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Questions tagged [ilife]

Apple's trademark for a suite of software programs including iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, and previously, iDVD and iWeb.

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7 votes
2 answers

How do I get iWork / iMovie / Garage Band free of charge?

Everything that I have read says that iWorks/ iMovie etc should be free for Mac users after 1 September 2013. I already bought Pages but want Numbers and iMovie. My MacBook Pro with retina is early ...
Jonno's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

I no longer have in my Applications folder

I no longer have in my application's folder. The latest version of iLife I have is iLife 11 from Snow Leopard: OS X 10.8.6, which resides on my MacPro 1,1. I purchased my new iMac (2013 27″)...
Albert B Ikeda's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get iWork and iLife after upgrading to Yosemite from Mavericks? [duplicate]

I bought a mid-2014 MBP Retina (activated on 30/09/2014) from a friend and did a re-installation of Mavericks, then upgraded to Yosemite right after the re-installation (without associating the mac to ...
f10w's user avatar
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2 votes
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Managing iLife Asset Management

I log into my Mum's computer with my iCloud account, and I've found that it has copied over 70Gb of my photos to the iLifeAssetManagement folder in user account on her computer. Her MacBook Air is ...
zeristor's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Moved iPhoto Library: Need to point iMovie in the right direction

my friend has moved her iPhoto 08 Library from an external HD. She has some iMovie 08 projects which reference iPhoto movies. How can I update iMovie to the new location of the iPhoto library. We no ...
osnoz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to uninstall the old versions of iWork/iLife after their respective upgrades that come with OSX Mavericks?

I noticed after upgrading to OSX Mavericks that shiny, new versions of many iWork and iLife apps had appeared. Yet, the old versions remained installed. All the new versions seem capable of opening (...
rcd's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Why is the upgrade to GarageBand free but iPhoto requires a paid upgrade (after migrating from Snow Leopard to Mavericks)?

GarageBand and iPhoto are both iLife applications that came with Snow Leopard when I originally got my iMac. I have recently upgraded to Mavericks and both apps were in need of an update. So why is ...
adolf garlic 's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

What is iLifeAssetManagement, and can I delete it?

I have 5 GB of stuff in ~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement and I'd like the space back. What is this stuff and how can I reduce its footprint?
Wolf's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to get iLife '13 for free (update from iLife '11)?

I currently have iLife '11 installed on my iMac from a retail disk purchased new from eBay. Under the updates section of the App Store, there is nothing that says iLife Update. I thought updates for ...
srog194's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Apple's free apps program work?

Apple recently announced that iLife and iWork suites are free with new Macs and iOS devices, but how does it work? Is it preinstalled? What happens if I wipe out the system—will it still be free in ...
Wolf's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Updates for different user on work mac

My office is the only one in my place of business that uses macs (I guess I just lucked out with a boss who insisted on macs), so I.T. has no idea what to do for this situation. The person who I ...
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Install iPhoto '9 on Mountain Lion

I just received my new iMac, with Moutain Lion and iLife 11 preinstalled. I also own an older Mac, for which I bought a few years ago Snow Leopard and iLife 09. Now, I want to get rid of iPhoto 11 ...
Jérôme's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to fix Magic GarageBand missing files?

I hadn't used the Magic GarageBand feature before today (I generally don't use GarageBand that often) and when I went to try it, everything seemed to work until I clicked Open in GarageBand in the ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

iLife doesn't appear in "Purchased" after installing ML on a registered MacBook Pro

I bought an open-item, unregistered MacBook Pro from Best Buy and they told me that they had installed Mountain Lion just like a clean setup. But the iLife bundle doesn't appear in the laptop or in ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Do all Macs come with iLife apps?

I bought a Mac that is only a few months old. My understanding was that it is supposed to come with iLife (iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand) either preinstalled or available as a "free" download in the ...
Chris Schultz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

If I remove Apple Loops, will reinstalling Garage Band from the App Store later restore them?

I'm attempting to save some space on my new Mac, which had iLife preinstalled. I can confidently delete GarageBand and iMovie for now, since I can easily reinstall them later from the App Store should ...
rogerxyz's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How do I move GarageBand to a new Mac?

I have a copy of GarageBand 4 (I think it's branded as "iLife 08" in the retail box) on an old Mac. I bought a new Mac, and want to transfer the app to it. (By my reading of the license, this is ...
Ken's user avatar
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3 answers

Clean reinstall of Mountain Lion deleted my iLife applications. How do I get them back?

