I noticed this unusual thing: The ...
avenas8808's user avatar
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.ZIP from Windows to Mac: folder structure lost - how to avoid that?

I am creating .zip-files on windows that I want to make available to Mac-Users (created with ZipFile.CreatefromDirectory from .NET Core). However, when I extract these files on my Mac (running Mojave, ...
MBaas's user avatar
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Zipping (Archive Utility) in 10.14.6 using other sorting order than Finder

As of macOS 10.14.6 (maybe since 10.14.0) I noticed that when I zip files directly within Finder (Select files, right click, compress) that the resulting contains the selected files but in ...
basZero's user avatar
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Zipfile deleted itself?

Last week I downloaded a zipfile from a website on my mac. When it finished downloading the file automatically opened (which it normally doesn’t; I would normally have to double click it first). This ...
Developer's user avatar
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Is xar preinstalled on macOS? [duplicate]

$ which xar /usr/bin/xar It's in /usr/bin. Does that mean it's preinstalled on mac?
thyu's user avatar
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How can I uncompress a tar.xz thats been compressed on ubuntu and uncompress it on mac with the archive utility?

I have a file sent to me as a file_name.tar.xzfile thats been compressed on ubuntu and I want to uncompress it on my mac. This isnt readily available out of the box so I looked up and installed a brew ...
Salyangoz's user avatar
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Create ZIP files from containing related files from multiple folders

Is there a way to automate creation of ZIPs containing files with common name elements? What I have are multiple variations of the same image: files/2250/8199print.jpg files/1200x1200/8199square....
Andertoons's user avatar
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MS Word documents changing to .cpio files and then to .zip files

I really need help with this issue: whenever I try to open a word document file from my Mac, the archive utility application opens up and turns the .doc file into a .cpio file and if I click on that ...
Hilal Dietrich's user avatar
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Why might some files not have resource forks? Does this affect the `tar` utility at all?

I tarred, and re-tarred, the same directory. 2,560 bytes of metadata is somehow lost in that simple process: /tmp$ tar xf workArea.tar /tmp$ tar cf workArea_copy.tar WorkArea /tmp$ ls -l *tar ...
riverflows's user avatar
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How do I create a .tgz from Finder using Archive Utility?

How do I create a .tgz from Finder using Archive Utility? That is, I'd like to right-click on a directory and tar and zip it. Yes I know how to work with tar from the shell: tar zcvf ../foo.tgz . ...
Sonia Hamilton's user avatar
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Archive utility hangs at 5 seconds remaining

I'm using OSX El Capitan (v10.11.2). The compression task was begun about 24 hours ago and had reached the About 5 seconds estimation after a couple hours. But it does not complete for whatever ...
Caleb Faruki's user avatar
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How can I test all archives files in a folder to verify if they are corrupted or not?

I have a folder that contains many files, including some .zip, .tar, .tgz, 7z, and gz files. How can I test all archive files in this folder to verify if they are corrupted or not? The folder ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
33 votes
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Why is extracting this tgz throwing an error on my Mac but not on Linux?

I'm experiencing a rather odd problem, and I can't figure out what's going on. I have a tgz file, scip-3.2.0.tgz, that is throwing an error when I attempt to unpack it. The error is only occurring on ...
Geoff's user avatar
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Archive Utility password

Right when I opened Archive Utility for the first time, it asked me for a password for "". What password is it talking about and what would I put? I've never used it before so I've never ...
Kylie's user avatar
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Not able to see the archive option

Just got a new mac. When I right click a .zip file, I don't see the Decompress/Archive option. Do I need to download something or change a configuration option?
Kevin Bellati's user avatar
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encoding of filenames in zip archives

When I unpack a zip archive (with standard 'archive utility') that was created under windows, cyrillic characters in filenames become some gibberish. Just the filenames are the problem, actual ...
Grigory M's user avatar
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Yosemite won't uncompress .zip files when I double-click on them

I recently upgraded to Yosemite (10.10.1). Today I tried to unzip a .zip file for the first time since upgrading. I already had 4 or so unzipping apps that worked just fine on my previous OS X, so I ...
Thom Blair III's user avatar
8 votes
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How can I update my version of `unzip` to version 6.00 or higher?

Its a common problem that, when unzipping (read: 'open by double-click'), some .zip files result in a similar sized .cpgz file. But you expected an unzipped file or folder instead. The default unzip ...
CousinCocaine's user avatar
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Extract jpeg File

Often files are hidden in .jpg files simply by opening them up with 7zip, then closing them again. Mac OS X archive utility does not have this ability. Is there any software available for osx that ...
735Tesla's user avatar
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Google plus zip extracts as .EXE files

I went to google plus autobackup and made and downloaded all my photos/movies as zip files. After finish, when I extract the zip files, they contain .exe files and no photos or movies. Anyone know how ...
Physics_maths's user avatar
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Opening a CBR with Archive Utility; avoiding cpgz/zip loop

I'd like to use Archive Utility (the built-in OSX archive tool) to decompress some .cbz and .cbr files. Unfortunately, Archive Utility doesn't seem to recognize .cbz or .cbr as a zipped file, so if I ...
JeanSibelius's user avatar
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How do you specify which zip version to compress with?

I am trying to create a .imscc file, a common cartridge file used for interoperability between different Course Management Systems. It is essentially just a bunch of folders and XML files zipped up ...
user63993's user avatar
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Replace "Compress" in Finder context menu with other compression app

I've lost some sensitive data because the built-in compression utility generates corrupt files and doesn't show any error. After I compressed about 1 Gb of files with Finder's "Compress", I decided ...
rraallvv's user avatar
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Safari - How to retain downloaded zip files?

I know I can get (Desktop) Safari to stop unarchiving downloads. I don't mind the files being unarchived. I just don't want the zip archives deleted. Is there a way to do this? (10.8.x).
ICL1901's user avatar
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