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juandesant's user avatar
juandesant's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
24 votes

Is there a Mac equivalent for window snapping?

14 votes

Is it necessary to shutdown and unplug the power cord of Mac Mini every night?

9 votes

Snap feature for Mac?

4 votes

Paint.NET alternative for Mac OS X

4 votes

Is there a way to click a single icon and open multiple application at once?

3 votes

How to prevent Safari saved passwords being seen with Mac password?

2 votes

Is there a good SQL Diagram Editor/Drawing Mac App Tool?

1 vote Moving Emails from local folder to imap folder -> HDD space decreases temorarily

1 vote

How can I remove a keychain that won't delete?

0 votes

Macbook Pro Retina – "Battery Is Not Charging"

0 votes

How does iOS handle a connected Wi-Fi network that loses internet access?

0 votes

Is there a way to limit how frequently you can start an application?