I purchased my 13-inch Macbook Pro in July of 2010. It came with Snow Leopard and allowed for a free upgrade to Lion, which I duly took up. I have since purchased Mountain Lion. I decided it was ...
Sarhanis's user avatar
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2 answers

Re-Installing GarageBand from iLife '11 DVD (Guitar Tracks Issue)

Due to an issue regarding the creation of Guitar Tracks in GarageBand '11, and that none of the reported fixes (here and here) have worked, I am looking to re-install. However, I don't appear to be ...
tomdot's user avatar
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2 answers

Under what cases will I get iWork or iLife?

After looking at various models of Macs and looking at Apple's iLife and iWork pages, I'm more confused than where I started. Originally, I thought that nothing - just Lion - came with a new Mac. But ...
JavaAndCSharp's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Dimensions as criteria for iPhoto smart album?

In iPhoto '11 (latest version, on Mac OS Lion), can I make a smart album for all photos of a certain size (e.g. 960x640)? Can I make a smart album containing photos of multiple sizes? EDIT I ...
Greg's user avatar
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1 answer

How to include iLife with a NetInstall Image of Lion?

I've got a NetBoot server set up on Lion server that pushes several NetRestore and NetInstall images. While I have a NetRestore image that already has iLife '11 on it, I want to have a NetInstall ...
Matt Love's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How do I remove GarageBand?

I'm nearly out of space and ~/Library/Application Support/GarageBand is taking up 1.5 GB and is taking up 381 MB of my hard disk space. Can I simply remove the app itself and this ...
Nippysaurus's user avatar
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iPhoto isn't working on my 2011 MacBook Pro with OS X Lion

I don't know why but my iPhoto on my dock just has a picture of some pencils and an ø through everything and it was the same thing when I looked at it in the applications. When I try to open it, it ...
Joe's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

erased HD, did clean install, no iLife -- can I get iLife off from MacBook DVD?

My MacBook came with Snow Leopard installed and it came with "recovery" DVDs, I upgraded to Lion via the App Store. I had a problem with my MacBook -- the Apple Genius concluded I needed to do a full ...
Robert Hume's user avatar
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2 answers

Where is iDVD on Lion?

At school we heavily rely on using iDVD for our video projects. Upon receiving our 2011 iMac's preloaded with OS X Lion, we found it doesn't seem to exist anymore. Videos have been edited in iMovie, ...
Simon Sheehan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Does buying a new mac also get you Lion on your Apple ID?

When you buy a new mac, the iLife apps are redeemed with App Store validation codes which means you can upgrade/install iLife 11 on your other macs. (Assuming you have fewer than the current store ...
bmike's user avatar
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2 answers

Will older versions of iLife (like 06 or 08 or 09) run on Lion

I'm looking and don't see any official word yet from Apple - I wondered if any web sites have reported whether these older versions work a little or at all (or perfectly well with only some little ...
bmike's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can i install the applications disc of my snow leopard on Mac OS X Lion?

I had Snow Leopard running on my MBP, now I just installed Lion on a Clean Installation and I noticed iLife is not in the installer. Can I insert my snow leopard's application disc and install them ...
Mr_Nizzle's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Remove seconds of silence at end of GarageBand exports

Whenever I export a song to disk from GarageBand, it automatically adds a few seconds of silence to the end. I don't want that silence, as the files I'm exporting are sound effect mixes to be played ...
Nathan Greenstein's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Least annoying slideshow export format for iPhoto to iMovie

When percolating slide shows from iPhoto '11 to iMovie '11, what is best format to choose for export to minimize wasted disk space and time, given that I do not want to carry any audio? I've been ...
bmargulies's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cropping frustration in iPhoto 11 -> iMovie 11

set up a slide show. select 'sliding panel' theme. Set aspect ratio to 4:3 observe that, on the very first image, the program has chosen a bad crop. there's uninteresting stuff on the right (next to ...
bmargulies's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

With iLife 11, considerations of slide shows

I have to turn a big stack of images into one of those somewhat sappy slide shows with music. Google shows various advice from various points in time. The last advice I found was iDVD. Is that the ...
bmargulies's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Do I have to repurchase Apple apps through the Mac App Store to get updates there?

Back when Apple announced iLife '11 I bought a copy, but now I see that it's also available on the Mac App Store. If I want to be eligible to use the Mac App Store's built-in update mechanism to ...
Airplane Mode's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I get the Media browsers from the File Open dialog in the Finder sidebar?

The File Open dialog has three very useful Media entries in the sidebar (Photos, Movies, Music). They are backed by the various iLife applications, so that you can select, for example, from your ...
Thilo's user avatar
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