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How to distribute apps for own organization to their personal device?

We are trying to publish an app for our own organization. Initially we submitted to app store review. It got rejected, because app designed for specific organizations. So we look the other options, ...
Ranjithkumar's user avatar
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How to have our App Store listed app auto-upgrade to latest version on "supervised" iPads (or remotely upgrade the app to latest version)

We develop a b2b iOS app that is publicly listed on Apple Store. We lease our clients iPads so that they can use our app. We have full access and ownership of these iPads and we are able to "...
Misha Reyzlin's user avatar
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2 answers

Can promo code users update a 'custom app for business'

I've made a small app for the company I work at and I'm looking to distribute it. It isn't going to very many people, less than 100. I don't want to use it as a B2B app as then I'd need to setup a ...
Chris's user avatar
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Can you distribute an iOS app outside App Store using a single bundle identifier?

Is there a way to distribute an iOS application to customers with a single bundle identifier outside App Store? The software firm I work for is providing iPad software to several large companies. ...
Bedford's user avatar
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How to download the .ipa for MDM?

We use Apple MDM at the small school I work at to manage our iPads. In the past we would download the .ipa from the App Store then upload it to the MDM then deploy it to the iPads. With the new ...
Sarah C's user avatar
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Can users/enterprises download and resign IPA within Apple ToS?

I have an app in the Apple App Store, and am curious whether Apple ToS permits end-users and enterprises to download my (or any) app and redistribute them using enterprise certificates (e.g. MDM) or ...
CracyD's user avatar
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When using a redeemed code through Volume Purchase, who owns the copy of a B2B app, ultimately?

I've been looking into various distribution options for enterprise-y iOS apps and one question I can't figure out remains: if my client does a volume purchase and chooses to use redeem codes to hand ...
Derpy3000's user avatar
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Can an MDM system (e.g. GOOD) report on iOS app usage? [duplicate]

If a company uses an MDM system (like GOOD or MobileIron) to deploy apps to their iPads and iPhones does iOS provide the MDM system data about when the app is used, so it will show up in their usage ...
Rory's user avatar
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2 answers

VPP license transfer

Is there any way to transfer licenses bought through Apple's VPP from one iDevice to another? (aka. I don't want to make apps a gift to the employee) And what are the prerequisites if such a thing ...
bjoern's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Purchasing hundreds of consumer App Store apps for employees

The question is very simple as the topic suggests. (How) Can a company buy multiple "licenses" of publicly available apps on the App Store (for example paid Angry Birds app) and distribute those to ...
Michal Kališ's user avatar
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Has anyone tricked the Apple Configurator to work with non VPP redemption codes? [closed]

I wonder if anyone has had success or failure in attempting to use the Apple Configurator with normal gifted app redemption codes. The FAQ clearly states that you must be in the Volume Purchase ...
bmike's user avatar
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4 answers

Small-Business iPhone Deployment

I have a friend who has managed to successfully lobby his employer to switch the company-issued "feature phones" to iPhones. He has been peppering me with questions on how to set these phones up with ...
Frank Schmitt's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to pre-install apps on an iPad?

We're giving away iPads (for real, and no you can't have one) as part of a promotion to our referral network. But the plan is to ship it pre-installed with our sales presentation apps and sign-up ...
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