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Questions tagged [sparsebundle]

A type of disk image which uses bands to store files thereby allowing the disk image to expand in size automatically.

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Can a Time Machine Sparsebundle Missing All Its PLISTs (Only "bands" Remain) Be Repaired?

Somehow, I have ended up with a couple Sparsebundles that no longer have any of the usual plists in their root. All the "bands" seem to be there, though. Time Machine will (of course) not ...
Christopher Clark's user avatar
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Timemachine Sparsebundle from 2014 is missing partion map and file system [duplicate]

I need to get data off of an old sparsebundle file but when opened, it says eject or initialize. In finder it says it is 56 GB but once its mounted it shows the full size of the external (2 TB). It is ...
Josh Reeder's user avatar
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How to copy/move/convert (?) Synology NAS Time Machine Sparseimagebundle file to Non-NAS Time Machine backup external disk?

I recently set up a Synology NAS to replace my previous Drobos. Never ever had any issues with the Drobos, just that they were an item that would put me in hot water if I needed to fix them ever, so ...
Joe Blow from NJ's user avatar
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How to crack sparsebundle Time Machine backup? [duplicate]

I hope someone could help me. I've forgot the Time Machine disk password, and I need it to restore backup to my new iMac. Searching on the web I read about John the Ripper, it could help me. I've ...
LoSte's user avatar
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recover corrupted Apple_APFS

I have a Time Machine backup stored on a Synology NAS that got corrupted for some reason (probably a power failure). The folder containing the sparsebundle is mounted on the Mac using smbfs. I tried ...
Rwanou's user avatar
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MacOS TimeMachine sparsebundle corrupt

I'm somewhat pissed off with my almost 6TB TM backups that have become unusable, particularly after Apple had to replace my MBP (failed mobo). TM running on a Synology NAS. What I get now from 1st aid ...
darkstar49's user avatar
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Old sparsebundle has no volumes

I have old sparsebundle files on my Apple Time Capsule. I can't seem to mount them. Error I get is no volumes found. I can see package contents, and size on disk is 113.4 GB. I've tried: hdiutil ...
user1921108's user avatar
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Applescript to Search a Text File for a specific value and then copy that value into a string

EDIT #2 @CJK and @mockman so using both your ideas I've created this god awful long script that does the trick for the first offset value in the xml and first marker value shown in the xml Now the ...
wdavtv's user avatar
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How can I recover data from .incomplete and .previous Time Machine backups?

I’m helping someone who has deleted their Time Machine backup by accident. All that is contained within the sparsebundle are .incomplete and .previous folders. I would like to recover as much data as ...
Kyle Lilley's user avatar
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How do I repair a Time Machine Sparsebundle that will not mount or attach? [duplicate]

My wife's Laptop died. Her backup was on a Synology NAS and we need to get at some files from the backup by accessing the Sparsebundle from another Mac. I made a copy of the Sparsebundle to work on ...
dkuchta5's user avatar
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Can't mount sparsebundle that used to be a Time Capsule backup

I used to have a Time Capsule with a backup of all my data contained on its internal hard drive. That internal hard drive broke down and I couldn't access it anymore, so I disassembled the Time ...
Nekosuki's user avatar
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Opening a sparsebundle file without TM

A few months ago I had to make a backup on my Time Capsule (from 2008 lol) before resetting my MacBook Air (battery change and all). But since I got it back, I had no way to open/access my save. I can ...
Ilia's user avatar
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When using rsync to sync a sparsebundle are --delete and -X for extended attributes options recommended?

I have scripts that rsync Time Machine sparsebundles to a remote server for offsite backups. I've always assumed that extended attributes are a function of the internal image filesystem and not the ...
1jben794's user avatar
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Best type of disk image to use on NAS to archive Mac system copies on a NAS

I bought a shiny new NAS with plenty of space. I also have quit a few old pysical external hard drives with bootable macOS system copies: I always make a copy of my system which I store away when I ...
halloleo's user avatar
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How to recover unmountable sparsebundles from a Time Machine that "needs internal disk repair"

After trying to recover old family photos and videos from my Time-Machine by repairing and duplicating unmountable sparsebundle-files, it appears that I completely messed up the entire Time-Machine. ...
Lewin's user avatar
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Can't Get Time Machine Sparsebundle to Open in Time Machine

I had an old 2017 MacBook Pro that was wiped and sent away. My problem is I need to get a file from a Time Machine backup that I have of that machine stored on my Synology NAS. I use this NAS as a ...
kingkool68's user avatar
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Time Machine won't let me use volume

I put an 8TB external drive on a Mac Mini (5,3) running Mojave (10.14.6). This machine is named "Data". I then made a Time Machine Backup on that drive. I made that Mini a backup server, by ...
Jan Steinman's user avatar
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How can I regain write permission on my Time Machine sparsebundle?

