I'm using vmWare Fusion 5.0.3 on Mac OS X, and the guest OS is also Mac OS X.
The problem: I can't set the guest OS display resolution to a reasonable value. "Reasonable" here means anything that will fit on my MacBook Air's 1440x900 screen. Right now it's using 1680x1050. I can get (a) a window that fits the 1680x1050 guest display but which is bigger than my physical display, or (b) a window that fits my display but scales down the 1680x1050 to a painfully small size so that it all fits. If I go to full screen I also get 1680x1050 scaled to fit the screen.
I tried resizing the window, but that just changes the window size and scaling-- I still get 1680x1050 on the guest OS.
I'm not too picky as to size, but I want something that actually fits on my screen.
For what it's worth, I do have vmWare tools installed. I reinstalled them just to make sure, it didn't help.