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How do I transfer a Photos project from one mac to another?

I created two photo books on one Mac, but that Mac is getting a little constrained on space (this has now actually become more important, because I can not update to El Capitan because there is not ...
Eelke Blok's user avatar
7 votes
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Apple Photos isn't allowing merging two of the same pets

Apple Photos is automatically finding the faces of my pets and tagging them as the same pet. However, on 4 of my pets I've found that it creates duplicate "Pets" for them and it's not ...
Scruffy Paws's user avatar
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"Photos cannot load adjustments for this image" error since upgrading to Catalina

Steps to reproduce: Migrate large photos library from a MacBook 2016 running Photos Mojave to a MacBook 2020 running Photos Catalina (in my case 120,000+ photos) A subset of photos (in my case 10,...
Bruno Rijsman's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I fix exporting errors/missing reference photos in the Mac Photos app?

I'm using the Mac Photos app on macOS Catalina (10.15.4) I have a Photos library that dates back to 2007 and was originally an iPhoto library. Ever since it was migrated to a Photos library, there ...
blife5's user avatar
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Where does the iOS Photos app store user-entered captions?

I understand that the ability to add captions to photos was added in iOS 14. Where are these captions stored? For example, are they embedded into the .HEIC file as EXIF or XMP or IPTC metadata? Or a ...
jl6's user avatar
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Can I "unstack" RAW+L or RAW+JPEG in Apple Photos?

I often shoot photos in a format that includes a JPEG alongside RAW. In Apple Photos (on macOS) these are "stacked" together by default. Is there a way to "unstack" them (as was once possible in ...
orome's user avatar
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Sharing full resolution photos

My friend has and iPhone 12 max and I don't. Using her phone, she selected the photos and videos and shared them to me by creating a link. Using the link, I could download the photos in a zip. All ...
eng3's user avatar
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How to delete files from the "Masters" folders of "Photos" library

I am using osX Sierra 10.12.6, and about a year ago, scanned some slides for a friend and for convenience and some quick editing put them temporarily in the "Photos" application, then deleted them. ...
Yves's user avatar
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Why is Photos not suggesting new Faces in the People Album?

When I first began using the People / Faces feature in iOS and Mac Photos, the app automatically listed a bunch of people. I added names for all the people I knew. I thought this was a near-complete ...
pkamb's user avatar
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EXIF-Metadata not managed correctly in iCloud Photos => Wrong Date & GPS Groupings

I have uploaded ca. 2500 pictures from my PC to the iCloud using interface. However, iCloud doesn't seem to be using the EXIF-Metadata in the picture files. I have confirmed the EXIF-...
ChrisC's user avatar
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Transferring photos between iPhones keeping metadata

I want to transfer all photos from my old iPhone 6 to a new iPhone 7 Plus(both running iOS 10.3.2, if relevant). Since my iCloud is full, I first thought about iTunes, but many photos are shown as ...
nalzok's user avatar
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How can I manually stack raw and jpeg files in on Mac OS?

I have a number of photos from a scuba diving trip last year that were shot with a camera that does RAW+JPEG (there wasn't an option for RAW only). At one point these were imported into iPhoto and ...
Pridkett's user avatar
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What happens to existing face tags in Photos once iOS 10 and macOS Sierra drop?

I spent a lot of time organising Faces in I use the iCloud Photo Library, so the library in OSX and iOS was one and the same, and you could even search for people's names from the iOS ...
Leonid Shevtsov's user avatar
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Cannot move the "Click to Name" face circle in Photos for macOS

I have many photos where the macOS Photos facial recognition / people album has not recognized a face. I press ⌘I to show the Info pallet, then press + Add Faces to add a face circle to the Photo. The ...
pkamb's user avatar
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"Not Enough Local Storage": How much local storage is needed for iCloud Photos with "Optimize Mac Storage" on?

Photos on macOS has a preference under iCloud Photos called "Optimize Mac Storage" that results in the replacement of full-resolution photos/videos by thumbnails/low-resolution photos to ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Import Albums "From my Mac" to my iPhone albums and keep them synced

I don't use iCloud Photos. I wanted to import my iPhone photo albums to my Mac but it seems that without iCloud Photos it is not possible without any third party software according to my searches. But ...
Hellcat8's user avatar
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How does Photos determine whether a photo is a duplicate?