For my backup I use an encrypted virtual disk on a sparsebundle file that is stored in an external hard drive attached on a router via USB. This file is accessed via samba but for one reason I decided ...
Steve-no-Jobs's user avatar
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How do I force Time Machine to use a sparsebundle?

I have previously used a sparsebundle for my Time Machine backups by creating an image in an existing APFS volume that is local to my iMac (it's RAID), not a NAS or anything of that sort. For reasons ...
serlingpa's user avatar
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Mounting Sparse Bundle on NFS Share

Background I have a Seagate BlackArmor NAS220 running Debian. I would like to use the NAS as a target for Time Machine backups from my Mac (2020 Mac mini M1). I have used disk utility to create a 500 ...
cdixon1's user avatar
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Why doesn't my sparsebundle report free space, with plenty to spare?

I have a Time Machine created sparsebundle (HFS+) that reports the following limits when using hdiutil resize -limits: min cur max 403186088 403186088 34359738368 That's a current size ...
Andreas's user avatar
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How to properly unmount image (dmg / sparsebundle)

[macOS Mojave 10.14.6] I've recently discovered r/w disk images and the particularly fascinating sparse bundle. As I understand it, an image (the .dmg or .sparsebundle itself) is "attached" ...
caffeinatedbits's user avatar
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Unable to mount encrypted TimeMachine backupbundle using DiskImageMounter

I've been backing up two of my MacBooks to a network-accessible USB disk. The backups have been done using TimeMachine and are encrypted. One of the machines was recently damaged and unrecoverable, ...
larsbutler's user avatar
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APFS Volume does not increase in size

I have an issue with an APFS volume that resides inside a SparseBundle. I tried to increase its size (similar to this: Is it possible to increase size of an APFS volume?), but failed. Unfortunately, I ...
Dietrich's user avatar
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Does macOS Big Sur mounts sparse bundles served from a network share as Read-Only?

I have a few writable sparse bundles that are located on a network share. I can mount and modify the content of these bundles from any pre-BigSur macOS release. However, after upgrading one of my macs ...
AndreyKornich's user avatar
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Copying from two sparsebundles is way too slow

I have a sparsbundle of 120 GB on a USB Key (USB 3, Kingston Data Traveller, 128 GB of space). When I mount this sparsebundle, copying to it is extremely slow (we're talking 1 hour to copy 20 GB). Is ...
DevShark's user avatar
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mdls does not work on mounted sparse bundles

mdls does not return anything when I run it on a mounted (originally encrypted) sparse bundle: ❯ ll ./test .rw-r--r--@ 0 evar 14 Sep 18:34 ./test ❯ mdls ./test ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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Can't delete files on sparse bundle apfs volume ("rm failed - no space left on device")

I have a sparse bundle with an apfs volume on it. I recently filled it up with an rsync operation. Since then I cannot delete files anymore; the rm complains that the disk is full. The same happens if ...
AnoE's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Mount SMB share in Internet Recovery?

I'm currently setting up a Time Machine backup on a Windows Server. The simple method is to create a sparsebundle image on the Windows Share and mount that in macOS which works fine. In the past ...
Calum Harris's user avatar
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Auto-mount of the contained disk-image, when the external disk is mounted

I have one external SSD drive that automatically mounts a partition Backup. Inside Backup there is a sparse-bundle disk image called TimeMachine. Backup is not mounted to /Volume but to a specific ...
Kamafeather's user avatar
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How do I archive a Time Machine drive to disk image?

Is it possible to archive a Time Machine backup drive? I’m aiming to trash some older physical media and would like to migrate the contents to a larger drive without all the overhead that Time Machine ...
donkeylips's user avatar
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Cannot delete a .sparsebundle on / with permissions drwxr-xr-x@ 6 root wheel

Even running commands as sudo I cannot change the permissions or delete the folder. sh-3.2# xattr -l filename.sparsebundle/ 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 ...
OrigamiEye's user avatar
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Encrypted sparse bundle disk image visible in the cloud?

