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Can my admin manage my iPad without me knowing?

Can my admin manage my iPad (download programs, change settings, etc.) without me knowing? (Configuring it so that I cannot tell that it's managed.) My iPad is running iOS 12, and there are no ...
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Does Exchange enable MDM automatically on iOS?

My employer recommended that I sign into our corporate email (Google hosted) via Exchange in the Mail app. I found out later that by doing so, I automatically enabled MDM or allowed them to set ...
pk jose's user avatar
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How to make available iOS app to different client's MDM

We have developed and Enterprise iOS app and we want to deliver this app to different clients. Each client have thousands of employees and they will manage themselves the deployment of the app in ...
Alboz's user avatar
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Does supervised device mode prevent restore on another computer in recovery mode?

I know this is a long post but please bear with me: I have an iPad Mini (A1429) / 7.0.6 which has been wiped, and set up as supervised and locked to my individual laptop with Apple Configurator 1.4.3 ...
Bob Arezina's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Purchasing hundreds of consumer App Store apps for employees

The question is very simple as the topic suggests. (How) Can a company buy multiple "licenses" of publicly available apps on the App Store (for example paid Angry Birds app) and distribute those to ...
Michal Kališ's user avatar
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iOS Enterprise developer Account: apns certificate for push notification [closed]

I have used the iOS development account for creating apns ssl certificate for sending push notification to iOS device for development purpose.I can get the device token using objective c sample code ...
user150424's user avatar