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Questions tagged [apache]

The popular open-source Web server application, an implementation of which is included in macOS.

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httpd and nfsd can not read usb external storage

Mac mini m4, macOS Sequoia apache httpd webdav nfs Both httpd and nfsd work well when I share a directory on internal storage like /Users/abc/share. When I share a directory on usb external storage ...
nde nde's user avatar
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running apache built from source sandbox access denied

I have built apache http server from source in macosx monterey. If I run from a logged in user its ok. I have created a launch daemon script in /Library/LaunchDaemons to launch it every 5 seconds with ...
dlsa's user avatar
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How do I modify the built in web server on my M2 Mac running Sequoia

I have an M2 Mac Mini 2023. I'm running Sequoia 15.1. It has a running web server, obviously Apache, but I can't modify it because it's on a system drive. /System/Library/Templates/Data/private/etc/...
Harry McGovern's user avatar
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How to set up web server with Perl CGI on Catalina

I've got an old MBP that's maxed out at MacOS 10.15.7 / Catalina, and I'm trying to use it as a web server capable of running Perl CGI scripts. Furthermore, I want to serve pages from ~/Sites; I want ...
Chap's user avatar
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Question about changing macOS Firewall option

I have installed Apache Web Server into one of my Mac. And then, I've been publishing this WebServer to inter-net. I'm also using OS built-in Firewall, and allow httpd to external connection. I ...
xanadu6291's user avatar
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Homebrew httpd suddenly stopped working in Ventura. "Successfully started" but status says "stopped."

My Homebrew Apache installation randomly stopped working today. It was working up until yesterday, and I was able to access my projects via localhost:8080. I recently updated my OS from Monterey to ...
otu.pjr's user avatar
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Apache + PHP - Internal Server Error + (13)Permission denied

Trying to get php working on my localhost. PHP has been code signed correctly and is running: AH06662: Allowing module loading process to continue for module at /opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/lib/httpd/...
Mou某's user avatar
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Apache configuration sonoma

I can't solve this problem, apache worked fine for me then I decide to do a clean installation of sonoma and when I navigate to localhost this message appear Forbidden You don't have permission to ...
Marco Dal Mas's user avatar
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Apache mod_rewrite not work

I am can enable mod_rewrite in Apache, in logs we can see error: /Users/rustam/Documents/www/laravel/public/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not ...
Wembley's user avatar
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How to disable the default Apache installation

I am trying to disable the default Apache installation on my M1 MBP, however I am hitting problems. Checking Apache configuration suggests the default is still configured. apachectl -S AH00558: httpd: ...
crmpicco's user avatar
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macOS Server Service Proxy reverse proxy request for specific host

Reverse Proxy for Home Assistant with macOS Server 5.3.1 Created a website within Server App for EXTERNALHOSTNAME.TLD Selected SSL Certificate for EXTERNALHOSTNAME.TLD Enabled web app in Advanced ...
Tim Apple's user avatar
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Apache (Homebrew) on macOS Monterey not reachable from network

I've installed Apache using Homebrew on a Mac Studio (M1) running Monterey and it works fine when working locally. But when I'm working on a website from a separate Ubuntu laptop, I often cannot ...
normen's user avatar
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Certbot 0.34.2 acme-challenge dns fails on Mac OS X 12.0.1 after clone data/ update to a new machine (came from OS X 10.15.7 Catalina)

I recently had to change my Mac machine (OS X 10.15.7 / Intel) to a bigger machine (OS X 12.0.1 / Intel). There I'm running a tomcat 9.0.39 As I wanted to renew the certificate it didn't work, it says:...
Peter Jackson's user avatar
2 votes
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How to increase open file and max processes limit for Apache Solr

I'm trying to run Apache Solr 8.8.1 on Ventura 13.0 and I get this warning: $ ./solr-8.8.1/bin/solr start *** [WARN] *** Your open file limit is currently 256. It should be set to 65000 to avoid ...
Eva's user avatar
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1 answer

Slow Loading of Localhosts - Is this DNS Resolvers?

The development server installed by Homebrew is responding slowly to requests. Previously, they were fast. About the time I installed and configured XDebug for the IDE I use, the response times ...
David C's user avatar
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1 answer

Strictly using "localhost" instead of "localhost:8888" Mac MAMP possible?

I just switched from windows to Mac. I used MAMP for my web development, and with it I could go to "localhost" and it would connect to the server. Now after installing MAMP on a Mac, "...
Andrew Nelson's user avatar
1 vote
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Location of "/usr/local/var/www" on M1 Mac (Big Sur)?

