I'm running MacOS 10.12.4 and I have a time machine backup that’s relatively current. I decided to download the 10.12.6 point update in the App Store. It downloaded the roughly 2 GB file. (I did not see when it finished because I left the Mac unattended near the end of the download.) When I returned to the Mac, the App Store showed 10.12.6 as something I could update, as if I never downloaded it in the first place. I pushed update and it wanted to re-download the 2 GB update, which I did not wish to do since it takes so long to download. I rebooted and it was the same story.
In /Library/Updates it does show up in a folder titled 091-22861, and if I open macOSUpdCombo10.12.6Auto.pkg which is roughly 1.7 GB it appears to be something that would actually install the update.
I didn't want to run that though since I was afraid doing it that way could mess something up. But at the same time I don't want the wasted space on my hard drive. So my question is, should I run that pkg? Or should I delete the 091-22861 folder? (The folder also contains a couple other pkg files and other minor files.) Also, in /Library/Updates the index.plist references 091-22861 and I would want to make sure that removing 091-22861 wouldn't cause any problems stemming from index.plist either.
Edit: For extra information, I found a website that ostensibly allows you to download the update without the app store, and it indicates six pkg files that you'd need to run in order, and in my 091-22861 folder it only has three of those pkg files. I'm not inclined to install it from within 091-22861 so is there a safe way to erase that folder, and would I need to deal with index.plist in any way?