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How to change language for automatic spelling correction on iPhone?

I want my iOS to recognise both UK and US spellings as correct, but prioritise one over the other, depending on which is the primary language used (but that's secondary). I came across solutions, ...
Kamil's user avatar
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How to add a correction to the personal dictionary

In macOS I can Right click -> Learn Spelling on a word for which the system thinks it is wrongly spelled, but (for me) it is spelled correctly. The word then gets added to my personal dictionary. ...
halloleo's user avatar
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Mac won't autocorrect 'hte'

This has been going on for way too long and I'm hoping someone can help me. For whatever reason, the last two Macs I've had have stopped autocorrecting the word 'hte'. I could of course just learn how ...
CAB's user avatar
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How to add word to iOS text correction dictionary? Learn Spelling / Hide Red Squiggly Line

I will often type a brand name or other word that the iOS text correction dictionary thinks is a typo or misspelled. This adds a red squiggly line under the offending word. Screenshot from Apple iOS ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Locating the file in which a dictionary word is stored

I misspelt the word "analogous", and I found that the system spellchecker offered "anbalagous" as a possible correction. As far as I can tell, "anbalagous" isn't a real ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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Mojave spell check keeps flagging correct words and tries to change them to grammatically incorrect words

So this has been driving me crazy - it feels like I have a grammar troll living in my computer. MacOS's spell checker keeps flagging words as misspelled that aren't. I notice it mostly in Mail, ...
Adam's user avatar
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Japanese system-wide spellchecker

I am looking for a relatively easy solution for a Japanese spellchecker (not a Japanese dictionary for the Dictionary app) in High Sierra. I would prefer a link to a downloadable spelling dictionary (...
Olga's user avatar
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Dictionary on my Mac never adds words, even when I tell it to "learn" when I'm spell-checking

Adding to the dictionary is not working for any app on my computer (word, messages, mail, etc.), and it hasn't through several OS upgrades, since I don't know when (we're on El Capitan now). This has ...
user243593's user avatar
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Adding a dictionary in different language and enabling spellchecking for that language too?

I always install the system with English and have no idea how to add a Spanish dictionary and spellchecking on my mac, how can it be done?
rraallvv's user avatar
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Is it possible to choose language for spell check for each individual mail?

I commonly write mails in different languages and would like to have the spell checker function with that. Previously I have been using Thunderbird on both my macs and linux machines, but recently I ...
posdef's user avatar
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Copying iOS autocorrect custom dictionary among devices

Is it possible to create a file of autocorrect entries for iOS devices and deploy it to all my company iPads (8 of them right now)? There are about 150 autocorrect entries that we'd like to setup on ...
ajm_from_sea's user avatar
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Is there a way to dynamically manipulate the spellcheck dictionary?

I would like to have a way to dynamically add and remove words from the system-wide dictionary in Mountain Lion. The use-case is: I'm working on a piece of fiction that has a lot of odd names in it ...
Joe Casadonte's user avatar
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Dictionaries and spell-checking

My default language is English, but I also sometimes type in Czech. I have added a Czech keyboard to OS X, and can switch between the two easily. The trouble is that OS X has no native Czech ...
Skeptic's user avatar
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Can I disable auto-correction of a single word on OS X?

I'm running into an annoying issue with OS X's automatic spelling correction where the word nala gets automatically corrected to napa. I've tried adding nala to my custom dictionary under ~/Library/...
RobV's user avatar
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What file contains user typed words (user dictionary)?

iOS tracks everything you type and uses those words to suggest spelling corrections. This list of words used to be a clear text list buried in /private or /System (I don't remember where, which is my ...
MERM's user avatar
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How can I tell OS X to flag a name as being misspelled?

I have a co-worked whose name is Jennett. In Pages, I added her to my local dictionary (located at ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary) by right-clicking on her name and choosing Learn Spelling. ...
Matthew Rankin's user avatar