When you use Photos to Import new images and video and click Review for Import, the application reviews the selected images and displays them for confirmation. The display is split into "Already ...
Riley Major's user avatar
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EXC_RESOURCE -> photoanalysisd[815] exceeded mem limit: ActiveHard 130 MB (fatal)

On iOS 11.4.1 my iCloud Photos Library of ~60k photos never finishes generating the faces album. The device logs show that photoanalysisd is being killed by the kernel for memory violation after only ...
wasabi's user avatar
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macOS - Photos app crash when tapping on a particular person

In Photos app on my Mac, every time I click on Wife's People/Faces folder, it just immediately crashes. I've tried repairing my Photos library many times, but alas, the problem still exists. How do I ...
Wilky76's user avatar
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~/Library/Containers/ gobbling up disk space

I was low on disk space, and upon further inspection I discovered ~/Library/Containers/ taking up over 10GB of space. I was recently downloading syncing my iCloud photos ...
Oion Akif's user avatar
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How to auto-quit dropbox when a drive gets disconnected

I store all my photos on a connected thunderbolt drive. I use a symlink in dropbox folder to keep the photos backed up to dropbox. all good. If I need to take my laptop with me, and I disconnect the ...
flyingpie's user avatar
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How can I stop my iPhone tagging a particular face?

With the new update to iOS 10, the Photos app searches for faces in your pictures and groups them into albums. One of my friends has an Android phone that superimposes a facebook chat bubble in the ...
Rory's user avatar
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photolibr is preventing my external disk eject

I have my Photos library in an external usb3 disk. Usually, photolibr prevents the disk from ejecting, even if Photos is closed: kukuruzasIII:yoAlcalde_mobile olmo$ lsof | grep DATOS photolibr 504 ...
otmezger's user avatar
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App or Service to Automatically Backup Photos in iCloud Photo Library?

This is my situation: MacBook and iPhone both using and both using iCloud Photo Library Neither device has enough local storage to keep the originals, so they're both set to the Optimize ...
Gavin Hope's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a way to pause and continue iCloud Photo syncing from command line?

Uploading about 600GB of photos to iCloud Photos over a 300KB uplink takes weeks but also creates network congestion that destroys any download bandwidth. The only obvious way to control it is to ...
carlosmalt's user avatar
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Photo album of the full-resolution photos shared through iCloud Photo Sharing?

The photos that are shared through iCloud Photo Sharing shared albums are typically favorites, for example the best photos that you wanted to share with family over the course of several years. Over ...
Make Mark's user avatar
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OSX Screensaver photo repeat problem

I have an iMac running OSX 10.8.4 and I have a large collection of photos (10,000+) that I want displayed during the screensaver. I would like to see a uniform distribution of all photos. However, I ...
Hephaestus's user avatar
4 votes
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Import new photos from iPhone into Windows XP

I'm on Windows XP and wish to plug in my iPhone and have all new photos imported into a folder on the hard disk. New photos I'm simply defining as those that it hasn't imported before. Simple, eh? ...
davidfrancis's user avatar
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Are all edits in Photos permanently reversible?

When I edit photos and videos in Apple's on desktop or iPhone/iPad it appears that the original video is stored forever, so any edits I make can be undone. I can crop, rotate, retouch, ...
Robert's user avatar
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How to delete specific "unnamed" Faces from Photos?

Photos for macOS, iOS, and iCloud Photos face detection often recognizes random people in crowd shots, actors in movie posters, statues, paintings in a museum, etc. Can individual "unnamed" ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Faces and shared album

My wife and I share all the pictures of our family in an iCloud shared album. I then have several smart albums which include different members of the family. The problem is that there is no faces ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Transfer 100Gb photos from iPhone to Mac without Photos / Image Capture

I have about 100Gb of photos accrued on my iPhone 6S and would like a workable solution to transfer a (large) selection of them directly to my Mac, preferably via USB. my iPhone does not appear in ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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mac os photos does not sync with icloud / Restoring from icloud stuck / afraid that deletion of photos on mac does not affect icloud

I try to get my overlarge photos library under control (currently ~220 GB on my SSD). I am running Catalina 10.15.2 on a 2014 Macbook Pro. Therefore I deleted a lot of videos and photos. Mainly ...
Max Franke's user avatar
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App or method to automatically sync photos to webdav server (FileRun)

I'm looking for a way to automatically sync my photos to a self hosted webdav instance (in particular a FileRun instance, which is dav compatible). I'd ideally not have to do anything, other than take ...
brett's user avatar
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How can I enter multiple keywords in a row in Photos 5 (Catalina)

When adding keywords to my photos in Apple's Photos app, I pull up the Info window, click in the Keywords field, and type them in. In previous versions, comma would commit the keyword but leave the ...
Robert's user avatar
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Why doesn't Google Maps Location history work reliably with iPhone?

