I bought an Apple MacBook with Retina display (Core M, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD) and today I was experiencing the first problem with it. I was unable to log in to my account. During the login process mac turned off unexpectedly. After few tries I realized that I'm able to login as guest. After some Googling I tried to restore my Mac.
First step, in guide I found, wants to turn off FileVault. So I did it. After reboot my Mac was unable to boot completely. First few seconds looks promising, Apple logo appeared, loading bar so. At almost 3/4 of loading Mac turned off.
Ok, I said, maybe it wants to continue the restore process.
So I booted up restore (Cmd+R), with Disk Utility erased Macbook HD partition and started the installation process. After first reboot it continued in "bootup screen" with time remaining text. After second, or third reboot it looks like it is finally booting, but again at 3/4 of loading it turned off.
So I tried to start it with Shift key holding (of course after few retries). Mac booted successfully in Safe mode. I finished the installation, created account and rebooted. And again at 3/4 Mac turned off!
I was looking for some logs, but unsuccessful. The time when turn off happened the /var/log/system.log have nothing it it.
I can successfully log in in safe mode and single user mode. I tried SCM restart and NVRAM restart.
I'm attaching verbose mode in slow motion video, but I can't find the problem. Also I'm attaching system.log. For example the unsuccessful boot happened at ~21:53 after reboot from safe mode. Next successful safe mode boot was at 21:55:25
system.log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1d7eaa49d125c67f10e9460b081128e0