I'm trying to set up Apache which includes putting this path into httpd-vhosts.conf file: DocumentRoot "/usr/local/var/www" but I can't find the folder. The only path that seems to resemble ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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I get a 403 Forbidden error on MacOS Monterrey, Apache 2.4

On MacOS Monterrey, Apache 2.4, I get a 403 Forbidden page. I changed the User / Group in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, added "Include /etc/apache2/vhosts/adminer.conf" where adminer.conf content ...
10septembre's user avatar
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access webpages hosted by (macOS) apache web server on LAN where pages are served from a user home directory on the server machine

I would like to run a personal website that is accessible across users on the local area network. Specifically, imagine we have Mac #1 talking to Mac #2 via a router and the goal is to access a ...
jbjo's user avatar
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Chrome and Safari find localhost in two different locations

I've been trying to set up MAMP (macOS, Apache, MySQL, PHP) using Homebrew on macOS Monterey. I set the file directory for Apache as /Users/myname/Sites in httpd.conf. When I go to http://localhost in ...
superflippy's user avatar
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Httpd & PHP error after upgrading to Monterey version 12.3.1

I recently upgrade my Mac to Monterey v12.3.1, and when I check the httpd and php, with brew services list, its return status Error. I try to tail -f /usr/local/var/log/httpd/error_log, its return log:...
ASHafizullah's user avatar
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How can I specify a directory from which to run .cgi scripts using apache2 on macos12

I'd like to run .cgi scripts on macos12 running an apache webserver, which uses the Sites folder as webroot by default apparently, so I'd like to put my cgi there. I supposed I should be editing httpd....
jeremy_rutman's user avatar
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LaraDock virtual host not working on macOS Monterey Apache2

I have read many posts on the subject but none refers to exactly the same environment I have (macOS Monterey). So what I have done so far... I have successfully installed the latest versions of ...
Paul Godard's user avatar
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httpd showing in error state with brew services list on MacOS Monterey

When I look at my services installed with Homebrew Apache is always in an error state. When I do a syntax check on my Apache config it is fine and Apache is serving up content fine. It's only a minor ...
crmpicco's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Homebrew Apache errors after upgrading to Monterey, how to solve error 256

So, this seems to be a relatively common problem, but following the steps other users used to resolve the issue don't seem to be working for me. I recently upgraded OSX to Monterey on my early 2015 ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Several Header .h Files on Mac

I have been trying to clear out my mac, but I have hundreds of .h files that are in extremely hidden and imbedded files - I don't even know where they came from. Not only this, there can be up to 6-7 ...
Y-25's user avatar
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Apache stops working after installing Homebrew PHP (which is missing on Monterey)

Hello I have followed these instructions to configure builtin Apache web server on Macos 12.1, although I have realised that PHP was removed by Apple on Monterey. As such, I have installed homebrew ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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after updating php apache no longer loads at localhost on osx 10.12.6

I was trying to setup myphpadmin and it said I need to update php so I update php to 7.1 from terminal. I go to localhost and it says local server refused to connect. I restart apache then i typed ...
robert0z's user avatar
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How can I solve this cakephp/cakephp 4.2.8 requires ext-intl PHP extension error on macOS?

With a MacBook Pro, I use MAMP and I believe I already have intl PHP extension When i am trying to update my cakephp project via composer i am getting this error - Root composer.json requires ...
Yogesh Saroya's user avatar
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http://localhost/~username - 403 forbidden error

I'm in the process of setting up my local ~/Sites folder, but if I access the page http://localhost/~soren I get a 403 error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. I have read ...
Søren Sjøstrøm's user avatar
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How to implement or mimic https with Homebrew Apache?

So, I'm working on trying to develop a site using the location API and modern browsers either require you to make settings modifications, or to run the geolocation requests through https. I was ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Mutual authentication between my iPhone and webserver

I need to be able to access a secure portion of my website from my iPhone. It's a site directory ("infra") where I keep information and routines to manage my home's infrastructure UPS and ...
Paddy Carroll's user avatar
5 votes
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iPhone can't connect to Ubuntu Server VM running in Parallels on macOS

I use Parallels Desktop for my M1 Mac with Ubuntu Server ARM installed in the VM I made. I installed apache2, Node.js and npm on this VM, and it works, only on my Mac (when visiting the private IP of ...
SirStopIt's user avatar
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safari can't connect to localhost even configtest return no syntax error on Apache file

