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2 votes

How are template documents supposed to work?

You might be conflating two separate, but similar, features here. Templates are a feature of many applications, including Numbers. The exact implementation is up to the developer; often "template&...
direct-manipulation's user avatar
2 votes

How are template documents supposed to work?

Once you have a template document you only ever open it to edit that template. To create a new document based on the template you do File->New in the Apple app (Pages, Numbers, etc.) This opens a ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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How do I get use a template?

The is scriptable, although AppleScript can be a little weird to work with. It wouldn't be hitting the reply button, but you can put a command in the Menu Bar under a Script Menu. Much of ...
David Rouse's user avatar
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How to adjust the left margin in Pages' Business Resume template

As posted in the original question, I was not able to move the left margin for body. What I did was selected other resume type (modern resume) that had the body already in the left. Also there you can ...
sagar's user avatar
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How can I install template from 3rd party to Keynote?

The specific location where the files are stored is: ~/Library/Containers/ Support/User Templates OR You can just use the Save Theme > Add Theme to ...
Tommie C.'s user avatar
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How to send predefined/canned SMS/iMessages?

You can create your own template by going to settings, general, keyboards then click on text replacement. There you can create a shortcut and what you want it to say!
R. Jimenez's user avatar
1 vote

How do I get use a template?

Unfortunately I don't know of any good way to do this within Apple Mail. There are a few close-ish things, but none are really solutions. Automator Services Automator contains the ability to create ...
JMY1000's user avatar
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