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Is there a URL scheme for the Music app that allows me to link to a playlist?

I have started using Launch Center Pro and I'd like to create a shortcut for a playlist on Music. Is this possible using the URL scheme of the app? If so, how?
daviesgeek's user avatar
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Allowing HTTP links from localhost to local files in Safari

I have a Laravel view (hosted locally on my machine via Herd) that contains about 1,500 images, each with some text. The images are smaller, reduced-size thumbnails of original files; the thumbnails ...
Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar
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How to make deep links to iOS settings for reminders, without passing them through a shortcut?

Right now I have a reminder in the Reminders app with a URL attached, that passes in this deep link: prefs:root=DO_NOT_DISTURB* to the do not disturb section in the settings app, to a shortcut so the ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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Automator Quick Action to duplicate "Copy Link" in the service menu?

I open and search for a movie. The webpage has a tab called "Media" that contains thumbnail links to cover art images. If I click a thumbnail it opens the target file in ...
Scott Smith's user avatar
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Given an URL that opens an iOS app, how do I make that into a functional icon on the iOS home screen?

Like many former Mint users who had to transition to Credit Karma, I am frustrated by how many steps it takes to get to the data I want to see. Recently Credit Karma sent me a promotional e-mail with ...
marciot's user avatar
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How can I make file:// links open the file instead of revealing it in the Finder?

I can create a hyperlink within a document in e.g. TextEdit, and set the URL of the hyperlink to file:///path/to/my-file.txt. When I click on the hyperlink, I want my-file.txt to open in the default ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Scheme is removed from url in safari

If I call a website with an unknown "tld" like .loc, then safari is removing the scheme (in this case http://). This means that Safari will do a quick search, if I want to change something ...
Tarik Weiss's user avatar
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AppleScript & API

New to AppleScript and coding. First Script I'm trying to compile: Selecting and Copy URL in current Safari tab Sending it to Having the shortened URL copied to clipboard property theURL : &...
nicolasonline's user avatar
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Has Safari stopped forwarding link URLs to system services when using the link's context menu?

I seem to recall being able to right-click a link in Safari and use a system service from the context menu in order to send the actual link target URL to the service in question. Nowadays when right-...
Andreas's user avatar
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Cannot save Chrome links to desktop / Finder

I'll often save links from Chrome to my desktop or Finder, simply by dragging the URL from the address bar to wherever I want to save the shortcut to. But all of a sudden it won't let me anymore. I ...
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iPhone Shortcuts open URL in background in Safari

How can I use iPhone Shortcuts to open the current page in a new background tab in Safari? (So I can continue navigating to other pages in the current tab) I see that I can use shortcuts to open the ...
XDR's user avatar
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Safari on iOS won't load a page on my WordPress, only toplevel domain

I'm trying to text someone a page on my website. When I tested it the url in the text message was changed from to , the end of the url being ...
RottenFuji's user avatar
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Why my machine, automatically goes to this IP/domains

Why my machine, automatically goes to this IP/domains. I have installed VM with windows 7 and I have wordpress site with xammp server and that is all. Is they are safe domains or not? Because I see ...
Valentin Gjorgoski's user avatar
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Highlight and copy text within hyperlink in a pdf

Say there is a phrase in a pdf file that is a hyperlink: "This is a hyperlink". How can I select/highlight just the text in the middle in order to copy and paste it elsewhere without opening the link? ...
YTD's user avatar
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URL for Omnifocus Context

I would like to use a URL in Launch Pad Pro to open the "Home" context in OmniFocus whenever I get home. I know to get to a perspective you use: omnifocus:///perspective/PerspectiveName But I've ...
Aaron's user avatar
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2 answers

How to download a list of URLs saved in a text file on iOS? [closed]

I have a list of URLs saved in a text file separated by spaces, and I would like to download every single one to my iPad as a zip file. How can I do that?
Galaxy-Coding's user avatar
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Can I use AppleScript to paste a web text clip appended with source attribution and a timestamp, while maintaining embedded links?

Complete newbie here so please let me know if I need to clarify or otherwise improve my question. I have searched multiple times using different keywords and have not been able to find a solution to ...
Web Smith's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hyperlink between Apple Notes pages [duplicate]

Is there a way to hyperlink within Notes, from one Note entry & back?
Frederick C. Lee's user avatar
-2 votes
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Email link to a local file (e.g. file://User/...)

This has been asked before, but the only solution I've seen requires the recipient to install some software (e.g. lincastor), which doesn't work for me. Any better ideas?
Demiurg's user avatar
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