I have an encrypted sparse bundle disk image that I synchronize with Google Drive. When I mount this image on my local machine, is it's content also visible in the cloud (decrypted)?
F.M.F.'s user avatar
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How to Recover Sparsebundle With Missing File System

I'm trying to recover data from an encrypted sparsebundle on macOS Mojave (10.14.6) that I just discovered became corrupted at some point in the past. It was created several years ago. I have the ...
Marius Masalar's user avatar
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Errors backing up Photos.Sparsebundle

I've been trying to backup / copy my Photos Library.sparsebundle and keep running into issues. The original file is on a Drobo5N mount.I am trying to copy to an external SSD The Sparsebundle is ...
Dan Kelly's user avatar
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Time Machine Sparse Bundle failed to verify after catalog rebuild

After reading about the fsck_hfs man page, I feel like the need to rebuild catalogs. However, when I do a repair before the rebuild, it succeeded, but then printed a lot of errors during the build, ...
Joy Jin's user avatar
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Cannot Open .Sparsebundle

My computer crashed few days ago, I took it to computer store and they told me that the logic board is damaged but the hard drive is fine. So they migrated all files from old mac to a new mac. All ...
Racaio Cmoto's user avatar
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Requirements for restoring a Time Machine backup from a sparsebundle?

I have a Time Machine sparsebundle backup on an NTFS volume on a USB drive. When I wanted to restore from it I connected it and the volume was mounted as read-only, but I was unable to mount the ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Is there a reason to prefer HFS+ over APFS for disk images in High Sierra and/or Mojave?

I'm creating small encrypted disk images (under 10 GB) to be used to secure and transfer data between systems running High Sierra (for now) and Mojave. Are there any technical reasons to prefer HFS+ (...
user11421's user avatar
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How to remove files from a sparsebundle file (previous Time Machine image)?

I have a sparsebundle file that I pulled off of an old Time Machine backup disk. I'd like to save the file if possible, but remove the media files from it (movies, music, etc.) because those are ...
ParanoidGeek's user avatar
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Why is fsck_hfs slow on *journaled* HFS+

Sometimes my external drives get uncleanly detached, and at the next connection a disk check is necessary. What surprises me now is to see a slow disk check process on a journaled filesystem. ...
Blaisorblade's user avatar
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Time machine backup to a .sparsebundle on USB drive?

I noticed that when I migrated from backing up over USB to SMB that Time Machine started using sparse bundles for backup. I was unsuccessful in using this bundle as a backup drive when connecting to ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Mounting password-protected sparsebundle doesn't ask for password

I have an encrypted, password-protected sparsebundle that I occasionally mount and unmount from the terminal. I want the system to ask for the password every time I mount it, but for some reason it ...
jqno's user avatar
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Unable to eject disk images or drives in High Sierra

I am running a MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" on High Sierra 10.13.5, and keep getting the "X disk cannot be ejected because one or more programs might be using it" message, when apparently there is no ...
pggm2r4t's user avatar
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Recover data in Sparsebundle disk Image

I'm afraid I'm out of luck but... I followed the directions in various places, # hdiutil -nomount -noverify -noautofsck SecureRecords.sparsebundle /dev/disk1 # fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/disk1 ...
Marvin's user avatar
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sparsebundle reverting to read-only

I have a wireless drive [WD My Passport Pro] and of course I want to encrypt it, but of course there's no way to encrypt the actual drive with FDE and still have it recognized by the Passport's ...
Nikksno's user avatar
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Are .sparsebundle files _alive_?

Even if I don't do anything with the files in a .sparsebundle, just having a .sparsebundle open, it seems it is alive. Let me explain. I regularly backup my main .sparsebundle (that sits on my ...
Frank's user avatar
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Possible to reconstruct sparsebundle from bands folder only?

I have an encrypted sparsebundle from mid-2013. I am aware of the encryption type (AES-256) and the passphrase used to create the sparsebundle. Unfortunately, dropbox has somehow deleted all but the ...
QRohlf's user avatar
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Is there anything more secure than a password protected SparseImage against state actors?

If you had to secure important document in an encrypted, yet easily accessible format from state actors; would there be anything better than an password protected sparseimage? I used to use ...
Frank Barcenas's user avatar
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For the purposes of archival uploading to Google Drive/Dropbox/Etc, what are the differences between DMG and SparseImages?

I recently have a large amount of data I needed to upload into Google Drive. I decided to use Disk Utility to create a container for it (otherwise Google Drive would have to create many files and ...
user321627's user avatar