I just switched from an Android phone to an iPhone. With the Android phone, my location history was perfect, with the iPhone it is all confused. In Google Map app I've set Settings → Personal Content ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Programmatically importing pictures to Apple Photos and modifying Exif data

[I was suggested to post this here instead of StackOverflow. ] How do I programmatically import picture files to Apple's Photos app? The reason for this is that I have 20,000 old pictures. Most are ...
Herman Autore's user avatar
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Media Browser shows no photos or albums?

I'm working on a new MacBook Air running the latest Mac OS (10.14.2). It was recently setup using Migration Assistant from an older MacBook Pro; I think that machine was running 10.13. When I ...
Jason Clark's user avatar
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Transfer big videos from iPhone to Windows PC

To transfer files from my iPhone 8 (running iOS 11 and iOS 12) to my Windows 10 PC, I use a USB cable and simply copy the files with Windows Explorer. If I try to transfer a file over 500MB in size, ...
Toto's user avatar
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How to speed up Apple Photos Faces Scan?

I am in the process of converting from Google Photos to Apple Photos. This is what I have done : Downloaded all Google Photos with gdrive Imported all photos on my macbookpro to Apple Photos 20k ...
Saša Šijak's user avatar
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iCloud Photos stopped uploading on Windows

iCloud Photos for Windows has uploaded more than 25K items, but is now stuck on about 7K items for almost 4 weeks. I tried disabling and re-enabling Photos sync, restarted, deleted the settings of ...
Guy M's user avatar
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Import photos from Time Machine backup of other machine, without losing metadata

I replaced my MacBook and I have the Time Machine backups from my old laptop, but I'd like to start the system fresh, importing only the files I really need and re-installing all the programs manually,...
Renan Tardelli's user avatar
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MacOS Photos seems to import two copies of each picture

Not every single picture, but it seems the majority of pictures that I imported into MacOS Photos have a duplicate. I am not sure why. Is it some interaction with Photo Streams? Does it have to do ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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How to quickly label photos of people on iPhone?

I want to take pictures of people I meet and add their name to the picture quickly and easily so I can move to the next person right away. Quick and easy is the key!
Steve's user avatar
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334 views Very Slow at Consolidating

I've had a referenced library of photos in Aperture for years, but after moving to Photos (2.0 on Sierra), I wanted to consolidate them so they could be on iCloud Photo Library along with the photos I ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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AppleScript for lifting & stamping latitude & longitude of photos onto themselves

After repairing my Aperture library, I have over 3000 photos with latitude and longitude information whose place displays as "Unnamed location" on the map. If I lift and stamp the data using Shift+...
Janosh's user avatar
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iPhone shows up as offline in Google location sharing

I have an iPhone and want to share my live location using Google Maps. I can find my friends using Android and they can see one another, but somehow they cannot see my location. I only show up as ...
Sebastian Bergström's user avatar
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How to avoid redundant iCloud photo upload from iPhone when the same photos have been uploaded from Mac?

I have iCloud Photo Library enabled on Mac as well as iPhone so all my photos remain synced. Yesterday I imported a bunch of photos (~200) from iPhone to Mac with Photos app import feature. Then I ...
Atul Goyal's user avatar
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Image browser for raw Canon cr2 files

I would like to have quick preview of raw cr2 files on my mac. When I was Windows user I've used Irfan View. On a mac I've tried preview but it chokes multiple (200+) high-resolution cr2 files. Can ...
pixel's user avatar
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Wipe an entire iCloud Photo Library using Windows

Old Method: Click 'Select Photos' at the top Select the very first photo Scroll all the way to the bottom Hold the Shift key and click the last photo (this will select everything in between) Click '...
JordanGS's user avatar
  • 131

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