I have an iMac with High Sierra 10.13. It is an old machine so it cannot get further OS upgrade. I tried to reach localhost but it failed to connect with either Chrome or Safari. I tried looking into ...
Hoi Fei Kwok's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to use PHP in Apache on Big Sur

After using brew to install Apache version 2.4.46 on Mac OS Big Sur 11.2.3, and using brew to install PHP 8.0.6, I am unable to run PHP. I am running Apache from /usr/local/etc/httpd, and my Document ...
Herb's user avatar
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Different SSL certs being delivered to different platforms

I received reports of an invalid SSL cert on a site that I recently started managing. Testing it on a Linux PC and a Windows PC, I find that the cert being delivered is different from the one ...
Jellicle's user avatar
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Access maven from the terminal [duplicate]

I am newbie to Mac world! After unzipping the apache-maven binaries, I was trying to check its version from the terminal using a command, mvn -v But there I saw message restricting me its access, here ...
omjaijagdish's user avatar
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Apache config resetting after every OS update

This is infuriating. I have a lot of custom settings on my development Mac and every time there is an OS upgrade I have to go back and reset everything. I read somewhere that the old config is saved ...
I wrestled a bear once.'s user avatar
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macOS Catalina how to upgrade the Apache httpd [duplicate]

I have upgraded my laptop from Mojave to Catalina. I do not use my laptop with any of the Apache Services. My current version of Apache httpd is: Apache/2.4.41 My security team told me that I need to ...
Fabio's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache on localhost doesn't recognize a website unless I include the full path to index.html

Using MacOS 11.1 Big Sur, I'm developing static websites (ie just a standalone index.html, plus JavaScript and CSS files) on my localhost, with the files accessible under /Library/Web Server/Documents....
Stephen Lead's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache 403 error after Big Sur upgrade (Forbidden - You don't have permission to access this resource)

After upgrading my machine from Catalina to Big Sur, I can no more use a custom folder for my apache Server. I can still use the default Sites folder. <Directory "/Users/username/Sites/"&...
118218's user avatar
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Big Sur Updates Reset Apache Files

Concerning these Apache files: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/vhosts/httpd-vhosts.conf Unlike the previous version of MacOS, each Big Sur update resets these Apache .conf files to their original ...
Percy's user avatar
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How to run/manage websites on macOS versions *after* High Sierra?

High Sierra (10.13) is deprecated now that Big Sur (macOS 10.16/11) is out. High Sierra was the last version of macOS which supported websites (technically Apache, I believe) being managed through the ...
TJ Luoma's user avatar
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.htaccess not working after upgrading to php 8

Mac OS Catalina. I was using Apache with the default PHP shipped with the OS (7.3.11). I installed PHP 8 using Homebrew, replaced the PHP module in httpd.conf, and added the following code: <...
mosquid's user avatar
3 votes
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Big Sur Update wiped my /etc/apache2/extra

I think the title is self explanatory, but to say it again, I updated to MacOS 11 and all my extra configs of Apache decided to go bye-bye. To add insult to injury, there appeared a bunch of *.conf~...
Ant's user avatar
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I have seen a number of threads that are close but no answer quite hit the mark for my issue. I have a MacOS AMP environment for testing that was setup using homebrew and that had been working ...
Papa Joe Dee's user avatar
2 votes
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Change Apache2's Port Number

I recently enabled apache on my mac for local development. I would now like to use nginx as a reverse proxy, which I have done before, but I want to move apache to port 8080 so I can put nginx on port ...
nthnchu's user avatar
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macports mod_proxy configuration gives error AH01144 No protocol handler was valid for the URL .. scheme http

I am trying to a reverse proxy to get Apache Jena Fuseki which will only work on localhost:3030 visible from my intranet. I get the error message shown below although the proxy modules seem to be ...
Wolfgang Fahl's user avatar
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macOS catalina, Apache Benchmark (ab) not working, dyld library not loaded

I just got this error trying to install ab on my Catalina macOS: brew install homebrew/apache/ab Error: homebrew/apache was deprecated. This tap is now empty and all its contents were either ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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Why does phpinfo() still show 7.1 after upgrading to php 7.3 on macOS Mojave (10.14.6)?

I've attempted to upgrade my version of PHP to 7.3 by running: curl -s | bash -s 7.3 and then adding the new install to my PATH via the following line in my ~/....
Yabsley's user avatar
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