I am running macOS Server and using the Time Machine service. I have a Drobo attached via Firewire 800. I've been backing up my workstations and laptops to it for about 2 years and have built-up backups history.
I would like to add a second Drobo to the backup server to use as an additional backup destination and configure the clients to alternate backups to the two Time Machine Drobos (TM1, and TM2). However, I'd like the second backup to include the backup history form the existing Sparesebundles.
Can I simply setup the new backup destination (TM2) and copy the sparsebundles from the original backup destination (TM1) and inherit those backups? That way, if one of the Drobos dies, or one of the backups get corrupt, I will have a the backup history from my other TM storage device.